Velociraptors x Reader 1
"Doctor Grant! Billy! Mr. Udesky! Mr and Misses Kirby where are you all!?" you called out as you walked through the thick forest, looking for the others from this very ill advised adventure, you had lived through several near-death experiences, you were hot, sweaty, had blood stains on your jeans, white t-shirt and jean jacket from the cuts and bruises you had gotten from being tossed around and chased all over the place, and now you had gotten separated form the group and were scared witless that you'd be found by one of the dinosaurs that were chasing you all.
You were one of Dr. Grant's students along with Billy Brennan, you were asked by the Kirby's to fly over one of the islands owned by INGEN for their dinosaur projects, Alan got knocked out and the plane landed then you were all attacked by something, something very big.
Then to your horror that 'thing' attacked the plane and it turned out to be a Spinosaurus, you had to watch as Nash, one of the men who flew the plane was killed and eaten by the massive dinosaur, then you were almost killed by said dinosaur again when the plane fell from the tree it had crashed into, everyone was hurt, including you with a cut to your thigh making your jeans stain red with your blood, and a cut to your upper right arm, as well as a few bruises from being thrown around in the plane.
Then after you escaped the plane you were all chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex and then you had to watch as the huge, sail backed dinosaur fought and killed that same T-Rex, almost stomping on Alan in the process! Since then you and the group had been trying to find a way off of the island while looking for the Kirby's son Erik, and then you had to deal with a bloody skeleton falling down on top of you and Amanda, who freaked out and ran off into the jungle, leaving you and the others behind to retrieve the parachute while her husband went after her.
That was when you found yourself in the middle of something amazing, the Kirby's had called out to Dr. Grant and he, along with Mr. Udesky had gone off to see what was wrong, and you being the curious sort followed after them until you reached the same clearing as everyone else, you stared in awe at the mounds of dirt all around you and the small, round, white objects that were nestled into the dirt, as Alan knelt down beside one of the mounds you knelt down beside him to look at the little white objects, it was then you realised you were looking at eggs!
"We're in a dinosaur nesting ground... what kind of dinosaur eggs are these?" you asked as you looked at the tiny white eggs, sitting in the warm dirt.
"Raptor..." Dr. Grant whispered worriedly, you had heard of his bad experiences with that certain dinosaur, about how he and his wife Dr. Sattler had been chased around and almost killed by a pair of them, although these Raptors sounded very scary you had to admit you kind of did want to see one in the flesh.
You took out your camera and took a picture of the nest in front of you for a photo album you could make when you go home, you heard something moving towards you and the others and looked up, fully expecting to see an adult Raptor standing there, however to your relief and disappointment it was only Billy.
"We've got to go, before their mothers come back!" Alan said quickly as he grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the nests, the others followed close behind as you all walked away from the nests.
(Probably a good thing, if they came back and saw us near their eggs they'd probably be really mad, maybe I'll see one some other time? Or maybe some other dinosaurs?) you though to yourself as you walked behind Dr. Grant and in front of the Kirby's and Mr. Udesky, that was when you noticed Billy was missing.
"Hey, Dr. Grant, where's Billy?" you asked, making him stop in his tracks and look behind them, with a look of panic on his face as he rushed back to find him, along with you, you found Billy walking up the path zipping up his satchel.
"What are you doing?" Dr. Grant asked incredulously as you walked up beside him.
"I was photographing the nest" Billy said casually.
"Don't do that again" Dr. Grant said.
"Yeah, I already got some pictures of the nests, find your own stuff to photograph!" you said sassily, Billy rolled his eyes as he and Dr. Grant walked ahead with you following after them, eventually you all found an abandoned research base belonging to INGEN.
"Finally, a place to take a breather..." you said as you all walked inside passing by destroyed cars and overgrown paths, you went inside and found several Vending machines which Billy broke into to get you all some food, as you ate you all found what looked to be the place where INGEN made their dinosaurs, the machines were all covered in dirt and dust, broken eggshells littered the floor and the incubators from where the dinosaurs had been born, several of the incubators had their glass domes smashed too.
"This is how you make dinosaurs?" Amanda Kirby asked as she picked up a broken dinosaur egg.
"No, this is how you play God..." Dr. Grant said, there was a loud crunch as Paul Kirby stepped on a piece of eggshell, you looked at the large test tubes that were nearby to see the dinosaur embryo's that floated within.
"It's kind of sad, these little babies didn't get a chance at life..." you mumbled sadly as you looked at them dead dinosaurs floating within, you walked along the line of test tubes with Amanda beside you, until you saw what looked like a Raptor's head floating in one of the tanks.
"Woah..." you breathed out as you approached the glass tank, taking in all the features of the dinosaur, including the odd little quills that were growing out of it's head.
"This one looks a lot different than the ones Dr. Grant described in his book..." you said to yourself as you reached into your satchel and pulled out your camera to take a picture, as you did this Amanda leaned in closer to the tank, as she leaned in the Raptor's eye suddenly twitched towards her just as the flash of your camera went off, suddenly the Raptor inside shrieked in surprise before lunging towards you both!
