Log #1: WtF is this for?
Go-to-sleep63 just logged on...
Majoras_boy666 just logged on...
SlendermanØ just logged on...
Go-to-sleep63: WTF ..what is this?
SlendermanØ: it's a chatroom Jeff relax.. This is just for everyone to keep in touch no matter where they go...
Majoras_boy666: Why?
SlendermanoØ: Ben do you really want me to go over why we have this?
Majoras_boy666: O.O
Go-to-sleep63: oh it's his fault on why we have this.....
CheeeeezeCake! Just logged on...
Go-to-sleep63: let me guess...Maksy?
CheeeeezeCake!: how'd you know?
Go-to-sleep63: lucky guess...
SlendermanØ: alright I have to go fill out some mission files, you guys have fun..
SlendermanØ has logged off...
Go-to-sleep63: did he just say have fun? WHO THE HELL HAS FUN IN A CHAT ROOM?!!??
Majoras_boy666: i think he used sarcasm..
Killjeff just logged on...
Go-to-sleep63: oh boy here we go....
KillJeff: what?!
Go-to-sleep63: most of your usernames are killjeff why don't you name yourself something else for a change, YOUR NEVER GONNA GET ME!! No matter how much u want me..
KillJeff: you forgot the word dead...
Go-to-sleep63: no I didn't ;)
KillJeff: O.O DaFuq
KillJeff has logged off...
Majoras_boy666: XD
Go-to-sleep63: XD
CheeeeezeCake!: what does XD Mean? X-Ray Disorder?
Majoras_boy666: no Masky it's a laughing face...look at it sideways...
Go-to-sleep63: this is going to take a while...
Dont4getDaSun just logged on...
Dont4getDaSun: hey guys...I found this on my computer what's it for?
Go-to-sleep63: Slendermam wanted us to talk on it....
Majoras_boy666: yea...
Go-to-sleep63: and its Ben's fault for some reason...
Dont4getDaSun: really? How?
Go-to-sleep63: yea Ben how?
Majoras_boy666: how should I know?!
Go-to-sleep63: you got us in this mess...so what did you do?
Majoras_boy666: nothin'
Go-to-sleep63: lies....
Majora_boy666: I didn't do nothin! All I did was go out killing and came back to this crap!
Dont4getDaSun: O.O I know what he did....
Go-to-sleep63: WUT? TELL ME!!
Majoras_boy666: nothing!
Go-to-sleep63: ben I'm right down the hall from you..don't make me come down there.....
Majoras_boy666: actually we're in the same room....
Majoras_boy666: LOL IM KIDDING!!!
Go-to-sleep63: im gonna kill you...
Majoras_boy666: I'm already Dead!
Go-to-sleep63: I'll bring you to life and kill you AGAIN!
Majoras_boy666: O.O
Go-to-sleep63: Now WtF did u Do?
Majoras_boy666: NOTHIN!
Go-to-sleep63: Toby tell me...
Dont4getDaSun: I'll tell you in person...
Dont4getDaSun just logged off..
Majoras_boy666: NOOOOOOO
Go-to-sleep63: SO YOU DID DO SOEMTHING!!!!
Majoras_boy666: DID NOT!
Majoras_boy666 just logged off...
Go-to-sleep63 just logged off...
CheeeeeeezeCake!: GUYS I GET IT NOW!!
CheeeeeezeCake!: guys?....
CheeeeezeCake! Just logged off...
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