Me: We're are back people!
Kurai: Aw yeah!
Everyone except me, Kurai, the girls, slender, splendor and LJ: PLEASE TELL US THAT THE DARE ISN'T FROM KURAI!!!
The girls: It is....
All the boys except slender, splendor and LJ: NUUUU *dramatic light*
Splendor: Tell us the dare now Yumi!
Me: It's not only dare there are one question and one dare.
Jane: Finally there are one question!
Kurai: The question is "Slender can you make a cheesecake that is alive?" And the dare is "I dare Masky and Hoodie fight each other for the cheesecake" that's my truth and dare.
Masky and Hoodie: What?! But we can't fight each other!
Me: Cuz you love each other but you know a dare is a dare.
Slender: Well I don't might making the cheesecake *teleport to the kitchen to make the cheesecake*
Nina, Jane and Clockwork: So we all gonna wait for slender to finish the cheesecake?
Me and Kurai: Yup
~ 30 minutes later ~
Slender: *come in the living room with the cheesecake in hand* here you go *hand it to Kurai*
Kurai: It smells good but why isn't it alive?
Cheesecake: *suddenly have a face*
Me: Woah...ok then Masky and hoodie come down here now!
Masky and Hoodie: *come down stairs holding each other hands*
Jeff and EJ: *take a quick photo of them* Aw cute couple is holding hand but they have to fight each other for the cheesecake...so sad.
Kurai: Don't be mean Jeff or I dare you to do that thing with EJ again.
Jeff: N...No no please not that!
EJ: I don't might doing that again......
Jeff: *smack EJ's head*
Me: Anyway now fight!
Masky and Hoodie: *start to fight each other*
Everyone except Masky and Hoodie: *sit on the couch and some sit on the floor*
~ an hour later ~
Masky and Hoodie: *still fighting*
Me: *whisper to Kurai* Do you think they should stop now?
Kurai: *whisper back* Nah....they are immortal anyway but I think they should stop cuz they could kill each other.
Jeff and Ben: *whisper yell* Aw come on just a bit more!
Me: No *glare*
Masky and Hoodie: *lay on the floor tired with a lot of wounds*
Kurai: Guys I think you should stop now.
Masky and Hoodie: *didn't answer*
BP: Well I guess they faint a bit
Puppeteer: Yup *put arms around BP shoulder*
BP: *shiver and remove puppeteer hand* Don't touch me
Slender: Well I will take them to there room and patch them up *teleport*
~ 10 minutes later ~
Everyone: *come in Maksy and Hoodie room*
Kurai: Hey guys how are you feeling?
Masky: Better now *sit up*
Hoodie: Same *sit up*
EJ: Here *hand them the photo* it's the photo that me and Jeff take, you can have it.
Hoodie: M-Masky?
Masky: Yes hoodie?
Hoodie: I-I sorry f-for h-hitting y-you
Masky: Me too I'm sorry hoodie
Hoodie: R-Really?
Masky: *hug hoodie* Yes hoodie
Hoodie: *hug back* Masky....
Masky: I love you, Hoodie
Hoodie: I-I l-love you t-too, Masky
Masky and Hoodie: *kiss each other*
Everyone except slender, LJ, splendor and BP: *take a photo* Aww~
Me: Ok let's leave the both of them alone *leave the room*
Everyone except Masky and Hoodie: *leave the room too*
Kurai: Well guys that's for today truth and dare, please comment for more truth and dare for me please. Ok I see you later.
Kurai: Also don't forget to follow me, bye guys.
Hey guys I'm sorry that I haven't update, and that is because there are not much comment so please I'm begging you to comment a dare or a truth for me so that I will update it. So again if you have a dare or a truth in your mind please comment it and I will do it for you guys, I'll be waiting for you ideas see ya later guys:
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