9. daisies for daisy.
After Christmas, Daisy spent the last week of her Christmas break sending three letters to each of her friends, flying her broom over to Fortescue's ice cream shop, and rewatching Home Alone due to Lily's insisting. James finally finished his homework, the morning of the day they were returning to Hogwarts, and while on a walk to a nearby Muggle pizza place, the eight of them were cornered by reporters.
"Harry Potter, how was your Christmas?" asked an intruding reporter, shoving a microphone up to his face. Harry, who had an arm wrapped around his wife, lazily shrugged.
"Brilliant as always."
"Did you and your family get some peace?"
"I mean ... until now?" answered Antheia confusedly. "If you don't mind, we're looking to have a quiet, private lunch."
"OK, then we'll cut right to the chase," said the reporter. The others lifted up their cameras and sound equipment. Daisy's stomach was grumbling. "We have sources saying that you and Harry Potter will be getting a divorce. Is this true—"
"Leave my wife alone!" snapped Harry. "I - I know the Minister of Magic personally. Ever heard of Hermione Granger? She could get the lot of you fired!"
The reporters backed away; "Granger" was one of the most powerful names in the Wizarding World. As Harry and Antheia walked on, Daisy, Thomas, Benjamin, James, Lily, and Remus close behind, a female reporter with blonde curly hair and wiggly glasses approached James.
"Hi there, James Potter," she said, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. He looked anywhere but at her. "Who's the girl with you?"
"Er - my sister?" he answered, pointing at Lily. Daisy laughed to herself; though the reporters were clearly talking about her, James had clearly mastered how to avoid excessive conversations with cameras.
"The blonde," clarified the reporter, shooting a weird face at Daisy. "New girlfriend? You know your fans would be heartbroken."
"We're not going out!" interrupted Daisy. James nodded.
"The question wasn't for you, dear."
"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" yelled James. "She can answer whoever she wants!"
Remus pat his back and pulled his arm, trying to drag him away from the situation. Antheia had heard the scream and made her way over.
"Leave our kids alone or the Minister will hear about this," she warned with a low voice. "And believe me, you do not want to mess with Hermione Granger's friends and family."
Afterward, they enjoyed a delicious lunch. The food was one of the best that Daisy had had during the break. Looking back on it now, she knew she would miss the Potter house — until summer, that is.
Now, she was sitting on a tall armchair in the Gryffindor common room, her hair tied and broom in her hand, about to go to the field for some Quidditch practice. As it was the first practice after the break, Fred had declared it optional. He had even claimed that he would not be coming, but the field was reserved for whichever Gryffindors wanted to practice their skills before the upcoming match.
Marlee plopped down onto the chair next to Daisy's, her hair in a low bun, yawning.
"Wanna practice with me, Marls?"
"It's too early, Daisy," she said, looking at her in disbelief. "It's our first morning back after the break! Don't you want to sleep in or eat some warm breakfast?"
"We have a match against Slytherin!"
"That's not till February." Marlee stretched her arms. "Rose and Alice said they're not going today. And I saw Thomas passed out on a sofa last night so he probably isn't either."
"But -" said Daisy quietly, "but that only leaves —"
"Let's go practice, Daisy!" exclaimed James, skipping over to them.
"How are you so energetic?" asked Marlee. "You stayed up till midnight doing karaoke in the common room!"
"I stayed up till two o'clock," corrected James. "And what's better after a long night of singing than some refreshing air?"
"Right, just give me a moment, Potter," sighed Daisy, avoiding eye contact. He nodded and walked towards another group of Gryffindors. Marlee shot her a look.
"Are you OK?" she asked. "What, did he kiss another girl during the break and now you're regretting not realizing your obvious feelings for him earlier?"
Daisy shook her head.
"I kissed him on the cheek on Christmas Eve and now I'm worried that he'll think it was ... y'know ..." she admitted, putting her head in her hands. Marlee gasped.
"Why would you do that? Are you mad?"
"It was in the heat of the moment!" defended Daisy. "He was acting super mature and kind and ... and his ... his hair was looking really cool."
Marlee looked both amused and irritated at the same time.
