Truth#5 and Dare#12
Kurai: Hey guys we are back
Jeff: Yay and it's time for me to get the hell out of here *run outside through the window*
Ben: Me too *go inside the tv*
Kurai: What's their problem?
Jane: I don't know
Me: *walk in the living room* It's because of the yesterday dare that you gave them, Kurai.
Kurai: Oh yeah well anyway I have another question and another dare.
Clockwork: Can I read it?
Kurai: Sure *hand Clockwork the note*
Clockwork: Question is for Painter and Puppeteer, are you
Painter and Puppeteer: No
Kurai: Then why are you two keep hanging out?
Painter: We don't.
Puppeteer: I just like to annoy Painter.
Painter: *sigh*
Puppeteer: Maybe one day we might be gay *smirk*
Painter: *blush under his mask and hit Puppeteer arm*
Puppeteer: Hahaha hey I'm just kidding
Painter: *glare and walk away*
Puppeteer: *went to annoy Painter*
Me, Kurai, Jane and Clockwork: One day, huh? Hm....
Jeff and Ben: *come back in the mansion quiet*
Kurai: Hey Jeff
Me: Hey Ben
Jeff and Ben: *turn around slowly* Hey there Kurai and Sam.
Jane: So what's the dare?
Clockwork: It say I dare Splendor to hang out with his brother in the cinema.
Jeff and Ben: *sigh in relief*
Kurai: Maybe next time I'm gonna make a dare for the two of you *look at Jeff and Ben*
Jeff and Ben: Please no.....
Kurai: But anyway we need to make Splendor bored
Me: You thinking what I'm thinking, Kurai?
Kurai: Yup, everyone lets tell the others to go out and leave the Slender brother in the mansion alone.
Jane, Clockwork, Jeff and Ben: *nod and run to tell the others*
~ After telling the others ~
Me, Kurai, the proxys and the other CP: *standing out side the mansion*
Me: Slender me and the others are gonna go outside for a while.
Slender: *teleport from his office* Why?
Me: Because we want some fresh air and we want to have some fun.
Slender: Well ok then but be careful ok, Sam?
Me: Ok we will be careful, later *go outside the mansion*
Slender: Hm.....why do I have a feeling like they are planing something suspicious? Oh well back to work *teleport to his office*
~ In the woods ~
Splendor: Where is everyone?
Slender: They said they're gonna go out and have some fun.
Splendor: And they go without me?!
Offender: We don't know now shut up, pipsqueak.
Trender: *taking a picture*
~ one hour later ~
Splendor: Bored
Slender: .....
Splendor: Bored
Trender: ......
Splendor: Boored
Slender: Hey...Offender...take Splendy to the cinema, please
Offender: Nope! I'm busy!
Slender: Trendy?
Trender: *disappear* ......
Slender: *look at Offender*
~ In the cinema ~
Splendor: I'm so happy that you decided to show me "TITANIC"! Bla bla bla bla
Random Woman: *sit down next to Offender*
Offender: Dude! Take off your hat!
Splendor: Pardon.
Offender: Hi~
Splendor: *watch the movie but then started to cry*
Splendor: Aaaaa! He's deeead!
Random Woman: Who's this?
Offender: Have no idea, I don't know this guy.
Splendor: Brother! It's the saddest film I've ever seen!
The owner: *told Offender and Splendor to get out and slam the door*
Splendor: *sob*
~ Back in the woods ~
Trender: *look at the fashion cloth in his camera*
Offender: *shove Splendor toward Trender* Your turn, Nerd!
Splendor: *wave at Trender*
Trender: ......
~ Back at the cinema ~
Trender: It's a scientific film, you'll enjoy.
~ A few minutes later ~
Splendor: Zzzzzzzzz
~ Back at the woods ~
Slender: *look at the tree or something*
Trender: *shove Splendor toward Slender* I have had enough!
~ Back at the cinema again ~
Slender: Two tickets to comedy, please.
Splendor: Ahahahaha
Splendor: Ahahahahahaha
The owner: *told Slender and Splendor to get out and slam the door*
~ Back at the woods and a few minutes later ~
Splendor: Bored
Slender: .....
Splendor: Bored
Trender: ......
Splendor: Bored
Offender: ........
Splendor: Booored
~ With the other CP ~
Me, Kurai and the others: *at the mall*
Jeff: When are we gonna go back? I'm tired as shit
Kurai: When they finish taking Splendor to the cinema.
Me: But isn't it over already?
Jane: Yeah but we need to shop more
EJ: By we do you mean you need to shop more?
Jane: Yup
The other boys: *sigh* Girls....
Me: Hey don't say I want to buy more cloths.
Ben: Well you are a girl and girl buy more stuff then boys.
Me: I'm a tomboy.
Kurai: Me too.
Clockwork and Jane: *grab me and Kurai to the dress shop* You need to try on this dress.
Me and Kurai: No we won't!
Jane: Yes you will
Me: No
Clockwork: Yes
Kurai: No
Jane: Well you leave us with no choice, Clockwork grab Kurai and force her to wear it *take me to the changing room and force me to wear the dress*
Clockwork: *do the same*
The other girls: *join too*
The boys: ......
Jeff: Should we do the saying for Sam?
Ben: Why not....
Painter: Well that's all for today people.
Puppeteer: Hope you enjoy this.
The boys: We see you guys in the next part.
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