how you meet.
Y/n= your name
H/c= hair color.
E/c= eye color.
You walked into the woods with a book, trying to find the perfect tree to sit under. Sometimes..well most of the time you went there after school. You loved the peace and quiet, and it helped you relax and calm down. The kids and teachers there really pissed you off.
After you found a tree to sit under, you sat down and opened your book. but just as you opened it, you heard the crack of leaves and sticks. You quickly lifted your head and looked around. No one usually comes to these woods, and you could have sworn you were alone.
You brushed it off. It might have just been a simple squirrel. There is a cat that likes to walk around here too. You opened your book again and started reading.
After a few minutes of reading you started to feel a presence. It was changing from behind you to next to you to all around. You felt uneasy, and you were about to get up and leave, until you saw a page in front of you. you know there was no page there before.
You picked it up and looked at it. At the very bottom it said 1 of 8. So you decided to get up and look for more.
As you picked up the 7th page you saw a very tall slender shadow staring at you. You started to feel sick and fell to the ground. It got closer to you. All you saw was fuzz and your vision was blurred. You also had a headache.
You almost threw up because of how nauseous you felt. You looked up to see something...someone with no face. Then you passed out.
Later you woke up in your room. You looked around and scratched your head. You held your head as you still had a headache.
You looked on your lap to see a page. You picked it up and it read:
"You're welcome." Chills ran down your spine.
Your mom came in and checked on you. You asked her for some water and advil for your headache.
After you took the pills you tried to go to sleep, but you just couldn't stop thinking about that faceless man.
This might be a little crazy, but you wanted to see him again too.
"Then he killed his entire family." Dawson told you creepily. As if it would scare you.
"And they say that if you go to the insane asylum a few miles away, he'll be in there. and he'll kill you. You're lucky if you get away, but if you do. He'll stalk you, just waiting for the right time to POUNCE."
Emily squealed and started shaking. She was actually really scared.
"Tch. You call that scary? Fear didn't roll over me once. I know this isn't true." you said, unamused.
"Really? Well if your that brave y/n, then let's go to the mental asylum tonight at midnight." Dawson said with a smirk.
Emily's eyes widened. "WHAT!!? NO! WE CANT DO THAT! first of all that's trespassing! And second of all I've driven by that place and its really really creepy! We can't go there!"
"Aww you scared baby Emily? That's fine you don't have to go." Dawson said.
"I-i'm not a baby! Fine..I'll go."
"Me too. I'll show you guys this isn't true. An imaginary insane guy from a 'horror' story isn't going to be at a mental asylum thats been abandoned for 20 years now. I mean...wouldn't he be out killing people by now?"
"Haha. You'll see y/n. I KNOW he'll be there." Dawson said cockily. So sure of himself.
"Yeah okay dawson." You said.
Just then the bell rang, indicating it was time to go home. You headed to your house and packed some things you'll need for the search at the mental asylum.
You took a nap so you could be energized for this, and when you woke up it was time for dinner.
You ate, then you went back to your room. It was dark out.
You waited a few hours then got your skateboard. You made sure everyone in your house was asleep then you put on your backpack and started rolling to the asylum.
Luckily it was only three miles, so it wasn't that far. You saw that dawson and Emily were there already. Emily was shaking at even the look of the asylum, and you had to was pretty creepy.
And it didn't look safe.
"Are you guys ready?" Dawson said with a huge smirk.
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah. Let's go."
You picked the lock from the back gate, and with success, you walked through it. There was rubble all over the yard in front of the asylum, and the asylum it's self looked like it could crumble at any second.
You went inside, and as soon as you did, you heard a dripping sound.
"IT'S HIM." Dawson yelled, making Emily squeal.
"Calm down, It's that leaky pipe over there." You said calmly, not scared one bit. I mean after all, you knew that no one was in this insane asylum but you, Emily, and Dawson.
You heard a knocking noise, and looked around, but saw dawson knocking on the wall with a smirk, trying to scare you. "Dawson stop."
After a bit of walking you started getting bored. "Guys let's just go. Clearly no one is here."
Then you heard a tapping noise, as if someone was tapping their shoes or running.
"Dawson stop I know your doing this."
"I...I didn't do that this time.."
"Yeah right." You said, rolling your eyes at him.
Then you saw a figure run past the hall.
Your heart started racing. You actually started getting scared.
"L-let's go guys!"
"What? You scared?" Dawson said uneasily. His body shaking a bit.
"No! But you are! Now let's go!" you yelled at him.
"Y-yeah..we should g-get going.." Emily said.
All of a sudden she screamed. You pointed your flashlight at her.
you saw a huge cut on her left shoulder.
Then...there he was.
Jeff The Killer was standing in the far hallway, just staring at you all. You saw his smile glimmer in the only light of the moon, causing chills to run down your spine.