"Have fun at Quidditch practice, then!" she gave a small, teasing smile. Daisy got up and pushed her lightly and the sleepy girl laughed. She then walked towards the portrait hole, called out for James, and began striding towards the Quidditch field.
James caught up to her quickly, running a hand through his hair and resting his Firebolt on his shoulder as he and Daisy walked down the moving stairs towards the field. Many of the paintings were sleeping as they walked by and Daisy was starting to hope that she was, too.
When they reached the empty field, birds were chirping overhead and the sun was shimmering across the perfect grass. However, there wasn't a single person in sight.
"So, what d'you usually do when you practice with Thomas?" asked James, covering his eyes from the sun with his hand. Daisy mounted her broom and started slowly going around the field, a few metres above the ground. James flew directly next to her.
"Er - I usually act as Chaser for him so he can practice guarding but since you're Chaser ..." she thought out loud, "I'll be the Keeper."
"You play Keeper?"
"I've tried a few times," she shrugged. "Dad taught me all the positions when I was younger so I could choose which one I liked the most."
"You're brilliant, Daisy, you know that?" he said, looking awestruck. She shot him an amused look. The green-eyed boy looked as though he wanted more of a challenge and set off, speeding around the field, metres above the blonde girl. She laughed, maintaining a slow pace; she had a specific warm-up routine that she often implemented when practicing. Soon, James had finished his rounds and was now flying upside-down above Daisy, their faces a few inches apart.
"What is it, Potter?"
"Wanna give me another kiss? Maybe not on the cheek this time?"
Daisy could feel a blush rising to her cheeks so she turned her head around, refusing to let James see her. She had hoped that he had forgotten about that mistletoe mishap but it seemed that he would not be letting it go anytime soon.
"Forget it," she said, looking down. When she finally looked back up, he was still floating slightly above her with an interested look on his face.
"I don't think so," he smiled. Then, a smirk came across his face, or at least Daisy thought so; she figured it was difficult to read facial expressions upside-down. "You've told me what you could do to help me. What's something I could do for you? Anything, my lady. Doesn't have to be Quidditch related ..."
She could feel herself starting to blush again. This time, she wasn't so quick to turn around. His eyes widened.
"You blushed! I saw it! I just made Daisy Wood blush!"
She let out a laugh, flying away from him at last.
"You didn't see anything," she joked. "Just toss some Snitches up for me and I'll give it a thirty-second head start. But I'll play Keeper for you, first."
"OK, I'll go easy on you," assured James, flying over and settling in front of the three hoops with a Quaffle tucked under his right arm. Daisy rose up to the middle hoop.
"Don't!" she said. "You've got to practice for real."
So, James began shooting Quaffle after Quaffle, making most of them inside. Daisy noticed that when he was practicing, he seemed so focused on making the shot that he wasn't aware of anything around them. She admired this quite a lot; so much that she had gotten distracted a few times and let in some easy saves.
"Daisy, if you're tired we can go to the Great Hall and eat some food," offered James, as he put the Quaffle back into the box. "Are you sleepy or hungry or something?"
"No, I'm not tired at all," shrugged Daisy.
"Oh ... it's just that you've been barely moving for the past few minutes, y'know ..." he asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "We can go eat some pudding. Gwen told me that her mums sent her a large box full of pudding this morning."
"I just got distracted, that's all," she said, hoping he wouldn't ask why. "Er - I'd like some pudding, though. And clearly, you do, too."
"Well, who wouldn't?"
Daisy nodded in agreement. She then took the box of Quidditch balls, the Bludgers rocking it back and forth, and lifted it over back to the locker rooms. By the time she returned, James was picking something off the ground.
"Whatcha doing?"
He stood back up and showed her a small but vibrant daisy that had specks of dirt still on it.
"A daisy for my Daisy," he grinned, placing it behind her left ear. She laughed, not knowing what else to say.
"A bit cheesy, don't you think?" said Daisy lightheartedly, as the two of them began to walk off the Quidditch pitch.
"That's sort of my thing, Daisy flower."
─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─
a/n: This is a bit of a filler chapter but who doesn't like some cute fluff? Leave a vote and comment before you go!
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