Truth#1 and Dare#8
Truth: Jane, if Jeff was a gentleman would you date him and forgive him?
Dare: Jeff be a gentleman (for one or two days)
You already know who comment this truth and dare.
Me: *checking in my laptop*
Kurai: *reading a book*
Jeff: Um...should the two of you should do something from the beginning?
Me: Like what? *didn't take my eyes off of the laptop*
Ben: Like telling us the truth and the dare?
Kurai: Oh yeah can you guys do it for today?
Jeff and Ben: Why, it's your job not ours.
Me and Kurai: *stop what we're doing and glare at Jeff and Ben* Do it if you want to live *go back what we're doing*
Jeff and Ben: *hug each other shaking*
Liu/Sully: I'll do it, wait why? Cuz I said so well can I read it too? Fine hell yeah
Everyone: *come in the living room and wait for Liu to read out the truth and the dare*
Liu/Sully: Ok there are one truth and one dare:
Truth: Jane, if Jeff was a gentleman would you date him and forgive him?
Sully read the dare ok....
Dare: Jeff be a gentleman (for one or two days)
Jane: Hm........
Jeff: ...........
Jane: Well I would date him and forgive him if he didn't kill my parent and try to burn me alive.
Everyone except Jeff: *look at Jeff*
Jeff: Hey I can't control myself, I want to make you beautiful, didn't I?
Jane: By douse me in bleach and gasoline and burn me alive? Yeah that didn't make me beautiful, it makes me look ugly.
Jeff: Whatever but I brought you a dress, a wig and I brought you your knife back along with a mask. And also why do I have to be a gentleman?
Kurai: Cuz I said so *flip the page and continue to read*
Everyone except me and Kurai: .........................
BP: But you have to do it Jeff, it's a dare and you can't stop us from forcing you to do it.
Puppeteer: Yup *put one arm on BP head* you can't stop us.
BP: Would you please stop doing that?........
Puppeteer: Hm.......nope
BP: *walk away from Puppeteer*
Me: *hand Jeff a suit* Here Jeff, you need to this to be a gentleman or look more like a gentleman.
Slender: Hey isn't it my suit?!
Me: Yes...
Slender: W-Why is it so short now?
Me: ........
Kurai: .........
Slender: Girls?
Me and Kurai: *run for our life from Slender* Good luck being a gentleman Jeff cuz if you don't we're gonna kill you!
Slender: Hey come back here! *teleport to chase them*
Jeff: *look at the suit*
Jane: Hah you better be a gentleman, asshat.
EJ: Hm Jeff being a gentleman is a good thing.
Masky: You're right, EJ.
Hoodie: *nod*
Jeff: Ugh whatever I need to go and change to this suit now *walk to his room*
~ On the next day ~
Ben: *standing outside with Sally near the bathroom door* Jeff is taking so long.
Sally: Yeah
EJ: *nod*
Jeff: *come out of the bathroom in a suit instead of his white hoodie* Oh I'm sorry, did I took too long in the bathroom?
EJ: Wow...
Ben: Dude, why are you dressed like that? You look like a new person well you are still the same person but you wear a suit instead of your hoodie
Sally: Wow Jeff you look good
Jeff: Thank you, Malady well if you'll excuse me I need to go now *walk downstairs to the living room and to the kitchen*
EJ: Guys he really act like a gentleman for a day
Sally: *nod* yea...
Ben: Man, I owe Yumi and Kurai 20$ for this...
~ In the kitchen ~
Jeff: Good morning lady's and gentlemen.
Me and Kurai: Wow, Ben is so gonna owe us 20$ for this
Nina: Oh. My. God. Jeff you look so handsome!
Jeff: Thank you, Malady.
Masky: Very impressive.
Hoodie: Yeah
Slender: Breakfast is done.
Jeff: *smell Slender cooking* Wow this smells delicious, thank you for the food sir.
Slender: Thank you, I like your manners Jeff.
~ After breakfast ~
Jeff: *sitting on the couch watching tv* *heard Yumi and Kurai calling Ben*
Me: Ben! Come down here!
Kurai: Dude you gonna pay us that 20$ that you owe us both!
Jeff: Do you lady's need help finding him?
Kurai: Yes
Jeff: I'll go and get him for you lady's *walk away to find Ben*
~ A moment later ~
Jeff: *come back with Ben on his shoulder* Here he is
Me: Cool than-
Kurai: *run and jump on top of Ben* give us that 20$ now, you lose this bet and now you gonna owe us 20$.
Jeff: A bet?
