C.4: Fighting 101
No ones P.O.V
They sat in silence until Zero said.
"So I'm Zero that's Jane" She said pointing at Jane as Jane said "Hi.." "That's Jill" Jill waved back. "And that's Clockwork" "The one and only" Clockwork cheered.
The boys looked at them then.
"Well I'm Puppeteer be free to call me puppet..."
"I'm Jeff.."
"I'm Jack or LJ"
"I-Im To-by"
The eight talked for what seemed like forever. Until....
"Well Well what a surprise isn't it Zero,Jane,Clockwork and Jill? Hahah"A voice said. The girls looked in fear as the boys turned around to look at the owner of the voice. It was girl with a pink strike in her hair,a purple hoodie,Wide eyes,A black skirt and pale skin ...oh and a knife.
"Nina please just leave us alone... We don't want any trouble.." Jill had said.
"Hmm? What was that? I didn't hear" mocked Nina as she walked up to the clearly frightened Jill.
LJ snapped.
"She said leave us alone!"
Jill looked at LJ with tears in her eyes.
Nina smirked.
"Well It would be a pity if I stabbed her in the chest wouldn't it Clowny?"
Ring Ring Ring
The bell rang.
"Well your safe fornow girls" Nina said as she slipped her knife back into her pocket.
"You OK Jill?" The girls said.
"Ya Thanks LJ" Jill said.
"No problem" LJ responded.
They all had the same class...
Fighting 101.
Ohhhhhhh this is going to be good≈
"OK class today we are going to use your powers/weapons to kill some humans" declared Mr. Davkd.
"First you" he poinyed at Jill.
"M-Me?!" Jill squealed.
"Ahhhhh Go girl use your chainsaw" Clockwork,Jane and Zero cheered.
"Wait a chainsaw???" questioned LJ.
The girls nodded.
"OK unleash the human" alarmed Mr. Davkd.
A woman that looked about 16-22 emerged from the gate. The rest of the creepypastas in the classroom were teleported to a room while Jill and the woman were teleported to the room outside the room the other creepypastas were in.
"Cool room Mr. Davkd" mentioned Jeff.
Now let the battle begin!!
("A Pokemon battle?":Glitchy Red
Kicks Red to another planet :Me )
Jill grabbed her chainsaw and hid behide the tree as the woman said "Where the #### am I????"
"Your in your death zone" replied Jill as she swang her chainsaw at her. Before the woman could scream the chainsaw cut her head off and fell with a nasty bounce. Blood was spilled everywhere. Jill was teleported into the room everyone else was.
"Good work Jill" Mr.Davkd said.
"OMG did you see her she was just like u die now and OMG u cut her head and oh my flipping god!!" exclaimed LJ, making Jill blush.
"Ok you next" Mr. Davkd said pointing at LJ.
"Okie Dokie"
The room that Jill killed that women transferred to an abandoned carnival.
LJ squealed excitedly making Jill blush at how cute his squeal was.
"Go ahead LJ I know you more than you think" Mr. Davkh motioned LJ to do the door to enter the carnival.
A girl and boy were teleported to the carnival. "Cool! " the girl said. "Babe this is not OK " the boy said. "come on u scaredy cat lets have some fun!!" Round and Round the cobblers bench "What the heck was that?! James stop scaring me" "Ali that was not me! " The monkey chased the weasel. "James I know it's you stop it!" "It's not me babe I swear" The monkey thought it was all in fun. "It's so obvious James just give up scaring me!" "Ali it's not m-" A big claw went through James heart splashing blood everywhere. Pop! The girls arms were ripped off. Goes the weasel
The music stopped and the bodies were teleported somewhere else. LJ entered the where smiling.
"Nice work bro" Jeff said.
"Thanks bruh" LJ replied.
"That was AWESOME!!" Jill screamed making LJ slightly blush. ( I really need to get more
good words 😞)
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