Homicidal Liu x Reader
Liu was always bullied by others, he was weak and defenseless, so they say. But you believed he was strong, independent man. He fought of so many people and defended his brother, maybe would even sacrifice himself, that didn't make him weak and childish, that made him loyal, loving and caring. He walked down the halls, scarf a bit loose and hair messy, his eyes no longer sparkled with joy and happiness, no, they were now blank and full of fear. He held some book close to his chest, twitching a bit and ticked once. He was a wreak. But you didn't blame him, he put up with so many people at the mansion, all at once... a Proxy tripped him and he fell to the ground face first, dropping his book. You gasped a bit and ran over to him, now filled with rage and anger, you looked up and was going to shout, but no one was there... he picked himself off the ground and cursed under his breath, his head bleeding a bit. "A-Are you okay, Liu?" you asked him. "Yeah, I-I'm fine..." you helped him pick the books back up and he stopped up, his bones making snapping sounds. Which was kind of disturbing. You stood up and handed him the books. "Thanks, (Y/N)..." you said quietly and walked off, you followed him, which made him nervous. "W-Why are you following me?" You shrugged and he darted his eyes. "There's nothing to worry about, you got your back." "N-No!" he said and dropped his books, you jumped a bit. "I-I've got to stand up for myself... I-I can't let this keep happening, and I refuse to let my friends get hurt for me!" He said his rage and twitched. "Hey, calm down, no need to shout..." you hugged him, hoping he would clam down. He was breathing heavily as terror was filled in his eyes, and tear slowly slid down his cheeks. "What makes me different...?" he said and hugged you tightly, he placed a kiss on top of your head and you looked up at him in somewhat shock. "I'm sorry..." "No need to apologize..." He tightened his scarf and fixed his hair sighing. "Did you see who tripped me?" you shock your head, still hugging. He patted your head, pulling you close to him.
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