Truth#8 and Dare#16&17
Me and Tiff: Hey guys guess what?
Kurai: What?
Jeff: What?
Ben: What?
Toby: Waffle?
Me: Our friend EllieBrine is gonna come over today.
Tiff: And she also have a dare for us.
Kurai: I have a question and a dare too.
Me: Kurai you always have questions and dares.
Kurai: You want me to stop?
Me: No please don't.
Kurai: Ok.
*Knock Knock*
Slender: *open the door*
Ellie: Hello is Sam there?
Me: *walk to the front door* Hey Ellie.
Ellie: Hi Sam-....what happen to your hair?
Me: It's a long story, I'll tell you later.
Slender: Hello, Miss Ellie.
Ellie: Hello Slendy.
Slender: *nod and teleport away*
Me: *pull Ellie inside* Come on inside.
Kurai: Oh you must be the one that Sam's talking about, well hello there Ellie. I'm Kurai.
Ellie: Hello Kurai.
Jeff and Ben: Sup/Hi.
Ellie: Hi.
Kurai: Ok can I start with my questions and dares now?
Jeff: Yeah sure because your dare might make us regret and at least Ellie's dare might not be so bad, right?
Ellie: .......
Jeff: Right?
Me: Alright Kurai *heard Jeff yelling for not answering his question* Ask right away.
Kurai: My question is to everyone, what one thing that you all will regret in your life?
Me: Losing my friends and family.
Jeff: I don't regret nothing.....well maybe I think I will regret if I lose my brother.
Ben: Losing my game.
EJ: Try to kill everyone when I go insane.
LJ: I don't know but I think when you said there's no more candies, I turn insane and try to kill you.
Liu: Losing my brother.
Masky: Kill Hoodie.
Hoodie: Kill Masky.
(A/N: Sorry guys I don't really know much)
Me: I guess we tell you all, now tell us the dare.
Kurai: I dare Jeff, Ben and EJ to watch a kids film without eating kidneys, playing game and whatever Jeff does. For a whole day.
Ellie: Then I guess I should tell my dare on the next day, huh?
Me: Yeah sorry, Ellie.
Ellie: It's ok as long as I'm with you guys.
Tiff: Yeah right, you just want to be near Jeff.
Ellie: W-What?! No no why would I....I mean come on you guys are my friends too, right?
Me: Yeah we are.
Ellie: I want to be with everyone so that doesn't mean that I want to be near Jeff.
Kurai: You still want to *changing tv channel to a kids film*
Ellie: No I don't!
Tiff: Oh suure.
Me: Knock it off, Tiff.
Tiff: Hehehe
Jeff: I feel so sad.
Ellie: J-Jeff don't be sad I....I didn't mean it!
Kurai: Found my little pony show.
EJ: Question, can we sleep? Because Slender always tells us to sleep at 11 pm.
Kurai: I change his mind already
Jeff: With what?
Kurai: Oh nothing I just persuade him.
Ben: And that is?
Kurai: You can ask him yourself, now you three sit and watch.
Jeff, Ben and EJ: *sitting on the couch watching my little pony*
Kurai: Now we just have to wait until next morning.
Tiff: Who wants to play dress up?
Ellie: I'm in.
Jane: I'm in too.
Sally: Me three!
Clockwork: Make it four.
Lazari: Make it five!
Me and Kurai: We're out.
Tiff: Come on let's play dress up together!
Me: I don't like dress up beside I'm a tomboy and I don't do girly stuff.....
Kurai: Same.....
Jane: How about dress Sam up as a boy beside her hair is a boy after all.
Sally: It's true.
Me: Even if you guys gonna play dress up into boy, me and Kurai are still not in.
Kurai: *nod*
The girls except Kurai and Me: I wonder how Sam look like when she wear a boys cloths? Oh how about Kurai dress up as a panda *keeps talking about dressing Me and Kurai*
Me and Kurai: Are you guys even listening?!
Jane: *grab me by the hoodie* Lets go! To Sally's room!
Tiff: *grab Kurai by the shirt* Yeah *run to Sally's room*
The other girls: *follow*
~ Sally's room ~
Me and Kurai: *sitting on the floor all tied up*
Jane: Hey Sam, try this on!
Me: *look up to see the outfit*
Jane: *holding the outfit and the accessories*
(A/N: I just search, I want to edit and remove the perfume but I don't know how. Don't judge me if I don't know how)
Me: Did you steal it from the men shop in town?
Jane: With a help from the girls too, also this outfit was picked by Tiff and Ellie.
Tiff: *grin and make a peace sign* We also have some accessories, we found the perfect size for you.
Ellie: *smile* And we also chose Kurai's outfit and it's also comes with accessories, show her Clocky.
Clockwork: *walk over to Kurai and show her the outfit and the accessories*
Kurai: *stare at the outfit* Why the freak am I the only tomboy who gets to wear a girls outfit while Sam gets to wear a boys outfit?!
Ellie: It's because of her hair.
Tiff: Yup and thanks to Trendy, she looks like a boy now but still the same gender.
