Is BEN... Gay?
BEN: *Walks by Clocky and Jane* Oh, hey, girls!
Both: Hi, BEN.
BEN: I love your make up, it's just stunning!
Jane: Oh, thank you! Ikr?
BEN: Yeah! *giggles* I just love how it feels and looks, epically the nail polish and lipstick!
Clocky: Uh... yeah, actually! I love the eye shadow!
BEN: Ah, yes, the eye shadow~ and the clothes, the dress is just fabulous, Jane, and Clocky, you. Look. So. AWESOME.
Clocky: ^-^ll
Jane: ^-^ll Thanks, BEN...
BEN: No problem, sweetie.
Clocky: *Whispers* Is he.... gay...?
Jane: *Shrugs*
BEN: Mm, I have to run, see if Jeffrey's gotten to any trouble with Liu. *Sigh* Bye ladies! *walks away*
Both:......I think so......
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