(Sorry for my bad spelling)
The party lasted all night and somehow Fiona ended up by Slendermans door and Sindra had ended laying her head on Jeffs lap with Sally on her back.
Slenderman chuckled seeing all of the Pastas sprawled out like this, he found it adorable and funny. Just to have some fun he sent static to all their heads making them all wake up almost instantly.
"WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" Jeff groaned and yelled. He and Sindra blushed once they saw each other.
Sally yawned along with Grinny and Smile dog who were laying by the couch.
"Enjoy you're make out session?" Smile Dog asked as him,Grinny, and Sally started laughing.
Sindra automatically got off the couch and sat beside Fiona. Fiona groaned closing her eyes again.
Slenderman and Sally gave everyone water and waited until most of the pastas were able to stand until the fall figure spoke.
"Okay whoever spiked the punch last night I would strongly advise to never do that again." Slenderman said strictly.
Laughing Jack came into the house laughing like a maniac, with Sadie on his arm.
"Holy shit man!" The clown laughed
"I can't believe those kids were stupid enough to think they could fight us. HA!"
Slenderman looked annoyingly at LJ who seemed to have several cuts along with Sadie.
"Alright this is the exact reason why I'm doing this!" Slenderman snarled
"You all need to learn to fight without injuries."
Jeff groaned and rolled his eyes,
"Slendy we are fighting there's bound to be a cut or two."
Slenderman sighed
"I understand Jeff but that could been worse you need to know go to protect yourselves."
"Why do you care?" Jane said from the doorway.
This shocked Fiona a little bit she thought that Slenderman was like a father figure everyone could count on.
"The reason why child." Slender hissed at the black haired girl "Is because weather I like it or not its my responsibilty to take care of you all."
Most of the Pastas groaned and rolled or eyes, it seemed like Slender really caring about them. Then having a home again was nothing but dead hope.
"Now everyone be outside in two hours!" The suited figure warned, after the girls went to the kitchen to get medicine and water while some of the guys slept.
Sindra and Fiona walked into the kitchen getting some Advil and water, Clockwork walked out with two glasses and sat down by Toby. There seemed to be nothing but dead silence and supession all through the house.
"So you had your first kiss?" The black haired tan teen joked,
The younger girls face flushed a bright red "I don't remember even drinking anything but water.." the girl said quietly
The black haired girl dropped her cup and stared angirly at the craved smiled boy who was trying to sleep but was being annoyed by Jay.
Jane who was sitting at the table which was not but a few feet away had the same reaction as Fiona.
"Whats Jeffs last name?" Fiona asked coldly to Jane.
The girl looked up from her cup, she smirked slightly and said "Woods," very cooly.
Fiona nodded in thanks to the girl, she then picked up her drink. Sindra suddenly relaised what happened and walked over to the boy and pulled onto his hair trying to drag him outside. Not caring, the teen played along thinking he could easily beat her up. Once they were outside, there was a weapon rack by the porch and along with a first aid kit.
"Did. You. Get. Me. Drunk?!" The girl hissed letting the black haired boy go, groaning in annoyance he shook his head.
Slenderman who had set up a weapons rink outside with Masky placed a hand on his temple not ready to deal with a fight this early.
"I didn't," he said his voice raspy "but a little pill did."
Sindra slapped Jeff across the face earning a chuckle from him "So that's how sweet girls play hm?"
The brown haired pixe-cutted girl tried landing a kick to Jeffs groin but he dodged her.
"Feisty." Jeff laughed
"In your dreams kinky bastard!" The pale girl said turning to Jeff again
"I'm into the same stuff you are sweetheart." Jeff said pulling his knife out from his blood-stained hoodie.
The two charged at each other forgetting that they were still a little hung over before they were about to collide with each other, toby ran through them to Masky.
"Oh God No!" Masky yelled running away from Toby
Jeff and Sindra on the ground got up and glared at each other. Suddenly Sadie and Laughing Jack came off of the front porch onto the lawn with them
"Let's finish what happened last night clown boy!" Sadie hissed at Lj, the clown laughed and the two along with several more pastas who came onto the front lawn began to fight.
Smile Dog was fighting with Grinny while trying to aid Jeff in his fight with Sindra, Lj and EJ were parring up against a fight with Lost Silver and Sadie, Toby was chasing Masky around the lawn, Fiona was trying to get Jeff and Sindra to stop fighting but got into a fist fight with Sonic Exe, Jane was fighting with Offenderman who was wan't fighting just looking at Jane's boobs, Jay was getting into a fight with Hoodie. Sally was on the porch giggling as she watched more and more people get into fights.
The long black haired girl gave up trying to get her friend and Jeff to stop fighting she began to walk back up to the porch she got shocked by a wire under her.
"OW!" She screeched
BEN came out of the wire "Sorry Fi," the elf said "Thought you were Jeff."
Fiona landed him square in the face "I LOOK NOTHING LIKE THAT BASTARD!"
"Ow,Okay." Ben said getting up "You don't look nothing like Jeff, just an almost genderbent version of hi-"
Feeling offended by the almost Fiona tackled Ben to the ground and then those two began fighting.
"Well.." Slenderman thought to himself "That's one way to get this to work.."
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