Amanda clutched onto you screaming loudly as you screamed too, the Raptor was trying to get between the tanks as it snapped it's jaws and swiped it's claws towards you both, Billy rushed over and pulled you both away as the group made a run for it, you heard glass shatter and the Raptor shrieking behind you as you ran down a darkened hallway and into what looked like a paddock.
"This way, this way!" Paul yelled as he ran down a hall full of cages, you heard the Raptor shriek again from behind you all, only for you to find a large door blocking your way as Paul tried to pull it open.
"It's locked!" Paul said in a panic.
"SHIT!" you yelled as you turned and saw the Raptor right behind you all, Amanda, Paul, Grant and Mr. Udesky rushed one way while you and Billy ran into one of the cages, you both grabbed the door and closed the cage, only for the Raptor to slam into the door and push it inwards!
"Oh for fuck sake, who makes a cage door that swings both ways!?" you yelled as you tried to push the Raptor out, however you and Billy were completely outmatched by it's strength and it pushed both you and Billy into a corner of the cage, you were trapped by the door as the Raptor snapped and snarled at the mesh on the door, you were terrified as you saw the dinosaur's sharp teeth and claws mere inches away from your face, it's warm breath stank of meat and other things!
The others were trying to get the Raptor's attention away from you and Billy, the creature stopped pushing on the cage, it's orange eyes staring straight at you, you felt like it was looking right into your soul as it growled lightly, before it turned it's attention upwards, towards the gap that was left from the cage door.
"Oh God..." you whispered as you realised what it was going to do, the Raptor's clawed feet latched onto the mesh as it pulled itself upwards, you knew you had to act fast or you'd be dinosaur chow!
"Push! PUUUUSH!!" you said as you used all your strength to push on the door, Billy yelled as he pushed the door too, the Raptor made a surprised shriek as you and Billy slammed the door shut on the opposite wall, then slid the latch of the lock into place to trap the Raptor against the wall, Billy grabbed your hand and pulled you along as the others rushed out to escape the Raptor, however you stopped running when you heard an odd sound coming from behind you.
You turned around and saw the Raptor looking at you as it made an odd sound, Alan stopped beside you and looked at the Raptor in shock.
"My God... it's calling for help!" Dr. Grant said, you were amazed at it as well, but was pulled out of the amazement when Paul grabbed both you and Dr. Grant and pulled you both along, the last you saw of the Raptor was it's head coming over the door and looking right towards you before you turned the corner and sprinted away into the jungle with the others, as you ran you could hear the Raptor making an odd barking sound.
(Oh God, it must be calling the others!) you thought to yourself as you sprinted deeper into the thick jungle, suddenly you all came out of the jungle and right into a heard of Parasaurolophus and Corythosaurus.
(This would have been a great chance for a photo if we weren't being chased by killer dinosaurs right now!) you thought to yourself as you ran with the others.
"Into the heard!" Dr. Grant yelled as you all ran toward the large herbivores, the large herbivores bellowed in fright as you all ran towards them before they started to run away, bellowing loudly in panic, it became a chaotic mess as you all tried not to get run over by the massive dinosaurs
You heard a familiar shrieking and looked back to see two Raptors break out of the thick brush, they were so fast! They would catch up to you all easily, you had to find somewhere to hide!
"Head for the trees!" you heard Dr. Grant yell out, you tried to do as he sad but the stampeding dinosaurs all around you made it very difficult, you tripped over a rock and lay in the grass as a large dinosaur foot hit the ground mere inches from your face, you screamed as you scrambled to your feet and ran into the jungle.
You ran and ran with leaves and branches smacking you as you ran through the dense jungle to escape the Raptors, after running for several minutes you fell against a tree panting for breath as sweat ran down your neck and face, you felt so tired that you couldn't move your legs, your entire body felt heavy as you tried to even out your breathing and wiped sweat from your brow.
And that was how you ended up like this, all alone, in the middle of a jungle, with killer dinosaurs chasing you, possibly watching you as you stumbled through the trees calling out for the others.
"Dr. Grant! Billy! Where are you guys!?" you called out loudly, then you heard a loud scream of pain from somewhere in the forest.
"Oh God..." you whimpered as you moved through the trees, as you walked you could hear the sounds of the Raptors barking to one another, but you couldn't figure out where they actually were, you flinched at the rustle of the underbrush nearby, every little sound made by the forest was making you jumpy, then you heard the others calling out to each other from nearby, you felt hopeful that you'll be safe.
"Oh thank God, the others are-" your relief melted away and turned into panic when you heard a hiss from behind you, making you freeze where you stood, your heart pounded in your chest and you started to hyperventilate, you were too scared to even move a muscle as you felt your arms tremble, you heard footsteps move closer to you before you felt warm puffs of air blow your hair out, what felt like breaths against your neck as you felt a presence move close behind you as the Raptor growled.
Your eyes watered and your legs felt weak, you probably would have collapsed if you weren't so scared, you couldn't even blink from how scared you were, you had wanted to see a Raptor up close but this was terrifying!