Sally: *came out of the bathroom* Hey guys what do you think? Is it pretty? *spin around*
Lazari: Sally you look so pretty.
Sally: Thank you.
Jane: So pretty *fist pump the air* alright! Let's get Sam and Kurai change!
The girls except Me and Kurai: *fist pump the air* Yeah!
Jane: Now Sam I'm gonna untie you and you need stay still cuz if you don't I'm gonna kill you *untie me and hand me the outfit* now go change.
Me: *take the outfit and go to the bathroom*
Tiff: *untie Kurai*
Clockwork: *hand Kurai the outfit* You too, Kurai.
Kurai: *sigh and go stand outside the bathroom*
~ After changing ~
Me and Kurai: *walk in Sally's room with the outfit on*
The girls: *look at them* Wow
Me: Man, what a drag...(guess that anime)
Kurai: Yeah....
Tiff: I don't know if this is wrong or not but I somehow feel like I like Sam.
Ellie: Same but Jeff will always be my number!
Jane: *blush* Yeah but anyway look at Kurai, she is so pretty.
Kurai: I'm not that pretty....
Clockwork: Aw you're so cute when you are embarrassed *pinch Kurai's cheek*
Kurai: Ow stop it, Clocky.
Tiff and Ellie: *whisper each other something and face the girls* We dare Sam and Kurai to wear that outfit the whole time but you can wear other cloths also.
Me: I was gonna say are you guys nuts because if we wear this the whole time it feels like this is the only thing we can wear.
Kurai: Same.
~ Next morning ~
Kurai: *walk downstairs to the living room and saw Jeff, Ben and EJ still watching and walk over to them*
Jeff: *sleeping*
Ben: *still watching*
EJ: *sitting and laying his back on the couch unconscious*
Kurai: did that happen? And can Jeff put his sleeping mask on? His eyes is creepy, you can't tell if he is wide awake or still sleeping.
Jeff: *wake up and sit up straight*
Kurai: Holy mother god of Nutella, you scare me Jeff!
Jeff: *yawn* Sorry....
Kurai: So mind telling me what happen last night?
Jeff: Yeah sure.....
~ Flashback from last night ~
EJ: *eyes twitching* I hate this show....
Jeff: Ugh what time is it?
EJ: *check the clock* it's 2 in the morning....
Jeff: I hate this dare
Ben: Come on Twilight you can do it, I believe in you.
Jeff: Ben's head is filled with my little pony now....
EJ: Someone.....knock me out unconscious......
Jeff: With pleasure *hit EJ's head with a bat hard*
EJ: *unconscious on the couch*
Jeff: Your welcome *feel sleepy and fell asleep on the couch*
Ben: *still watching*
~ End of flashback ~
Kurai: Oh.
Jeff: Yeah...
EJ: *wake up* Good morning Jeff, Ben and Kurai.
Kurai, Jeff and Ben: Morning.
EJ: *look at Kurai's outfit* Wow Kurai you look pretty in those outfits.
Jeff: Hey I thought I'm beautiful!
Kurai: *turn off the tv* Well you don't and you should see what Sam's outfit look like, later *walk away*
Jeff: I bet the outfits gonna be something more girly for Sam.
EJ: I bet the outfits gonna be more like a boys outfit for her.
Jeff: Let's see who got it right.
EJ: What's the price?
Jeff: The price is the loser gonna do what the winner says for a whole day which is today now.
EJ: Deal.
Me: *walk downstairs with headphones around my neck* Morning guys.
EJ: *look at me* Morning.
Jeff: Heh good mor- *turn around to see me in a boys outfit* ning.....
Me: *tilt my head to the side* Jeff you ok? What's wrong, dude?
Jeff: N-Nothing *feel someone staring at him and turn around to see EJ is staring at him*
EJ: *smirk behind his mask*
Jeff: *laugh nervously*
Me: Ok then..... *walk away*
Ellie: Finally it's morning!
Tiff: And we see that you still wearing the outfit, Sam and Kurai.
Jane: I like it if Sam were a boy.
Clockwork: So that you can date her?
Jane: N-No way, why would I date my friend?
Ellie: More talking more dares.
Me: Oh right it's time for your dares, well take it away Ellie.
Ellie: I dare everyone including me to play spin the bottle and after that Tiff have to hide under a table for a whole day.
Kurai: I hate that game!
Me: God why does it have to be spin the bottle?
Tiff: Because she dares us to and she did say the magic word.
Me: Fine lets get this over with *sit on the floor between Hoodie and Kurai*
Everyone: *sit on the floor in circle*
Jeff: Wait did anyone bring a bottle?
Kage: *finish drinking a bottle of wine*
Jeff: That'll do, so who go first?
Me: Why not Ellie because she's the one who pick this dare.
Ellie: Ok *spin the bottle and it land on Jeff*
Jeff: What?!
Ellie: Gah it's Jeff! Oh my god I can't believe it!
Tiff: Uh Ellie you there? Ellie? Ellie?!
Ellie: Huh what?
Tiff: You need to kiss Jeff.
