Three Originals in NO:
Hayley raised her eyebrow at the blonde in front of her.
She had complicated thoughts on her.
Rebekah was the only female original vampire and they just portrayed her as desperate for a man and to have a family of her own.
See, that is not a bad thing at all and its a normal and admirable dream.
Every episode we were reminded how she wanted so badly to be human again so she can marry a man and have babies.
It's probably been said a million times, but Rebekah and Marcel should never have been a couple
They never made sense at the end of the show either, they just couldn't figure out a different happy ending for Rebekah.
A.N. I personally thought that Elena and Rebekah should've been endgame instead of Delena and Marbekah
Hayley needed a way to get Rebekah her happy ending but right now she had to pretend to hate the blonde since it'd be suspicious if she acted all loving towards her.
That is unless the blonde does something bad and then her hate will be real.
"First off sweetheart," she growled at the blonde as she advanced to the blonde in a threatening manner causing the blonde to look shocked as she didn't expect the wolf to respond.
Hayley dismissed the reaction and walked to Rebekah until she was standing in front of her face.
"Mikaelson sister or not, I don't take disrespect from anybody. So how about instead of acting like a brat, you ask me nicely where your brothers are and maybe I'll tell you. Secondly, my name is Hayley not wolf girl. Third of all, as you mentioned I'm a wolf and I don't take kindly to being threatened while I'm pregnant. So unless you want me to bury you alive. Back. Off."
Hayley's golden eyes stared Rebekah down, daring her to do anything.
Rebekah advanced forward menacingly toward to she-wolf to show her what happened to those who messed with an Originals vampire before a darker pair of golden eyes stepped in front of the wolf causing her to halt.
Klaus stood in front of Hayley protectively.
His vampire side screaming at him to attack her for coming near the woman carrying his child.
His werewolf side was ready to do anything to protect his mate and cub.
"Walk any closer and you will regret coming back to this city, Rebekah."
Rebekah paused looking at her brother standing in front of her.
He had his claws out and his hybrid face was out from the eyes to the teeth showing he will make good on his promise.
But Rebekah didn't back down and glared at her hybrid brother.
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!"
"Rebekah," Elijah came out from the doors that Klaus had come from in the original timeline and began to reprimand her sister for her behaviour.
While Elijah was basically scolding Rebekah, Klaus had turned to Hayley and assessed whether or not his sister had done any harm to her.
"Are you all right?"
Hayley nodded, "I'm not a damsel in distress, Klaus. I had it under cover."
Klaus only looked at her with a smirk knowing she most definitely was not a damsel and was going to say how she was a queen when Rebekah interrupted.
"And what could you possibly do to me wolf girl?"
Hayley only raised her eyebrow at the blonde.
"It's simple really. I would've aggravated you even more, grabbed the vase to the left of me and smashed it against your head. It would've stopped you for a second which is all I would've needed to grab the table to the left and get the leg. You may have snapped my leg but I grew up on the streets. I would play dirty to survive. And if that meant digging my nails into your eyes until they started bleeding or punched you in your breasts or even pulling you by your hair I would've. And then I would've subdued you by driving the stake into your heart. Once that was done, I would've ripped your head off and burned your body. I may not be able to kill you but I sure as hell know how to defend myself."
Klaus discreetly adjusted his pants.
God this woman, he thought, silently thanking whoever was looking out for him.
Rebekah looked stunned at the woman before nodding impressed.
"It's nice to know that my brothers taste hasn't deteriorated over the years,"
Hayley looked confused before realising what Rebekah was talking about.
"Klaus and I are-,"
Klaus had interrupted her in fear of her rejecting the idea of them together.
"Rebekah, I assume the six dead vampires were your doing?"
This steered Rebekah's attention as she looked at Klaus with nothing but anger in her eyes but her tone gave off nothing but neutral.
"They were very rude. Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry, were they friends of yours?" Rebekah paused. "Oh, that's right, you don't have any friends."
"I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you?"
Hayley glanced over as Rebekah's heartbeat sped up slightly, and she knew Klaus heard it too.
"Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the 'King of the Quarter' now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you."