Me: Yeah me, Kurai bet that you can be a gentleman for the day and Ben bet that you can't be a gentleman for a day. Who lose gonna pay 20$ and Ben lose now he have to pay me and Kurai 20$.
Jeff: Oh I see
Kurai: Now pay up, buddy.
Ben: Fine here! *hand Kurai the 20$*
Kurai: *take the money* hell yeah *give me 10$* here you go Yumi.
Me: Thanks
~ In the evening ~
Everyone: *in the living room together doing different things and stuff*
Slender: *sitting on the couch reading book*
Splendor, LJ and Sally: *playing games*
Ben: *playing game*
Dark: *try to make Ben lose the game*
Jeff: *come in the living room with a tray* Does anyone want something to eat or drink?
Everyone except Jeff: *look at him then look at each other and look back at him* Sure.
Jeff: *put the tray on the table* *pour a cup of tea and hand it to Slender* Here you go, my good sir.
Slender: Why thank you, Jeff.
Jeff: *put kidney, waffle, candy and cheesecake in a different plate and hand it to EJ, Toby, LJ, Masky and Hoodie* Here are your foods, gentleman.
EJ, Toby, LJ, Masky and Hoodie: Thank you.
Jeff: *hand the rest of the CP what they like to eat or drink*
~ At night time ~
LJ: I like this kind of Jeff.
EJ: I agree
Me and Kurai: Yeah but that will never happen
Liu: Yeah
Toby: Waffle...
Me: *heard Painter voice* You guys hear that?
LJ, EJ, Liu, Toby and Kurai: *nod* yeah
Me: Want to go and check it out?
Kurai: Sure
~ Outside of Painter door ~
Me, Kurai, Toby, Liu, LJ and EJ: *put our ears on the door and listen what they are saying*
~ In Painter or BP room ~
Painter: Jeff, please don't mess this up again.
Jeff: I'm so sorry that I move a lot.
Painter: Its ok now stay still.
~ Outside of Painter room ~
Me, Kurai, Toby, Liu, LJ and EJ: *whisper yell to each other* Stay still?! What does Painter mean stay still?! Is he gonna do something?!
Liu/Sully: Ho boy I gotta see this *try to peek* Sully no don't, don't peek on them. You can't stop me *kick the door open*
Painter and Jeff: *look at them*
Liu/Sully: Wait you guys were- seriously?! We thought you guys were gonna- Sully be quiet.
Painter: What? No you guys got it all wrong, I was drawing Jeff cuz I want to sell this painting and beside he does look good in this suit.
Jeff: It's true.
Me, Kurai, Toby, Liu, LJ and EJ: Oh.....well..... We gotta go now...uh...later *walk away*
Painter and Jeff: *blink for a sec and went back to do what their doing*
~ In the living room ~
Me: Man, I thought they were gonna....yeah
Kurai: Yeah
Liu/Sully: Well it's a good thing it is not a good thing I'm so disappointed in them, why won't they do it?! Sully just be quiet for a while. Never.
Kurai: Sully just be quiet or I'll make you shut up
Liu/Sully: I like to see you try, you crazy chick, S-Sully stop it no way I like to see her try, Liu.
Me: Uh-oh
EJ: Uh-oh? Why uh-oh?
Me: When someone is mocking or daring like what Sully had said to her, she's gonna torture them.
LJ: How?
Me: You don't wanna know...
Kurai: *eye twitch* you ask for it, pal *drag him by the scarf and to my room*
Me: 3. 2. 1
Toby: Wha-
Liu/Sully: *scream*
EJ, LJ and Toby: O_O *gulp*
~ Next day ~
Everyone: *doing their things*
Jeff: Finally I'm back to normal.
Me: Dude you were so cool and good looking.
Jeff: You have a crush on me now?
Me: No way
Jeff: Yeah whatever, I was just joking.
Liu: *come down stairs and sit on the couch between me and Jane*
Jane: Dude you ok?
Liu: *didn't answer*
Jane: Hello? Is Liu there? Hey Yumi what happen to him?
Me: .....
Jane: Yumi?
Kurai: *come down stairs with a hammer while humming some random tune pretending nothing had happen*
Everyone except me, Kurai and Liu: *look at Kurai with a shock face*
Kurai: Yes? Do you guys need something?
Everyone except me and Liu: N-No
Kurai: Ok well I'm gonna go out for a while now and Sully I hope you behave, later *walk out of the mansion*
Liu/Sully: *lay on the couch like a dead person*
Jeff: I'm not gonna ask what she had done to Liu.
Me: Yeah well anyways that's enough for today we'll see you guys in the next part, later.
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