~The Push-
The boys were doing good today, and that's just not normal for how everything normally works. Helen seemed to be fascinated with art from the first day that he arrived. I quickly upgraded him from my walls, to a simple note book. From then on, he never put the thing down or showed any of his drawings to anyone.
Jeff seemed to have just came unglued and had a melt down yesterday, so he's obviously still grumpy. His night terrors seemed to be easing up and he gets a bit more sleep at night. Patience is obviously not this child's virtue.
I was in the bath one day, just rinsing off, then all the sudden here comes little Jeffery, running into the bathroom. He made me get out of the tub with a towel and help resolve a fight between Helen and Liu that had gotten physical. Helen had a pretty bad anger issue and no patience with Liu when he's being a little monster.
Now, when I talk about Liu. I just try not to think about how terrible he chooses to be fifty percent of the time. He is a really polite, respectful child the other fifty percent. Today was not one of those days. He was showing his worst this morning and God knows, Helen ain't having it.
Ben's shyness is still pretty bad and he refuses to even try to make a friend. Liu had to be an ass yesterday and give Ben something that he was allergic to. Then we all had to take a trip to the hospital because, guess who doesn't have his eppy pen? That's right, you guessed it; me. His step dad forgot to give me that.
Toby is my little drama queen and he always wants to eat waffles or play in the mud with the other boys. After the first day that him and his two friend's arrived, I put bandages over his cheek so Ben wouldn't fear him. The plan didn't really work out in the end; Ben got scared of him for no reason.
Hoodie probably spends a little too much time with Masky, but he's the only one that's willing to be patient with his bossy behavior. That's the only reason that I allow them to be together twenty-four-seven. Masky's depression eased up, but now he's becoming bossier and easily worried about everything.
Today, we have to get the boy's ready for an outing of sorts. This is just a little ruse to get them all out of the house so that we can take them shopping for new clothes. We may have fibbed and told them that we were all going out to buy ice cream. Elliot called Ben and Helen as fast as humanly possible. Wrena settled for Jeff and Liu. So, of course yours truly ended up with Brain, Tim, and Toby.
"C'mon boys, I have to give you three your bath first." All three boys nodded and watched me turn the water on and the waiting game went on for five minutes until the tub was full. Then Hoodie turned the water off and all three of the boys stripped and hopped into the bath tub, splashing each other. I reached over them and grabbed the baby shampoo since it worked best on their hair and I lathered it and scrubbed it into each boys' hair.
Hoodie washed his own body, then helped the two younger boys scrub their back's. Bathing them was really no chore. They were all three obedient and helped each other out. In the end, I rinsed the soap out out of their hair and took the boys out of the tub, wrapping all three in towels.
"Now Masky and Hoodie, you two dry off and get dressed, then dry of Toby and help him get dressed. I have to go and tell Uncle Elliot that he can give the other boys baths." I walked over to the living room and tapped him on the shoulder, letting him know that he could give Ben and Helen their bath.
He nodded slightly and picked up both boys, holding them on both hips. A small snicker escaped my lips as I watched him attempt to walk passed me with the boiys on both hips. "You'd make a really bad father Elliot." I gently took Helen off of his hip and placed him on Elliott's back.
Helen seemed really at ease on his back, while Ben was shaking. Note to self; Ben doesn't really like Elliot.
--Time Skip--
After bathing the kids and getting them all dressed in matching outfits, it was time to hit the town and go shopping. Wrena held a small bag with her, just in case she needed toys, extra clothes, or snacks. Elliot had a backpack with money, a small change of clothes for the three of us, and our phone chargers.
Then, there's me. Who only has the car keys and my purse with money for food. Walking outside, children following to the van. Elliot stood and waited for us to get in. He let's the older kids in the back, then younger in the front. In the back sat Lui, Ben, and Hoodie. Helen, Toby, Masky and Jeff sat around the front. Since the front seat was a three seater, that's where Elliot, Wrena, and I sit.
We drove to the small store across the street, and immediately, the boys groaned and complained. They almost all fought us to not get out of the car. But, Elliot had the last say in the matter and we were all in the store, buying groceries. The boys seemed to want everything on the shelves, but we only let them get one thing each, such as candy.
Jeff and Lui both grabbed Twix. Helen grabbed a Milky Way, Ben grabbed M&M's. The other three didnt really want anything.
As soon as we made our way to the counter, a little girl pushed Jeff out of her way, and that lead to Jeff yanking her hair and there they fought at the store. Finally, I picked up Jeff and we all left. But, something irked me about the little girl with long black hair. Where were her parents?
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