Hey guys guess who's back? Yeah it me, you already know. Well I'm still in class and I just have some free time or something because I have to study with my homeroom teacher for two weeks so......I won't be having any activities and I have time to make the story. Well here it is guys enjoy!
Kurai and Toby: *sitting on the couch cuddling each other*
The girls: *spy on them*
Me: *in the kitchen eating cheesecake with Masky and Hoodie*
BEN: *pop his out out of the tv and saw Kurai and Toby cuddling each other* Aw isn't this cute?
Kurai and Toby: *stop cuddling and look at BEN* I-It's not what it looks like! H-Honest!
(A/N: Kurai if you're reading this, I just wanna say I like teasing you with Toby a lot :D )
BEN: Suuure.
The girls: *come out where they are hiding* We were just about to snap a picture when you show up, BEN! Thanks a lot!
BEN: You're welcome *say in a sarcasm tone*
The girls: Grr...
Kurai: I gotta go to the kitchen to tell Sam something.
Toby: Oh ok.
Kurai: *walk to the kitchen and to me* Hey Sam, I have a dare and I think you might like it.
Me: *turn to Kurai* Fire away, dude. Also you and Toby do make a cute couple *take another bit of the cheesecake*
Kurai: O-Oh shut up! Anyway....I dare Slender to turn into a baby and Jeff have to hold him like the king of lion.
Me: Like the movie?
Kurai: But but only the part where Jeff is holding Slender on top of the rock or the mansion roof.
Me: And does it have to be animals?
Kurai: Fangirls.
Me: Ok let me get this straight, you're dare is let Slender turn into a baby and Jeff have to hold him on top of the mansion room with a lot of fangirl on the ground.
Kurai: Just like the movie.
Me: I like it.
Kurai: Told you that you will like this dare.
The girls: *burst in the kitchen* We heard the dare!
Me: Of course you did.
Masky: Well if we gonna do it, we need to let Slender turn into a baby but I bet he won't do it.
Kurai: We just have to force him then.
Hoodie: W-With what?
Kurai: His fangirls.
Masky and Hoodie: That make sense/I-I see
Ellie: Where is my- I mean Jeff, where is Jeff? *try to not blush but fail*
Tiff: Your Jeff huh?
Ellie: N-No!
Abby: Ladies calm down.
Jeff: *come in the kitchen with his hoodie on his shoulder* You call?
Ellie: *look and Jeff and blush madly and have a nosebleed*
Tiff: Sweet lord!
Abby: Is she gonna be ok?
Jane: Hope so.
Ellie: *fall on the floor and talk to herself* Jeff....he's shirtless....omg....
Jeff: Oooooooook?.....
Kurai: Bruh, why are you shirtless?
Jeff: Uh....I have business with EJ.
Me: Which is?
Jeff: Like training.
Tiff: Where did you guys train?
Jeff: Uh *in his mind* I can't tell them that I'm in Jack's room! Oh fuck what do I do?! *back to reality* in the woods.
Me, Kurai and Tiff: Lies.
Jeff: I'm not lying!
Me: Say that to Slender.
Jeff: What?
Slender: *behind Jeff* Hello child.
Jeff: AHHH!
Kurai: Oh I forgot, hey Slender I have a dare for you and Jeff!
Slender: *sigh* What is it dare, child?
Kurai: *tells the dare*
Jeff: Aww hahaha!
Slender: You know what my answer will be, right?
Kurai: Is that the sound of someone want to be surrounded by fangirls...again? *evil grin*
Slender: *stiffen* Uh I...uh...
Kurai: Then do it.
Slender: I.... *sigh* fine I'll do it just for this stupid dare.
Me: I got the camera *hold a camera*
Slender: No don't do it.
Me: I dare myself to do it.
Slender: Gah!
Slender: Well it's just for the dare and nothing else- *look at Jeff who have a lot of baby stuff*
Jeff: I've been prepared hahah!
Me, Kurai, Tiff, Ellie and Abby: *laugh*
Abby: Jeff where did you get all those stuffs?
Ellie: *blush*
Jeff: Ellie gave it to me, I wanna ask why she have this stuff with her but she told me not to ask.
Tiff: Really? *look at Ellie with a smirk*
Ellie: Shut up!
