Chapter 20
Marcus took a drive he needed to clear his mind and figure out another plan, he knew Gnomeo wasn't bluffing.
''I could always call them and tell them to kill James Redbrick but then again if I do that then I'll never get a chance to get Juliet hmm I need to think what can I do that will make Juliet love me and leave that annoying guard? or I could always find another girl to fall in love with and then kill Redbrick without worrying about Juliet.
He continued to drive until he came to a small town and saw a bar and decided to stay and get a drink. He walked in to see it a little busy he went to the bar and saw a beautiful brunette gnome with blue eyes and wearing a barmaid dress she was cute and she came over.
''Hey I'm Jade and what can I get you to drink?'' She asked looking at him.
''Whatever is the strongest drink you have.'' He said smiling at her and feeling something strange and tingly in his body.
She came back and their hands touched. ''Say can I buy you a drink?'' He asked.
''Sorry I still have another hour and I don't really drink.'' She shrugged.
''Well I can get you one after your shift, it can be any drink.'' He said trying.
''Ok then after work.'' She giggled and got to work.
Later Jade finished and went over to where Marcus was and tapped his shoulder, he turned with a smile.
''I'm Marcus.'' He smiled holding out his hand.
''I'm Jade.'' She smiled and shook his hand.
''So um what is there to do here?'' He asked a bit tipsy.
''Well I usually walk home on nice nights I'm a ways away.'' She smiled.
''Mind if I give you a ride?'' He asked wanting to spend more time with her.
''Sure.'' She smiled as they got in his car and he followed her directions feeling something inside of him wanting to be with her.
They drove and talked for a bit. ''So how long have you been here?''
''All my life.'' She smiled. ''Why are you here?''
''I just needed time to think and get out to meet someone.'' He said.
''Oh I see having trouble with something?'' She asked.
''You could say that.. There is a girl I've been after since I first met her but now she with someone else and I don't want to ruin anything for her.'' He sighed driving.
She placed her hand on his. ''You truely did love her but there are other girls out there who would want your attention.'' Jade said looking at him.
''Yeah you think? What about you boyfriend or anything?'' He asked.
''Nah I'm more of a free spirit and waiting for the right guy to drop in and love me for me.'' She grins.
''Why you rich?'' He smiled teasingly.
''Well sort of I live comfortable with enough to get pretty much anything.'' She smiled.
''Same here I own a company but there really no use in being rich if you have no one to share it with.'' He said holding her hand.
''True.'' They came to her place.
''Come on in I could use the company.'' She winked.
He went in with her.
Meanwhile Gnomeo and Juliet were at his place eating pizza and watching tv.
''I'm surprised Marcus let me see you I wonder what changed his mind?'' She wondered.
''Oh I threaten to blackmail him by putting you and him in jail and since he really does care about you he listened I have enough dirt on him to get him arrested. Though I used you to get it that way I would never turn you into the cops even if you were arrested I could get you a reduced sentence since you were forced to steal this stuff.'' He said using his finger to wipe away the cheese from her lips.
''Oh Gnomeo well it worked and he left.. I'm worried he'll kill my dad though it was stupid of you to do that!'' She stood up upset at him.
''Juliet calm down he's not gonna kill your dad, I never mentioned your dad and Marcus loves you and in his mind if he wants a chance with you he can't kill your dad doing that you'll leave and his life will be over.. besides Wilson texted me he's almost cracked it.'' He said standing up going over to her.
''How do you know he'll do whatever he can to get me and I don't want my dad to die because of me.'' She cried.
Juliet!'' He backed her to the wall and she looked up at him, taking a deep breath.
''You need to trust me on this I know what I'm doing.'' He said.
She looked at him sighing. ''I'm sorry Gnomeo.''
He lifts up her face staring at her. ''Its ok.'' And they started kissing each other passionately wrapped his arms around her and she moans and plays with his hair.
Back with Jade and Marcus they had been talking. ''You are so handsome.'' She giggled.
''And your beautiful.'' He then kisses her and she kisses back both enjoying and lost in the kiss.
He leans her to the couch as they kissed and his hand removed her dress looking down at her body. He kisses her playing with her body.
Gnomeo and Juliet..
Gnomeo had removed Juliet's clothes and kissing her, his hands running up her body and flicking her nipples.
Both Jade and Juliet moaned as they were being touched and kissed roughly and passionately, they wrapped their legs around their guys.
Marcus and Jade..
Marcus took off his pants and kisses and she was shocked at his size and bit her lip. ''Here put this on.'' She gave him a condom.
He places it on and pushes inside of Jade who whimpers and moans at the pleasure she was enjoying and Marcus was such a passionate lover, she loved him and didn't want to let go.
He found himself wanting Jade more then anyone he had forgotten about Juliet and looked at her with love.
''Jade.'' He thrusts harder into her and she moans and kisses his chest as he thrusts and kisses her lip pushing into her pussy as deep as he could and he kisses her neck getting turned on by her.
Gnomeo and Juliet...
Gnomeo was thrusting into Juliet and his finger was playing with her clit she whimpers moaning throwing back her head.
''Gnomeo/Marcus!'' Both girls called out in pleasure.
''Juliet/Jade!'' The guys shouted.
Both couples were kissing and thrusting as Gnomeo kisses her all over and thrusts deeply into Juliet as they both orgasm and then they cuddle watching tv and fell asleep.
Marcus and Jade...
Marcus looking at Jade who giggled and laid on her bed.
''I haven't had that happen in years.'' She moans.
''Really well I'm sorry to hear that.'' He kisses her.
''Yeah it was a drunken one-night fling but this was way better.'' She cuddled into his chest as he traces and fondles with her nipples, and they hold each other falling asleep on the bed.
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