Chapter 1: War
They've been fighting for months. All three of them. The three strongest Crews in Los Santos. They were once one large crew. The Banana Bus Squad. All friends happy working hard together. But... Greed then kicked in. Sides were picked. Friendships broken. Trust lost. And many innocent lives taken.
All three sides need one thing. And that is a hacker. The only hacker left in Los Santos. MiniLadd.
(Mini P.O.V)
I sigh as I walk down the street. My phone in hand as I find targets. I needed to make rent again... I didn't like stealing money.. but since this war thing started between The Crews it's been hard to get a job since my last one was blown up by the Masquerade Crew a month ago... My landlord is getting ready to kick me out. I sigh and look around. Then the next thing I know I have a hand over my mouth. "Scream and this'll be worse for you~" I hear a voice whisper in my ear. I shudder and feel a gun pressing into my back. Then a car pulls in front of us and a guy pulls a gun out and shoots the guy holding me. A guy in a red blazer steps out. I immediately recognize him. Vanoss. I gulp. "Craig Thompson?" I lick my lips and step back away from him. He knows my name... That is Not good... "Y-Yes..." I say I curse at myself for being so scared. "I've got a deal to make with you." I gulp as a motorcycle pulls up a guy in a hockey mask gets off. I know that mask too... Delirious... God this can't get any worse.. two of the city's most wanted men standing in front of me. "Vanoss! He's mine bitch!" Delirious yells at Vanoss walking over with a pistol out. I turn and run down an ally way. Only to feel arms wrap around me and me getting pulled into a van. I feel a cloth cover my face. I curse as my brain becomes fuzzy from the chloroform. I then black out.
(Tyler P.O.V)
"Yo! Ty! Guess what I picked up!" I look over at Luke and see an unconscious man slung over his shoulder "Found this kid running from Vanoss.... And Delirious. Obviously they want him so I nabbed him." I groan and walk over I pick the guys head up. "This is MiniLadd... The British Hacker. The one that almost crumbled the stock market. This guy is a Huge snag man. Lay him down in my room. Let him wake up somewhere comfortable. We want this guy on our side."
(Mini P.O.V)
I wake up in a bed. A dull headache throbs in my head. I sit up slowly and I walk to the door. And I peak out. I see a bunch of men around a table. I immediately recognize the man at the head of the table. With the pig mask and helmet. He wore this fluffy collar leather jacket with no shirt and black shorts. He looks straight at me and waves me over. I gulp and step out walking to the table. "Hello MiniLadd. I'm Wildcat. As you probably know" I bite my lip and a bearded man comes up behind me and makes me go closer to the table. "Why am I here?" "We want you to Join us." Wildcat says. "Me? Why?" "Becuase. Your good at what you do. And we need someone like you. On this team." I shake my head "I can't." I can see him frown. "Why not." He says in a pissed tone. "I don't hack. not anymore." "I will give you anything you would want. Just name it." I tale a step back. Anything? No. He won't. He'll kill you when he doesn't need you. But we need the money... I don't want to go back to England. I'd get arrested on the spot. You can't trust this guy. "I'll think about it..." He nods "Toonz. Escort MiniLadd back to his apartment." The bearded man nodded and held my arm tightly and dragged me out.
That night I sat in my apartment. Wildcat's card in my hand. I really need that cash... Especially with family back home... They need it... They'll lose everything if I don't... The front door is kicked open and I see two men standing in the doorway. I jump off my couch and i try to run for the back door. But I ended up getting tackled by this short guy. "Your not going anywhere punk." I recognized the shrill voice in my ear. I have Lui Calibre sitting on me pinning my arms against my back. I look up from the floor to see Delirious In front of me. I gulp "MiniLadd..." He grabs the collar of my shirt and hoisted me up. "Your coming with Me." I gulp and feel something hard hit my head.
Everything went black.
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