C.3:Meeting them≈
No ones P.O.V
After Rollcall the freshmans went to class. The teacher's name was Mrs. Eřřòŕ². Clockwork sat beside Zero, Jane sat beside Jill, Toby sat beside Puppeteer and Jeff sat beside LJ.
Toby's P.O.V
Mrs Error is pretty nice, she sounds like she has been through ALOT. She said it was time for everyone to introduce themselves to eachother. Uhhhhh. Hopefully I can get more friends than last time I came to a public school. I mean Puppeteer,LJ and Jeff are like my best friends ever. I just hope I can't make a fool of myself.
"Who wants to go first?" asked Mrs Error.
"Me" a voice answered. A girl comes up to the front.
"Hi I'm Natalie but call me Clockwork,Im 14 ,I live at Aliyah Centre, I love Art and that's pretty much everything oh and I-" At that point I wasn't listening. She was soooo BEAUTIFUL. She had brown hazelnut hair,A clock eye that works,a green emerald eye, stiches at both sides at her mouth,a dark blue hoodie, brown leggings and black sketchers (lol). I felt my face heat up and a weird feeling in my stomach. ....... . Wait.. .FEELING???????? what how when where I never. This. Can't.be.POSSIBLE. I snapped out of my gaze. She walked back to her seat. Some others went including LJ, Jill,Jane,Jeff and- I can't be bothered to remember the rest.
Me,Jeff,LJ and Puppeteer went to a table in the corner. People gave me weird glares. I don't know why. Jeff just said they're looking at us because we're too cool to resist. Haha. But I knew he was lying. We sat down and ate our lunches. LJ had a lollipop, jelly beans and a candy cane. Jeff just ate his chicken sandwiches. Puppeteer didn't eat. That worried me. I know he's depressed after his little brother died of cancer. But he has to eat. I don't care what he says but I'm forcing him to eat.
"Pupp-eteer u have to e-at " I tell him.
"Dude I'm not hungry" he says.
"Idc I'm ma-kin-g u eat w-heth-er u li-ke it or no-t!" I smirked as I tickled him.
"Do-Dude s-hahah stop y-hahaha you know-hahha I hate t-hahafa tickles!" he said laughing
"Ummmm.... Can we sit beside you guys?"
We all turned to a group of girls which were standing behide us.
"Sure.." Jeff answered.
The girls sat down and grabbed their lunch and started to eat.
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