"I don't care about Marcel or his rules. I came for Elijah and seeing as he remains dagger free, I'm going to go shopping."
And with that being said, Rebekah left the room.
Klaus turned to Hayley and held out his arm.
"Well now that's over, let's go back to planning how to get our city back."
Hayley took his arm and they went back to the war room, trying to ignore the butterflies she felt when Klaus said 'our' whilst looking at her.
Elijah only smiled at his brother, happy to see that the she-wolf was helping him reconnect with his human side.
Time Skip
Once they got a plan set, the brothers left to do their jobs and Hayley had repeatedly reassured Klaus that she could take care of herself and she would call him if she was in any danger.
There was no food in the house.
Hayley looked through the whole kitchen.
There was nothing!
She barely refrained from slapping her forehead when she remembered that she was living with literal vampires.
Going out of the house was scarier than she'd ever admit out loud, but she was starving.
And her baby agrees.
So who is she to not listen if her stomach is literally growling at her which is probably the babys way of telling her mother she's hungry.
Klaus was out with Marcel.
Elijah was speaking to his contacts about the issues in Mystic Falls.
And Rebekah, as she said before, was shopping.
Getting the food was easy, getting home wasn't.
It was getting dark and the nightwalkers would be out within the hour.
Hayley was passing a park when a girl ran up to her, grabbing her arm.
Instinctively, Hayley's hand went to her wrist, gripping it tight enough for the witch to let go.
Hayley couldn't see her face but because of what she was wearing and the darkness surrounding us, but she immediately knew it was a witch.
"Who the hell are you?" she snarled at the witch.
Despite Hayley being able to smell the witches fear and feel her trembling in her hand, the witch smiled.
She placed a small vial in my hand. "Put a few drops in some tea and it will work."
Hayley's eyes widened, recognizing it as wolfsbane.
"It's an unholy town for wolves, do the right thing."
Before Hayley could say anything to the witch, she was already jogging away into the darkness.
There were no trash cans around and Hayley didn't want to litter, so she shoved it into her pocket and kept walking.
She had only been walking for a few minutes when she heard a twig snap.
"Dumb move, coming into the Quarter. You're coming with me, wolf." The vampire demanded, spitting out the last word as if it were poison.
When he got closer to her, she punched him in the jaw with my free hand before slamming his head against the lamppost knocking him out.
She turned around, shoulders straightening for a fight when she saw two more vampires.
Just like the show, Rebekah had showed up, snapping the neck of one and ripping out the other's heart. "Now that is no way to treat a pregnant lady," Rebekah looked down at the now-dead vampires. "I do hate bad manners."
"Rebekah," Hayley greeted.
The blonde raised her eyebrow. "Nik is pissed at you."
Hayley only held out her arm watching as Rebekah took it before answering, "Let me do the talking."
Unfortunately, Rebekah didn't listen.
They returned to see Klaus throwing a final body onto a small pile in the front courtyard.
Klaus turned and saw Hayley and his entire façade fell.
He walked calmly to her, placing his hands on her arms to assess whether she had any injuries and if she did, there'd be hell to pay.
Hayley saw Klaus glowing eyes she placed her hand on top of Klaus' hand.
"We're ok. I only went to get food because I was hungry. And when I say I, I mean we."
She rubbed her stomach to show that 'we' meant her and the baby.
Klaus was about to say something but Rebekah had started walking towards the pile of bodies, and only stopped at Klaus's shout. "Leave him!"
"You've done enough, don't you think?" He waved his hand. "Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?"
"If I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed." Rebekah told him. "And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing! Elijah made a deal to protect your child so that it could save you from your selfish, rotten self. But you obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah, because what have you done to honour it?!"
Hayley growled at Rebekah and stepped closer but Klaus held out his arm without taking his eyes off of his sister to stop her from moving.
A.N. Basically what he's doing also I love Gilijah
"I have done everything." Klaus seethed. "Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From day one, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which, as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control."
The girls watched as Klaus grabbed the vampire who was still alive from the pile.
"And this one – I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight."
Rebekah and Hayley followed him as he dragged the vampire into the house.
"Does anyone have any more questions?" Neither of us spoke. "No? Good, because I have a question. Hayley why is there wolfsbane on you?"