You started shaking. "On three. We run."
Dawson whispered.
You whispered.
Then jeff started walking.
"THREE LETS GO." emily said.
She was already running away. So you and dawson started running too.
Then you looked behind to see jeff running.
He tackled you, and was about to stab you through the chest. Then he looked at your face.
You had your eyes shut, but then you slowly opened them. Confused as to why you didn't feel pain yet.
Jeff put his knife down and stared into your eyes. You blushed, pushed him off, then started running.
You looked behind you to see him sitting on the floor, dumbfounded.
And with a blink, he was gone.
You scratched your head. A bit shocked as to why that happened. You just ran out the gate of the insane asylum and met up with your friends.
"That was crazy..." You said in shock.
Dawson smirked. "And you said he wasn't real."
"Let's go home guys. I'm realizing now that if our parents notice we're not home, we're goners." Emily said.
"Good idea. see you guys tomorrow at school. Night." You said then got your your skateboard.
"Night y/n." They said as you skated away.
You climbed through your window when you got home, changed into pajamas and got in your bed. You tried to sleep but you couldn't stop think about that couldn't stop thinking about jeff. It was weird. Why didn't he just stab you...why didn't he just kill you..?
After a bit of thinking, you got tired and finally fell asleep. Completely unaware that...
He was watching you from your window.
BEN_Drowned (My baby):
You woke up early and started playing video games. You loved them. They were your absolute life.
If you had the choice to marry video games, you would.
You were already on the last level of Super Mario Bros. Until your mom called you downstairs.
"Come downstairs and eat now y/n!"
"Hold on mom! Just wait pleaaase!" You said, almost to the boss level.
Just then, your mom opened the door. Scaring the hell out of you.
You jumped, then you heard the death music.
"Dang it!" You said.
"Y/n. Downstairs now. You can't skip breakfast to play video games. Come on." She said.
"Fine. I'm coming."
"Thank you." Your mom said, then headed downstairs.
You sighed a long sigh then got dressed in sweatpants and a tank top, and then you went downstairs.
Your mom sighed. "You're going to school wearing that?" She asked.
"Yes. I don't care what THEY think. Especially them." You said then sat down next to your brother.
"Yeah you just think they're weird because they're actually normal and you're the weird one." Your brother said.
You smacked your brother in the back of the head, then took a piece of his pancake.
"Hey no hitting." Your mom said.
You smirked, eating the piece of your brother's pancake.
You thought about what you could do about that old guy who kept beating you on call of duty. Not hearing your mom at all.
"Hey. Y/n." she said, then snapped her fingers in front of your face, causing you to snap out of it.
"Oh. sorry mom."
"It's time to get going." She said. She gave you and your brother your backpacks.
You walked out with your brother. You walked him to his bus and went to yours. On the way there, you saw a guy looking around with a worried face.
"Excuse me? What's wrong?" You asked him.
" you want this?" He said, then gave you what looked to be a game.
"Do I?!?" You said with no hesitation and took the game. "Thanks mister!" You said, then skipped away.
"Ha. I wouldn't thank me." He said, then walked away with the face of relief.
When you got to your bus stop, you looked at the game. It was a cartridge that said "Majoras Mask" on the front. Thankfully you had a Nintendo 64'.
You put the cartridge in your backpack and zipped it. Then your bus arrived, so you happily got on. thinking about the bus and no one else.
Before you got on your seat, a girl pushed you. "Nerd" she said with a smirk.
You thought nothing of it and sat down, ignoring her. Actually you didn't even notice she said anything to you.
She scoffed and sat down.
When you arrived at the school a few minutes later, you got off the bus. The same girl from before stepped in front of you.
"Why did you ignore me? Huh nerd?"
You walked past her, not even listening. She scoffed again and pushed you to the ground. "Excuse me. I'm talking to you?"
"Sorry?" You said confused, and got up.
"No wonder you don't have friends. " she said and walked away.
You just shrugged and went inside.
When you got to your locker, you opened it and put your backpack in.
You wanted your cartridge to be safe, so no one steals it.
The bell rung and you were on your way to class.
While in class, you thought about the game the man gave you. Something drew you closer to it. It was weird, but intriguing.
"class dismissed." the teacher said.
You didn't even realize class was over until one of your classmates snapped they're fingers in front of your face.
You popped out of lala land and thanked him for waking you up. You went into the hallway, still thinking about your game.
The girl that pushed you before had pushed you again, because you bumped into her. She rolled her eyes at you and walked away, whispering to her friends about you.
You didn't think much of it, and just shrugged it off, running a hand through your (h/c) hair.
After a few more hours, school was over.
You were excited to finally get your backpack and go home with your new game.
When you got home, you ran into your room and put the Majora's Mask cartridge into your Nintendo 64'.
