Part 1
Hi my name is Y/N L/N. I'm 16 years old and I don't have any siblings. I don't have parents either. My parents died in a car crash a couple months ago. When that happened I became slightly depressed due to their death and to all the kids at school. They all say that I'm an attention seeker and that it was all lies. I slowly slipped away from sanity as the years passed. It became so bad that I had to see a counselor about it. Anyways the kids at school have been the main reason for this. They also bully me which puts us to now.
I was pushed to the ground by B/N(bitches name)again. This was the third time this happened this month. I heard her and her friends laughing. I slowly got up and brushed off the dirt from my clothing and turned to face her. "HA! Aww is the little attention seeker gonna cry?" She said in a mocking voice. I honestly felt like killing her right now. She could be so fucking annoying at times.
I looked at her again "what do you want bitch? Can't you see I'm busy?" I say with annoyance lingering in my voice. She just looked at me and snarled. She slapped me and at that moment I felt inside me snap. "How dare you speak to me that way! Oh you better hope that I won't beat you up right now!" She said in pure disgust. "Yeah as if you could even beat me up, your to Weak that even a butterfly could do better than you." I said while facing her again. She looked at me with hatred and tried to punch me. All I did was step back and that sent her falling face first into the concrete.
I just snickered and left her there. As I was walking I heard her yell "NO WONDER NO ONE LIKES YOU! YOUR A TOTAL FREAK!" I just kept walking. As I was walking I still felt the urge to kill her. When I finally got home I threw my stuff on the ground and ran to my room. I face planted on my bed and sobbed. I sobbed for an hour or two until I looked at myself in my mirror. While I was looking at myself in the mirror I had a sudden urge to kill.
'Make them pay Y/N. Make them all pay,' I heard a voice say in my head. I did as told and got a mask that was laying around for some reason. It was a nice mask that would cover up half of my face.
(Change to any color you like)
Once I was done I grabbed a dagger from under my bed that I kept for just in case emergency's. I then hopped out of the window and towards where B/N lived. When I got there I climbed up a tree that was next to a window. I went to the branch closest to the window to see it was her's and wide open. She was sleeping so I just quietly slipped in with ease and walked over to her bed. I decided to wake her up. When she woke up she was about to scream before I placed my hand over her mouth. "Never trust anyone"I whispered into her ear before slitting her throat.
She choked in her own blood before the only thing I heard was silent. I was about to turn and go until the door opened to reveal a little girl who looked to be around 5. "Sissy can I sweep with y-" when she saw me she ran away screaming. 'GET HER!' The voice in my head yelled. I chased after her to see her run into a room and slam the door. I ran to the door and banged on it.
I was going to knock it over but I then heard sirens. I was about to turn around and run until the voice said to stay and kill them all. I did as told and broke down the door to see a trembling father, mother, and child settling in a corner. I walked over and the father stood protectively infront of the woman and child I killed him with a swip of my dagger. The lady did the same and I just slotted her throat. When I came to the daughter I stabbed her reaptedly in the chest.
I started to laugh and allowed insanity to swallow me up. I was so lost that I didn't hear footsteps coming towards where I was. I was pulled away by two police men. I struggled to get out of their grasps but they were to strong. They put me into the car and drove me to what seems like an asylum.
Hey guys sorry if this was crappy but I tried! I hoped you liked it and see you next time! Goodbye my little nightmares and have a good day/night
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