This story is dedicated to
EmmyTheKing &TheLuckyNewb
In January 2004 two girls ran from Chicago Orphanage. The cold air nipping at the small girls feet as one cried pulling a blanket around her bruised body the other was trying to support them both as they looked for a place to hide. They found an alley and sat in a dumpster
"H-How bad are you hurt?" The black haired girl asked looking at the smaller girls arm
The brown haired girl looked away from the older girl and cried harder
They both remained silent for a few minutes listening as rain began to pound softly on the dumpster
"I'll live.." The smaller girl said pulling up the blanket closer to herself and let her eyes begin to fall
"I'll be here when you wake up I promise Sinn." The black haired girl said looking to see if her friend was asleep.
The older girl climbed out of the dumpster and ran inside the store beside it.
Her eyes easily adjusted to the dark, her hands graced a smooth, metal surface. She stopped her hand on the surface and lightly grasped it, blood began to drop down her hand as she yanked her hand back.
"Weapons" she thought getting a wicked idea
After about five minutes in the store she walked out a satchel holding a few knives and a Katina was wrapped around her shoulder. The rain began to fall harder as she ran back to the Orphanage.
She walked in through the back door and saw a naked man sleeping in one of the bunks.
The girl walked over to the man and took some of the sheets from the other empty beds.
She tied them tightly around the mans arms and legs and then finally around his mouth.
"Wake up schum bag!" She hissed at the man
The man slowly opened his eyes in fear and shock, he tries to get up but his restraints held him back. He began to pull at them with no luck at undoing them.
"Listen!" The girl began
"I'm gonna let you talk but scream and I'll kill you!"
The man nodded,
The tan skinned girl took off the mouth restraint.
"What the Hell are you doing Fiona!"
The man asked his voice was groggy and rough
Fiona giggle creepily at the man
"I'd rather die a painful death than let a scum like you walk around!"
The man wide eyed in fear looked at the little girl
"Y-You wouldn't!" He said fearfully
"A-After you let your pride get the best of you, Sinndra won't forgive you!"
Fiona slapped the man across the face
"After what you did to her don't ever speak her name!" She hissed
"I'll say it whenever I want!" The man said begins to get cocky
"I wanted to that to you but she begged me not to touch you. She wouldn't let me hurt you said because you were her sister."
With that the black haired girl scraped the man deep in his stomach with her Kitana. He let out a painful cry,
The small child began rapidly staving the man until he stopped moving.
Fiona left the orphanage with a creepy smile on her face.
The rain fell harder as the dark eyes girl went into the dumpster with a two fresh pairs of clothing in her bag.
Fiona sighed happily and looked at her friend
"Tomorrow is anther day my friend and were gonna be different people than we were yesterday. We have another chance."
Thunder banged loudly making the dumpster shake. Sinndra winced in her sleep, rolling her eyes Fiona crawled over to her friend and hugged her Trying to erase the self praise going I in her head as she slowly fell asleep.
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