Chapter 18
Gnomeo went back to Wilson and went in.
''Gee dude put on some pants.'' Gnomeo said turning around.
''You know you can knock.'' Wilson said grinning and put on his boxers and came over still eating a taco.
''Yeah I'll do that mate, um here we got the descrambler.'' Gnomeo said handing it to him.
''That was quick I wasn't exspecting it until tomorrow, what did you do sleep with the receptionist?'' He teased.
''No it was all Juliet's doing?'' Gnomeo said smiling.
''Oh she got you doing all kinds of crazy things huh?'' Wilson teased.
''Sort of.'' He said grabbing a water.
''So I get why she is doing all of this but why are you?'' Wilson asked.
''Well I like her and I want to help her and well I don't know.'' Gnomeo said.
''You do know last time you helped your ex-girlfriend Abigail she cheated on you after using you.'' Wilson said.
''Yeah I know but Juliet is different she not like Abigail.'' He said sighing.
''Alright I'm working on this looks like it will take about 10 minutes to do.'' Wilson said.
''Ok sounds great.'' Gnomeo said.
He heard a door close and saw a hot sexy blond come out in nothing but her bra and panties. ''Thanks for last night Willy.'' She winked and blew a kiss at Gnomeo and left.
''What was that?'' Asked Gnomeo.
''So I had fun last night you ain't the only one who can have fun.'' Wilson said.
Once the girls and Marcus got back home the two went upstairs to bed, Juliet went to get some water and she looked at her screen saver of her and Gnomeo she sighed happily.
''So beautiful great job.'' Marcus had his arms around Juliet's waist and kissed the side of her neck.
''Let go of me.'' She growled pulling away.
''Juliet why are you fighting me? Your leading me, yes and no here and there come on what are you playing at or are you using me you know what happens if you cross me.'' He growled.
''I don't know what game you are playing Marcus how could I you have my dad locked up I did what you asked and slept with you! What more do you want?!'' She asked rolling her eyes.
''I want you to be my girlfriend I want to date you Juliet, I love you I can't hide that anymore I want you!'' He said pinning her to the wall.
''I don't want you Marcus!'' She shouted.
''Why?'' He pins her to the wall with his body.
''Because you're using me! Blackmailing me to do your dirty work, the only way to keep my dad alive is to do as you say and I've done more then enough for that, if you loved me you would let him go!'' She tried to get away.
Marcus ran a hand down her leg and up her dress. ''I love you and since you won't be with me willingly this is the only way to do it Juliet, if you agree to be mine then I'll let your dad go.'' He touches her underwear, his body against hers kissing her neck and then captures her lips.
She knew the only way to get out, she kisses back her hands ran over his chest pressing against his and then she swept his feet out from under him as he hit his head and was knocked out cold.
''I have a boyfriend and I'm not leaving him.'' She growled and got in her car taking off.
She went to Gnomeo's apartment and broke down crying her eyes out. She pulled out her phone and called him.
''G-Gnomeo please say you got something.'' She cried.
''Juliet! Are you alright?'' He asked worried.
''Yeah I'm good just did you get anything yet?'' She asked.
No we ran into a problem the area where he is being kept as the power is out and it will take a bit so no we can't get anything are you ok? Where are you?
'I'm at your place I- I can't stay at my place anymore.' She broke down crying.
'Go inside my key is in my mailbox and I will be there shortly.' He said.
'O-OK.' She sniffled.
''Everything ok buddy?'' Asked Wilson.
''No Juliet is sad and scared and I'm gonna find out what is going on.'' He said as he left.
''I'll let you know what I got!'' Called Wilson.
Gnomeo drove as fast as he could he wanted to get to his girlfriend.
Meanwhile Juliet went inside and was stopped when she saw a female gnome with blond hair. ''Who are you?'' Asked the girl.
''Um this is Gnomeo's place.'' Juliet said.
''Yeah it is but I'm his girlfriend and who are you?'' The blond asked.
''I'm his girlfriend.'' Juliet said standing tall.
''Oh your that slutty chic from the bar yeah well he is taken.'' Abigail said smirking.
''Really then how did you get in?'' Asked Juliet who held up the key.
''He always leaves the window opened easy now please leave I want it to be me when Gnomey gets here.'' Abaigail said opening the door for Juliet.
She laughed. ''Yeah right you leave see you never.'' Juliet grins.
''Say aren't you underage I mean you look like a cute little sister to him so small and cute.'' Abigail smiles and pats Juliet's cheek and she grabbed her arm growling.
''Don't touch me get out he gave me permission to be here.'' Juliet said.
''Sure loser but get out!'' Abigail shouted.
Juliet shoved Abigail and she tackles Juliet to the ground, both girls rolling around punching and hitting each other. Juliet stood up and grabbed Abigail's hair pulling on it, and Abigail growls and punches Juliet in the face and left a mark on her arm and neck Juliet gave her a black eye and cracked lip.
Gnomeo came in and was shocked and he grabbed Juliet off of Abigail and picked up Abigail.
''What is going on?! Abby you know how I said you don't live here well get out.'' Gnomeo said pushing her to the door.
''Gnomeo this random girl came in and--'' She started.
''Yes I told her to we are over Abigail now leave!'' He shoves her out shutting the door and turned to see Juliet in a corner crying.
''Juliet what happened?'' He got on his knees and hugged her standing her up.
''Its awful I'm gonna lose my dad.'' She cried.
''What happened?'' He asked.
''Marcus wants me to be his girlfriend and he touched me its the only way to save my dad! I don't want him I want you..'' She hugs Gnomeo.
''You won't Wilson is working on it as we speak, where is Marcus now?''
''I knocked him out before he can rape me the only way out of this is if I'm with him.'' She cried.
''Not happening Juliet he won't have you, I won't let him and I love you I will confront him over it you are mine and I will not give you up Juliet, and you can stay here as long as you want.'' He kisses her.
''Oh Gnomeo.'' She kisses him passionately as they fell to the couch and she removes his clothes he ran his big hands under her dress pulling it off and they grope moan and touch each other, he thrusts into her and she runs her tongue over his tongue and he uses his hand to play and squeeze her soft tender breasts and she grabs his chest pushing him off as he pushes more against her.
''Juliet you sexy woman.'' He kisses her neck she moans and arches her body and he thrusts faster into her and she kisses him panting and gasping.
Both came at the same time and they kissed each panting as he was looking down at her.
''Gnomeo I want to go again-- only leave me in charge.'' She giggles.
''Anything you want sexy.'' He kisses her.
''In that case, I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk and everyone will know your mine with all the marks on each other.'' He kisses her.
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