Happy Halloween!!!
Me: Hey guys! Happy Halloween! *dress as Jeff* (even if it's hard to make his cut smile)
Kurai: *dress as EJ*
Karma: *dress as Levi from Attack on Titan* Ugh...this costume makes me feel uncomfortable.
Kurai: You better wear that costume I bought or else.
Karma: Ughhhhh fine!
Everyone: *some dress like each other/dress as whatever you want them to be*
Amber: When will we go trick or treating?! I'm so excited! *dress as Red*
Me: Right now!
Everyone: Yeah!/Aw yeah!/Gonna play a trick on someone.
Me: Uh *look at the pastas* Do you guys need a costume? You already have your 'costume' on.
Jeff: Don't be silly! We wanna try something new!
BEN: Like dressing up as a princess?
Jeff: *show full screen of Jeff's body* *wear a princess costume*
Everyone: XD
Jeff: Gr....at least I don't dressed up as a someone who is into ponies.
BEN: Hey who said I'm gonna wear pony costume? *show full screen of BEN's body* *wear a Pinkie Pie costume*
Kurai: No one, you're the one who dressed up as one.
Everyone: *start running out of the house*
Hoodie: Ok guys lets-.....where is everyone?
~ At some random street ~
Everyone: *was about go to their separate ways but was stop*
Tiff: Wait aren't we missing one person?
Everyone: *thinking and gasp* HOODIE!
Slender: Ok lets go back and-
Amber: I don't wanna go back, we're gonna miss our fun time!
Me: There's still Halloween party at our place.
Amber: Yeah well I want to go on truck or treating too.
Kurai: Truck? XD
Everyone: XD
Amber: I mean trick XD
Slender: Ok then let's go but only for a while so that we can go and get Hoodie, understood?
Amber: Yup! *start running away*
Kurai: Well that was fast.
Everyone: *nod and walk their separate ways*
~ 5 hours laters ~
Me and Kurai: *have a lot of candies in our bag*
Jeff: Why does every boys I go trick or treating always flirt with me?
Karma: *roll eyes* Isn't it obvious?
Clarisse: *look around* Wait...I feel like we're missing one person.
Everyone: *look around* Where's BEN?!
BEN: A lmittle hmelp!
Everyone: *sees BEN in a pile of candies on top of him* •_•/wow that's a lot of candies/teach me your ways Master!
Kurai: How the hell did you get that much candies?
Jeff: Cuteness.
Me: Maybe.
BEN: *pop his head out of the candies* At least I'm not a beautiful princess who always attract guys to start flirting with!
Slender: Now that everyone is here then let's all *check his watch* it's 9 pm already *le gasp* and we also forgot Hoodie!
Amber: We're here for 5 hours now!
Slender: Five hours?! *grab everyone with his tendrils* lets go! *teleport to the mansion*
Everyone: *see a sad and gloomy Hoodie facing the corner with his knee close to his chest*
Hoodie: Everyone....left me....I'm nothing.....
Masky: Hoodie! *run to him*
Hoodie: *turn around* Masky? *see Masky running this way* Masky! *run to him*
Masky and Hoodie: *hug each other* I miss you!
Every boy: Oh enough with the lovey dovey stuff.
Every girl except me and Kurai(or is she?): Jealous? *fan girl*
Slender: I sense fangirls.
Amber: You're not the Slender in my world! *smack his head*
Kurai: Who's ready to party?!
Everyone: We do!
~ 3 hours later ~
Everyone: *on the floor/on the stairs/on the couch etc*
Karma: No....more....party....
Kurai: Agree.
Me: Ok then.
Everyone: *stand up and stand next to me/stand behind me*
Me: We hope you all have a great day! Have fun trick or treating!
Everyone: Happy Halloween!
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