Spam Time(With Kitty and Trin). Part two
Everyone has log on
DrowningPeople: I bet it has to do something with Trin and Kitty.
JTheKiller: Girls?
Trin_hell-dog: Uhm....
Kitten cat: Hehe...he...
YouDeservedThis: Why you sound like Slender now??? -Kurai
JTheKiller: I might have learn a bit from Slender.
Kidney_Boy: Why?
JTheKiller: *shrug* Anyway, you two got some explaining to do.
Kitten cat: Well you see....
Trin_hell-dog: Kitty make me do it with her! I don't want to do it!
KayliesSenpai: Wait you guys are spamming the ChatRoom?......WITHOUT ME!
Everyone: .....
JTheKiller: Well then
Kitten cat and Trin_hell-dog: Please don't ground me!/ I don't be to be grounded for another week!
JTheKiller: Oh I won't ground you.
Kitten cat: Hell yeah!
Trin_hell-dog: Thank you big bro!
JTheKiller: Instead, you two go face the corner and think what you've done.
ThrowingFireBallz: You sound like a dad now.
JTheKiller: You'll sound like a mother soon if you have to treat someone like your siblings or daughter and son.
^Puppet^cat^: He got you there, Ellie!
ThrowingFireBallz: Shut up!
Kitten cat: Let's escape before J start blaming us again!
Trin_hell-dog: Wait for me!
Kitten cat and Trin_hell-dog has logged off
JTheKiller: Oh no you don't!
JTheKiller has logged off
~ In real life ~
J: Get back here this instance!
Kitty: *give Trin a piggy back ride* NEVER! *start running*
J: *chase after them* You're gonna in so much trouble!
Trin: *hold on to Kitty for dear life* Please forgive us big bro!!!
Kurai and Karma: *just stare at them and look back at each other*
Kurai: Wanna go and annoy someone?
Karma: Sure.
Kurai and Karma: *stand up and start walking to find someone and annoy them*
~ Everyone heard crashing and screaming ~
Narrator: Remember kids, don't spam in the ChatRoom too much or you'll be in trouble......who am I kidding, spam the ChatRoom if you want!
J: *kill the narrator to dead and look straight at the screen* Nighty night, Beautiful *hits the camera*
Everyone except Kurai and the dare gangs in the background: *so scared that they peed their pants/hug each other*
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