You grabbed the game controller, but once the game started, something felt a little off. You shrugged the feeling off, excited to finally play the game.
When the game started it had an option to start a new game, or load an old game. Curious, you looked at the game that you could load. It had the name "Ben" on it. You didn't think much of it, and thought maybe it was the former owner's game, so you deleted it and started a new one.
You were twenty minutes into the game when it started glitching.
It started bugging out, flashing from time to time, showing static. The characters even started to look disfigured.
You got into a certain level of the game that seemed really sketchy and creepy. Weird music suddenly started playing, and it sent a chill down your spine.
Just then, you saw some text at the bottom of the screen.
"you shouldn't have done that." it read.
You were freaked out. "i dont think this is part of the game." you thought to yourself.
You saw some more text, even though you hadn't pressed the button to continue reading.
"you shouldn't have deleted my file." the text read.
You were confused and a little scared.
"you've met with a terrible fate-"
You read the last text, but it got cut off. Just then, the game started glitching. It started sparking, it started fading. It had words like "ERROR"
then it got weirder.
It made a giant screeching sound, and the words that spelled error, started spelling out something else. Something you couldn't even read.
Then something terrifying happened:
Something started crawling out of your TV.
You scooted away from it, in shock, and in fear. You were terrified.
It crawled all the way out, and you noticed it was a boy.
He got closer to you, and you scooted back until you hit a wall.
He stood above you.
"Hey." he said, with an annoyed tone.
"w-what..?" you said, terrified.
"do you know how hard it was to get to the level i was on little girl? It took a long fucking time if you didn't know." he said, very very agitated.
"what..?" you said confused.
"it took me fucking days, and months to get to that level and you just delete it. thanks. Rude."
"wait...are you ben?" you asked.
"duh." he said.
"o-oh.." you said.
"you know." he said, then got lower to you.
He used the palm of his hand to bring your face up to look at him.
"you're kinda cute." he said with a smirk.
You blushed, and scooted away from him.
He rolled his eyes. "anyways. You're not safe now. You're lucky i haven't killed you. But just know that i could be watching at any time. I could be here at any time."
"so be careful if you like to change in your room." he said with a wink.
You crossed your arms, giving a scoff.
"byeeee" he said, then hopped back through the tv.
You hurried and unplugged your TV once he left, even though you were quite scared to get near it.
He was pretty scary, and slightly rude. But there was something about him that made you want to know more.
You took the Majora's Mask cartridge out of your Nintendo 64' and sat it in your closet.
You laid on your bed, and thought about the mysterious boy.
"Ben." you said out loud.
Eyeless Jack:
You are a freshman in medical collage. You were very lucky to have gotten a scholarship to this collage, since it is a very expensive one.
You saw a group of people in a hallway near the lockers, circling around a guy.
You went to see what it was all about. When you got closer, you noticed the guy was telling a story.
You sat down on the floor like a few other people were doing.
You listened closely to the story.
"in this very school, was a guy who studied here. His name was Jack. He wanted to be a surgeon, and he was very skilled at doing surgeries. He liked this girl and they were really good friends. Like really good. Well one day, he got into an accident. Which caused him to lose his eyeballs."
You gasped.
"Every day since then he wore a royal blue mask. He started going crazy and he started loving studying surgeries so much that he decided he'd practice. The first person he practiced his surgery on was the girl he loved, and he cut out her kidney."
You put your hand over your mouth, getting kinda scared.
"Then he got curious, so he took a bite out of it. And it tasted good. The girl died because he took both of her kidneys. After that he went insane, and he became a cannibal. He hid a bunch of dead bodies in his dorm room but then a stinky smell started coming from it. So his room got checked. He got caught, and he ran away. So he's probably still out there somewhere. The dorm room he used to live in was closed down, and no one goes in there anymore. They say that if you go in room 405 on the second floor which was his dorm, and you say his name over and over again, he'll be at your window and then you'll pass out. When you wake up you'll be in the bathroom, and he'll have taken one of your kidneys."
(A/N: just know that I have yet to read Eyeless Jack's story..this is just what I heard from a friend and I added my own thing to it. Please don't freak out. Once I do read it I will put the right thing.)
You shook. You were really really scared. And not about how scary this story is, but the fact that room 405 was your dorm. And it was on the second floor.
You tried to avoid going to your dorm room, but it was nighttime, and you had a curfew. You went to your dorm and unlocked it, slowly walking in.
You turned on the light, and closed the door behind you. You locked your windows.
Since it was late, you decided to get ready for bed.
When you were done, you sat in your bed and read a book, until you got tired. You got on your phone and looked at your social media. You were all set and even forgot about that story. It was just a stupid little story made to scare people. Right?
You then heard a loud BANG in your bathroom.
You jumped, but thinking something was on the edge of the sink or bathtub since you took a shower, you simply ignored it and decided to go to sleep.