Ellie: Oh right! Uh.... *walk over to Jeff and kiss him and sit back at her place blushing*
Jeff: *open wide mouth*
Me: Too surprising or shock?
Jeff: Uh.....
Kurai: I guess both.
Jeff: Whatever *spin the bottle and it land on EJ* Oh fuck no.
EJ: .......
Tiff: Oh sweet lord!
Jeff: *lift EJ's mask and kiss him*
EJ: *smile and whisper in Jeff's ear* Meet me in my room tonight.
Jeff: *blush a bit*
Me and Kurai: *look at each other and smirk*
Kurai: Ok I'm next *spin and it land on Toby*
Toby: *twitch* W-What? *feel nervous and twitch*
Kurai: *take Toby mouth guard off and kiss him*
Toby: *speechless*
Ellie: I ship it!
Karma: *came out of nowhere* No one will kiss my little sister!
Kurai: Karma? Where did you came from?
Karma: Can't tell and I'm gonna kill that guy *point at Toby* you shouldn't have kiss her! *run toward Toby*
Toby: Ah! *run away*
Kurai: When will he stop acting like this?
Me: You didn't tell me you have a brother, Kurai.
Kurai: I didn't tell because he is so overprotective over me.
Me: Well that is a good thing actually.
Kurai: Yeah you are right, so who's next? How about you EJ?
EJ: Ok *spin and it land on me*
Me: *blink* The hell?
Clockwork: Didn't expect that?
Me: Yeah because I try every game that have a bottle in it and it didn't even land on me but why this landed on me?
Jane: I don't know, maybe it's your lucky day?
Me: Curse this good lu-
EJ: *cut me off by kissing me*
Me: I didn't get to finish my sentence, EJ.
EJ: I know.
Me: *spin and it land on Jane*
Jane: *surprised*
Clockwork: Your dreams have come true, Jane.
Jane: S-Shut up!
Me: *kiss Jane*
Jane: *blush*
Ben: *take a quick picture*
Kurai: *smack Ben's head and take the camera to delete the photo*
Tiff: I'll go next *spin and it land on Dark*
Dark: *smirk*
Tiff: *blush*
Me: I knew it.
Kurai: Knew what?
Me: She likes Dark.
Kurai: That pervert?
Dark: Hey!
Tiff: L-Lets get this over with *kiss Dark*
Dark: *kiss back*
Tiff: *blush and pull away*
Ben: The hell? Dude you can't kiss her back.
Dark: I do whatever the fuck I want, Midget.
Ben: Don't call me midget.
~ After playing ~
Tiff: *hide under a table while covering her face with her hands*
Ellie: Hey you ok?
Tiff: No- I mean yes I'm ok.
Ellie: Come on you can tell me anything.
Tiff: Well I'm just embarrassed that's all.
Ellie: About what?
Tiff: Um....
Me: *pop out of nowhere behind Tiff* Is it because you kiss Dark?
Tiff: Ah!
Me: *grin* Sup.
Tiff: You scared me.
Me: Yeah sorry but answer my question, is it because you kiss Dark that make you embarrassed?
Tiff: Yeah.
Ellie: I'm gonna ship you two.
Tiff: What? No!
Ellie: Dariff. That should be the ship name, right Sam?
Me: *shrug*
Tiff: No more! *cover her face again*
Slender: *comes in the living room and mumble something*
Me: Hey Slender, how are you feeling?
Slender: girls.....Too.....many fan girls.....
EJ: So that's how Kurai persuade him.
Kurai: *pop out of nowhere* Yup you got it right EJ.
Jeff: *try to sneak away from EJ*
EJ: Oh Jeff, didn't we make a bet?
Jeff: *stiffen* A bet? What bet? I don't know what you're talking about.
EJ: You know what I'm talking about now come with me *grab Jeff by the hoodie and drag him*
Jeff: *curse*
Me: What bet did they make?
Kurai: They try to guess what outfit you are wearing and EJ won so Jeff have to do want EJ says for a whole day annd I think they gonna bang in EJ's room.
Ellie: No I won't allow it! Jeff is mine!- *turn around to look at Me, Kurai and Tiff who is smirking*
Tiff: So you still think that you don't want to be near him?
Ellie: I mean Jeff is my friend and I won't allow EJ to do something bad to him. *laugh nervously while scratching the back of her head*
Kurai: Suure.
Me: Hah.
Ellie: *run away to hide her embarrassment*
Me: Who wants to do the outro?
Tiff: Me, please!
Kurai: Me too.
Me: Ok then, go right ahead.
Kurai: Well lets see I ask the question and I dare EJ, Ben and Jeff to watch a kids show.
Tiff: We play spin the bottle and I'm staying under a table right now.
Me: We hope you guys enjoy it.
Me, Kurai and Tiff: We see you guys in the next part, laters.
Ellie: *came out of nowhere* Goodbye!
Me: I thought you run away to hide your embarrassment.
Ellie: I did and I came back but I gonna run away again, bye! *run away*
Me, Kurai and Tiff: *sigh/laugh* Bye.
2544 words.
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