Kurai: Slender come on just do it.
Slender: Ok then.
Abby: I can turn you into a baby Slender.
Slender: No you don't, Abby.
Abby: Yes I do.
Slender: How?
Abby: By reading the spell from a book that you left on your desk.
Slender: Wait don't use that-
Abby: *read the spell out loud already*
Slender: *turn into a baby* Abby do you know what you have done?!
The girl including Jeff, Hoodie and Masky: Aww isn't that cute.
Slender: You've turn me into a baby!
Abby: Yeah so?
Slender: I have to be a baby for 2 hours.
Abby: *read the spell quietly* oh well oops I guess I cast the wrong spell.
Slender: You think?!
Me: At least you're a baby now.
Slender: Are you serious?!
Kurai: Yup now *hold a walkie talkie* Toby are you there? Over.
~ With Toby ~
Toby: *running and holding a walkie talkie* Yes Kurai I'm here, over.
Kurai: How's the fangirl doing? Over.
Toby: I think I'm gonna die soon or something, over.
Kurai: What do you mean? Over.
Toby: Well I kinda found Slender's fangirls and they are chasing after me now. Over.
Kurai: Make Sure that they won't touch you because- nvm. Over.
Toby: Do you like me or something? Over.
Karma: *take the walkie talkie from Kurai* No she don't like you and she never will!.......Over.
Toby: Ok then well I'm gonna run for my life first so have Slender turn into a baby, I'll be there soon. Over *put the walkie talkie away*
~ Back at the mansion ~
Kurai: Ok let's go to the roof!
Jeff, Karma, BEN and the girls: Yeah!
Me, Masky and Hoodie: *eating cheesecake while staring at them*
~ On top of the mansion roof ~
Me, The Darer gang and the pasta: *on top of the roof*
Kurai: *saw Toby coming this way* Wow that's a lot of Slender fangirls.
Me: *have a pocky in my mouth and nod with no excitement* Uh huh.
Jeff: *holding Slender and playing with his tendril* Heheh does baby need milky? Oh wait you can't cuz baby doesn't have a mouth which is you.
Slender: Grr *slap Jeff with his tendril*
Jeff: OW!
Me: Wow Jeff, that offense Slender.
Jeff: Hey, it's true.
Kurai: Jeff be prepared.
Jeff: Oh I'm already prepared.
Toby: *run inside the mansion and go on top of the roof* Hey *pant* guys *pant*
Fangirls: *look up to the roof and saw Me, the darer gang and the pasta*
Jeff: *walk in front and hold Slender out* I present to you, the ugly baby!
Fangirls: *fangirling*
Fangirl 1: Oh my gawd! It's Slenderman!
Fangirl 2: *gasp* He's a baby!
Fangirl 3: He's so cute!
Fangirls: *talk about Slender/fangirling*
Slender: Are we done here? I need to go to my office.
Jeff: You're a baby, baby don't do works. They play.
Slender: *sigh* But as long as you don't drop me-
Jeff: *drop baby Slender* Oops....hahaha!
Slender: I'll get you when I turn back to normal, Jeff!
Fangirls: GAH SLENDY!!!
Slender: NOOOOO!
Kurai: That wasn't part of my dare but meh who cares.
Me: *holding a camera* I've record everything.
Karma: Send me one.
Abby: Me too.
Karma: W-We can watch together i-if you like.
Abby: Aw thanks, Karma. I accept your offer then.
Karma: Y-You're welcome.
Kurai: You're not allow to have a girlfriend!
Karma: You're not allow to have a boyfriend either!
Kurai: Yes I can!
Karma: No you can't!
Kurai: Then why can you?
Karma: Because I'm old enough to have a girlfriend!
Kurai: That's not fair!
Kurai and Karma: *still arguing*
Me, Abby, Tiff, Ellie, Jeff, Ben, Toby, Masky and Hoodie: *just stare at them*
Slender: *still screaming*
Masky: Outro?
Me: Outro.
BEN: Who?
Me: Anyone.
Abby: Ok let's see Slender has turn into a baby.
Tiff: Jeff purposely drop Slender and now he is being pulled back and forth.
Ellie: We are up for more question and dare.
Me, Jeff, BEN, Toby, Masky and Hoodie: We will see you guys in the next part.
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