You turned out the lights. And closed your eyes.
You were having a peaceful sleep.
that is until you felt a heavy weight on you. You slowly woke up with a yawn, and realized it was muffled, which confused you. you also realized you couldn't move.
You looked around to see you were tied down to your bed with a rope. You squirmed and squealed, but it was muffled by the scarf in your mouth.
You looked to your side to see a man in a hoodie, digging through surgery supplies. You tried to scream, but it was no use. It was muffled by the scarf.
You realized the story was true. Eyeless Jack was in your dorm. And he was gonna take your kidneys.
He finally found his scalpel, and made a huge incision in your thigh.
You screamed, but was muffled by the scarf.
You started to cry, and EJ realized that.
He tilted his head, his Royal blue mask shining in the light of your lamp.
He stitched up the cut, and wrapped a bandage around your thigh.
He came closer to you, making you squirm and close your eyes.
When you opened your eyes, his face was very close to yours. You were scared...but for some reason you also blushed.
In a blink, you were untied and everything was back to normal.
You were confused, but that night. You sure didn't go to sleep.
Dark Link:
Dark link, character in Legend Of Zelda. The evil version of the hero character link.
Dark link, Aka the guy in the posters all over your wall, Aka the guy on your blanket, Aka the guy on your body pillow.
Aka...your favorite person in the entire nonexistent game universe that you wish was real.
Your friends and family would call you weird for your obsession with dark link...and the fact that you have the small habit of dressing up like him on a daily basis.
Not to mention the things you do to your dark link body pillow behind closed doors. But that's another story for another time.
Dark link is pretty much your life. And no other boy would come close to getting you to have the same feelings you have for dark link, for them. That game character is your very soul.
But just..if only he was real.
Every night you would look online, "rituals to make fictional characters come to life."
And that's when it happened.
It was a full moon and you were searching for spells and rituals. When finally you found the perfect one.
"have you ever wanted to to make a game character, a book character, a cartoon character, or an anime character come to life? We have the perfect spell for you.
Things you will need: two white candles. A picture of the character you would like to meet.
If the character is mean, you will need a rock.
If the character is flirty, you will need a rose
And if the character is cute, you will need a doll or a teddy bear.
And the last two things you will need are the dark, and concentration."
You gathered the two white candles, the picture of dark link, and the rose.
"Step one: make it so the room you are in is pitch black, with no sound. Meaning if you have people in your house, if you're doing it in your house, you might want them to be asleep."
Thankfully, your whole family was asleep.
You turned out all of the lights, and closed your door. Locking it just in case.
"Step two: take your two candles and put them side by side, but around 12 inches apart. Put your picture in the middle, but five inches downwards, and put the rose on top of the picture."
You did what they told you to do.
"Step three: if you have curtains or blinds, please open them a bit so that you can let in a little of the moonlight. Make sure the moonlight is directly on the picture of your fictional character. When you have done that,
Chant these words: i call on you yo grant me my wish, please come to me mister or miss. I've always wanted to meet you since you played your part, and you've always had a place in my heart. Please come to me *fictional character's name*
And there you have it. Your character should be in front of you."
You chanted the words but..nothing happened.
You were disappointed and kind of sad. That spell seemed perfect, like it was going to work. You decided to clean everything up and go to bed.
After you got into bed, a few hours later you felt a weight down on your body. You were wondering why, or if it was one of your siblings who somehow got into your room even though the door is locked.
You groaned, getting up, when you felt yourself being pinned back down to the bed.
"w-what the.." you said. Then you got cut off.
"hey~" you heard. Automatically you knew who it was.
"holy..-" you said, though you planned everything you would do as soon as you saw him, those things being very explicit. You didn't know what to say.
" came to life!!" you said, almost in a scream. You quickly shushed yourself.
"What? No. I was already alive. You just summoned me. Now..what did you want?~" he said.
Then, you started blushing. You felt him sniffing your neck.
"i can smell your intentions sweetheart~" he said flirtatiously. You turned fully red.
" talking ab-bout?" you said nervously.
"oh, i think you know precious. But that'll have to wait until we know each other better. But don't worry, I'll fuck you silly after that~" he said with a wink.
Your eyes looked like they were about to pop out of your head. And your jaw looked like if you touched it, it would drop to the floor.
"you'd better close that mouth princess, or who knows what I'll end up doing to it~" he said. He closed your mouth, then he disappeared.
After that, you couldn't sleep. All you could do was hug your pillow, and think about dark link; Not that, that was out of the ordinary. But still. Noe even more than before knowing he's real..and the things he said. You were shocked by it, but you weren't complaining.
Now you really can't wait till he comes back.
How did you enjoy my first imagines book? I like it. There will be more chapters to come, but for now, comment and tell me how you like it!
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