Truth#12,13 & Dare#32,33
Kurai: *bang on my bedroom door* J J J J J J J! WAKE UP NOW! NOOOOOOOOOOW!
Kurai: JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!!!! *start using a chair to bang on the door*
-again silent-
Tiff, Ellie, Jeff and BEN: *stare at Kurai*
-the door knob slowly turn and the door creaks open, revealing a dark room and standing in front of them is a tired and pissed J-
J: *look at Kurai* I have no sandwiches *about to close the door*
Kurai: I have cheesecakes for you
J: *stop and look at her* what do you want?
Kurai: We have a question and a dare!! Isn't that exciting?!
J: Cheesecake
Kurai: I'll take that as a yes *drag me by the back of my pj shirt*
J: Cheesecake
Kurai: *throw me on the couch* Question and dare! *heard footsteps*
-Everyone came in the room in different directions or ways-
Jeff: *comes through the window*
BEN: *comes out of the tv*
Kurai: Ok that's natural for him
The Proxies: *comes through the door after Toby breaks the door with his hatchet*
Toby: *walks in holding a rope in his hand*
Masky and Hoodie: *all tied up in the rope that they are being dragged*
Kurai: Ok I've seen enough *continue and ignores where the others came from* question foooooooor Jeff.....why do you have you hair so long? And a dare for Slendy toooooo go out in the woods or your forest, find a tree and put "I <3 Justin Bieber" on it.
Slender: *hiss at it* Canceeeeeeeeerrr
Kurai: Well you gotta have to do what the dare says or you'll be thrown in a pit full of fangirls
Slender: *sigh and storm out of the mansion*
BEN: We'll have to cheer him up later
Jeff: Since when you start caring BEN?
BEN: Buzz off, Jeffery.
Jeff: Hey, don't call me that!
Kurai: Answer!
Jeff: Oh yeah what was the question again?
Kurai: Why do you have your hair so long?
Jeff: Well it's either I'm too lazy to get a hair cut orrrrrrr *starts flipping his hair and sparkles is everywhere* because I'm so fabulous and have cooler hair than any other girls, that's why I'm so beautiful *winks and blow a kiss*
Everyone: ( =__=")
J and Kurai: *holds bleach and a lighter* Burn him.
Jeff: I was just kidding! (mind: I'm still beautiful)
~Mean while in the forest with Slenderman~
Slender: *sigh* Why do I have to do this? This is stupid. *bump into a tree and rub his face* ugh *look at the tree* well I have to make this quick *starts carving on the tree*
~Back in the mansion~
EJ: Is it over now?
Kurai: Nope
Karma: There's another dare and truth *about to read it*
Kurai: *shove Karma's face away and reads it instead* Dare for Offender to not rape or harass ANYONE and she means everyone for a week. And a question for Slender again but let's wait for him to come back.
Offender: *shrug* I'm cool with that. I have many girls to have fun with.
Kurai: AH AH NO! EVERYONE! Including the people we don't know!
Offender: I'm so gonna murder whoever give me this dare *dark aura appear behind him*
J: *spray water is Offender* Down boy *sprays again*
Offender: *hiss like a cat*
Kurai: Karma! Let me in your body again!
Karma: What?! No!
Kurai: Too late! *suddenly turn to smoke and went inside Karma through his mouth*
Karma: *cough cough* AH! KURAI! Awwww HELL YEAH! *starts walking with his body* WHY?!?!
Liu: Now you know how it feels Karma Hahaha suffer bitch Sully -_-''
Slender: *comes back inside*
Everyone: *looks at him*
Slender: *falls down on my knee and mumbling things to himself*
Karma: Uhh- Slendy!!! If you were to have eyes, what would you do?! Can you just let me talk for one second?! Nope!
Slender: Well I would just still do my normal things with or without eyes.
Sally: *gasp* If Slendy have eyes, then I could do his make up every day!
Splendor: *gasp also* I think that would be wonderful! Splendid!
Slender: *sweatdrops* Uhhh on second thought-
J: *throws a bottle of potion at Slender* Whoops! Should have told me sooner!
-the bottle hit Slender in the face-
Slender: *cough cough* J! Why would you do- *blink* wait..blink?...*touch his face* Mouth? Nose? Ears? *touch his head* Hair?
J: *pick up the bottle and read words on it* Face potion....ok this is a stupid name I put for this potion but I'm also stupid for not reading it before throwing it.
Everyone except Slendy: You are.
Slender: *went and look himself at the window* ......oh my lord... *look at the others*
Everyone: *stare at him*.......*have hearts in their eyes/sparkles in their eyes/thumps up* we take it back, nice job J.
Slender: Hey stop staring...*blushes and glares at them* it's weird and rude to stare, you know?...
Everyone: *heart got hit by an arrow and falls on the floor*
Slender: *sweatdrop*
J: *blood dripping down from my mouth and get on my hands and knees* t-thank you guys for staying here with us.
Sally: Slendy is so cute!!!
Slender brothers: B-Brother....
J: *looks up* this is dangerous to all of us *body tremble as I try to stand up*
Everyone else: *instantly K.O on the floor*
J: We'll see you in the next one.
Slender: *tilt head in confusion* What? *sparkles all of the sudden*
Everyone: *got hit by another arrow in the heart*
Everyone: B-Bye everyone
Slender: What just happen?
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