Hayley watched carefully as he tried to calm himself down.
"I was walking back home, before nightwalkers could come out, mind you, when a witch ran up to me," she spoke calmly, not wanting to anger him.
"She shoved wolfsbane in my hand and ran, the vampires showed up, then me and Rebekah came here and well you know what happened after that."
She looked between the Mikaelson siblings.
"I'm going to go upstairs and eat."
Time Skip
Hayley was almost asleep when Klaus entered the room.
He was near her bed, the vail of wolfsbane in his hand.
"I didn't use it, Klaus." she spoke.
Klaus' head snapped up and she could see the vulnerability in his eyes.
"You're awake little wolf."
"I couldn't sleep," she said as she sat up in the bed and patted the space next to her for him to sit down.
Why didn't she get rid of their child when the opportunity presented itself?
It's all he could think about ever since he smelt wolfsbane on her.
Klaus stared at the goddess next to him and was almost afraid to ask.
But he had to know.
"What stopped you?" Klaus asked. "You could have been free of all of this... of me."
Hayley wanted to hug him in that moment but she held herself back.
"I could never settle down with any pack I met. I always felt like I was different from them. I never belonged. When I was 13, my adoptive parents left me to the streets to fend for myself when they realised I wasn't what they wanted." Hayley paused, her throat tightening a bit.
"I guess I like to think that maybe this baby could be my family."
Her eyes welled at the thought of her teenaged daughter.
Her family.
Klaus placed his hand on Hayley's cheek.
"I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I," Klaus said. "We're both castoffs who have learned to fight when we're backed into a corner."
Hayley looked up at him. "Well, we're backed into a corner now."
"Ah, that we are. It's time to fight little wolf."
Hayley smiled at him and Klaus decided right there and then, that he would always make her smile because her smile was the brightness to chase away any darkness.
Klaus tensed, unaware that his hand had dropped off of Hayley's cheek.
How could he possibly think that Hayley would ever stay with him?
She deserved better than him.
Hayley sensing Klaus' inner turmoil placed her hand on the back of his neck and placed her forehead against his.
Klaus' eyes closed instinctively as he felt a wave of calm wash over him.
Once Hayley could sense that Klaus had calmed down, she let go of his neck but neither of the pair moved from their position.
Gently, she placed her hand on his stubbled cheek.
"We're in this together Klaus. And that means we have to work together. I know you may be thinking that you're a monster and I'm going to run but I promise you, I'm going to stay here by your side."
Klaus seeing nothing but sincerity in her eyes, smiled at her gratefully before kissing her forehead gently.
"Rest little wolf. War can wait for tomorrow."
Once Hayley had drifted off to sleep, Klaus left the room and sat down with Elijah in the war room.
"Do not trust Rebekah."
Elijah's head snapped up from the book he was reading.
"No brother. I am not risking the safety of my mate and cub for Rebekah to go on her little quest to think she can fall in love with Marcellus and all will be well. He has the city we built and we want it back. Rebekah will have to choose and it seems she had already chosen her side from what I could tell about her run-in with Marcellus."
Elijah's eyes narrowed.
"What are you saying, Niklaus?" Elijah inquired.
Klaus only shook his head.
"Be wary of those around you brother. I need you by my side to take back the city so I have no reason to dagger you. But Rebekah will believe that Marcellus will choose his love for her over the city. And she will do whatever it takes to have her little fantasy dream."
"Niklaus," Elijah sighed.
"It's not my paranoia speaking brother. It's my wolf. And he's telling me to be wary of Rebekah as she poses a threat to my mate and cub. And who am I to not listen when a threat has been decided? I mean it, Elijah. Do not share anything to her that might give Marcel the advantage over us. You told me that this city was to be our fortress against our enemies."
Elijah looked at Klaus warily as to where he was going with this.
"An enemy sleeps in our beds. Celebrates in our home. Walks around the city we built as if he is a king. Marcellus is an enemy. And an enemy to us, is an enemy to Hayley and our child and that is something I will not let stand."
Elijah nods.
"Well Niklaus, shall we continue discussing our plans for the Guerras?"
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