long distance relationship
((Happy forth of july! 😃🎆🎇))
Collage isnt easy, infact its worse then highschool. Nearly everyone is like a cartman clone personality wise and others are either slutty or annoying. Craig hates his collage but he needed to stay if he wanted to get his dream job and support his future family.
Thats basically the only thing that keeps him from quitting.
He looked at his phone to see if he had any new notifications or if his bf texted him today.
Nothing yet but Craig couldn't help but reread the conversation him and his boyfriend tweek had yesterday, seeing the typos that tweek did from his constant twitching is so cute to him.
Tweek:hey craig? Can i ask you something?
Craig:Sure babe
Tweek:i feel like something is going on, Like someone is lying to me or something you know?
Craig:i feel that way sometimes too but itll pass
Tweek:did you ever lie to me?
Craig was telling the truth, he would never lie to tweek or kept secrets from him. He's the only person he trusts in their childhood home, thinking back he kinda missed it even if most of the people he knew where assholes.
Craig:you are the only person i can trust, someone i would always open up too and not be judged
Tweek:since when did you become so mushy?
Craig:since now
Craig:i gtg to bed, big test tomorrow.
Tweek:ok, can we skype chat tomorrow?
Craig:sure honey, i love you
Tweek:i love you too ❤
And thats all the conversation went, craig never bothered to ask where the sudden question came up but he'd be sure to ask later.
A paper ball was thrown at his head as he looks up from his phone, someone threw the paper at him to get his attention.
The professor was to busy to notice that craig was on his phone so it wasnt him.
He noticed a lady who was 2 rows down looked at him seeing if he read her note,he looked confused as he looked at her features.
She has long blond hair,her face was painted with makeup, and she is dressed all slutty.
Craig gave his signature cold stare as he opens up the ball of paper,it was a 'invite' to her dorm.
Craig made a disgusted face and raises a middle finger at her before giving the paper to some dude who is sitting beside him telling him that it was from the slut then went back to what he was doing before.
He kinda smirked at the look on her face.
It was all over as craig gathered his things and went back to his dorm. His roommate wasnt there so it was a good time as any to skype call tweek.
He sets up his laptop and sits down on a very comfortable computer chair, criag rubs his eyes pretty tired from the lack of sleep and hard work he's been doing.
He then checks if tweek is online then starts calling tweek on skype.
It didnt take long for him to answer, tweeks face popped on craigs computer screen with that smile that makes his heart soar.
"Hi craig! H-how was class?" Tweek asked with a slight stutter, he still stumbles over his words but not as bad back in 4th grade "it fuckin sucked ass as always" craig smiled after hearing tweeks laugh "im sorry to hear that, really" tweek said after his fit of giggles.
They had conversations about tweeks life back at south park and craigs life in collage, tweek started to work the family buisness at tweek bros coffee. He was pretty happy to be working there since hes around the things he love, coffee and friends...... But mostly coffee.
"Hey tweek? Remember that conversation we had last night?"
Craig asked "ya i r-remember"
"Well what did the sudden question came from?" After that sudden question tweek became silent, he twitched as he continues to be silent.
"Babe?" Craig looked concerned, tweek took a deep breath as he stared at his own screen. "I uh.... I had d-doubts...about our relationship." Tweek mummbled "im lost..." Craig said,the look on his face was blank but he was curious what his boyfriend has to say. "W-well me and c-clyde talked the other day and... At one point clyde said that your probably 'being disloyal' then g-got me wondering if... You didnt want to be with me cuz we are in a long distance relationship..." Tweek explained then took a sip of coffee.
Craig stared at the screen thinking over what tweek said, hes so gonna kill clyde when hes done with collage.
"If i didnt want to have a long distance relationship ive wouldve broken up with you 2 years ago" craig said making tweek look up from his steaming cup of coffee. "I-i know its just that-" "you where thinking i was cheating on you?" "Y-yes! Wait no! I mean-agh!" Tweek twitched making craig crack a smirk.
Tweek is so cute.
"Its fine if you thought that tweek, i mean i kinda thought the same for a while but you know something?" "W-what?" "I know you love me and would never do something like that"
Craig said and tweek smiles "cuz keeping a secret like that would be to much pressure for you" "oh haha very funny" tweek said sarcastically and craig chuckles.
"But in all seriousness, i love you and only you tweek. Id never love anyone else." Craig said "and there you go back to being all mushy" tweek laughed "i love you too craig" there was a pause.
"Just think honey, one more year and you'll be back in my arms" craig said with a smile.
"And I cant wait"
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