Suddenly the bushes rustled violently as another Raptor burst from the cover, then a third one ran out from behind a nearby tree, followed by a fourth one that ran towards you, you were surrounded, you felt a hard push against your back making you fall to the ground on your front before you felt something heavy hold you down, you didn't move as you heard the Raptors above you barking and making sounds at one another, you could feel the pin pricks of claws on your back and knew it was stepping on you.
(Wh-What are they going to do to me!? Oh please, I don't want to die here! I just wanted an adventure, not to get eaten by a dinosaur!) you thought to yourself, you were to scared to make a sound or call for help, worried that the Raptors above you would attack if you made any sound or moved at all.
Suddenly you felt breaths against the side of your face, you slowly turned your head to see a white scaled snout next to your head, it seemed curious about you and hissed at an involuntary movement your legs made, the other Raptors moved closer as well, looking down at you while hissing and making loud sounds, some seeming to smell you before you were violently flipped over onto your back, you closed your eyes as you expected to be ripped apart and eaten.
Your breathing went faster as you laid on the ground waiting to be killed, however instead you just heard the Raptors above you barking and hissing at one another, you slowly opened your eyes and you saw the four Raptors standing above you, three of them were the same as the one from the building, they had blue scales and eyes that seemed a deep reddish-orange and the three all had quills on their heads, however the one that was currently looming right above your face had white scales with black spots along her head and neck, her eyes were a bright amber colour and seemed to be looking right into your soul.
As you gazed back into the Raptor's eyes you felt as if there was nothing else in the world going on around you, you almost forgot about the fact that the Raptors had just been chasing you and the others through the forest, intent on killing you all for some reason or another, you could feel some form of connection going on between you and the Raptor, her eyes showing curiosity rather than hunger or any sign or predatory attitude, as you gazed at the Raptor you suddenly became aware of your arm moving up towards it's face and resting on it's snout, your heart hammered as you saw it's lips pull back and show it's dagger-like teeth and a hiss leaving it's mouth, the other Raptors hissed and chattered at you before the one above you let out a loud shriek right in your face.
Paul, Amanda and Billy sat in the tree looking down at Mr. Udesky's body after the Raptor broke his neck, they suddenly heard a loud shriek from a Raptor nearby before it was followed by a bloodcurdling scream.
"(Y/N)..." Billy said as he listened out for any more noise, all he could hear was the silence of the forest, all he could do was assume the worst and that the Raptors had got you.
You woke up a few times to see the trees and plants passing you by, you could feel yourself being dragged through the forest, various rocks, roots and branches poking you as you were dragged through the brush, and the sound of something growling behind you as it held you by the collar of your shirt, you felt light headed and passed out again, only to wake up a little later back in the Raptor nests.
"Ugh... what happened?" you asked yourself as you tried to remember what had happened, the last thing you remembered was that Raptor screeching in your face and making you scream in panic before you passed out from the fright.
You stood up to try and figure out what had happened only to be surrounded by several Raptors, there were a few of the ones with quills on their heads and a few of the white ones all looking at you while barking at one another, you just stood there frozen in fear until one approached you and sniffed at your clothes, you stood as still as a statue hoping that the Raptor would bite you, as you stood still the Raptor's snout moved up until if was right in your face and smelling at your (H/C) hair.
"Okay... what's happening right now?" you asked yourself as you kept your arms at chest level, trying your best not to aggravate the dinosaur that was rubbing it's snout against your hair, you heard the others close in and start smelling you as well, you could feel the puffs of air leaving their nostrils as they breathed in your scent, after a minute of you standing dead still with your heart pounding in your chest the Raptors stopped sniffing at you and instead started pushing you towards one of the nests.
(Oh no, are they going to feed me to their babies!?) you thought to yourself worriedly as you went along with them, suddenly you were pushed into a sitting position close to the nest, that was when you saw some of the eggs shifting around as the shells cracked, you watched in fascination as a tiny little head forced it's way out of the egg, revealing a tiny baby Raptor.
"Awww... it's so tiny and cute!" you fangirled, completely forgetting about the possibility you could be the baby's first meal, the parent Raptors watched the babies come into the world along with you, before the white one laid down beside you on your left side, resting it's snout upon your lap.
"Oh boy, yep... this is happening, um... what the hell do I do!?" you stuttered worriedly before you felt a scaly body press against your back, you saw a tail and a quilled head either side of you before another white scaled Raptor laid down to your right, surrounding you with warm, scaly bodies, as this happened you heard tiny little screeches from the nest, you looked over and watched as the baby Raptors clumsily climbed out of their little nest and climbed over your legs and what was left of your lap, one very adventurous little Raptor even climbed all the way up onto your chest only to nearly fall off!
Acting on instinct you suddenly grabbed the baby before it could hit the ground and hurt itself, the baby Raptor squeaked a few times before you cradled it to your chest, the little dinosaur made a little shriek before it shifted around in your arms and fell asleep on your chest, you looked around to see the pile of adult Raptors and little babies laying around or on top of you.
"Welp, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon..." you said to yourself as you made yourself comfortable and fell asleep with the Raptors.
Dr. Grant, Amanda, Paul and Erik were sitting on a helicopter flying towards a navy battleship, as they flew towards the ships three Pterodactyls flew past the helicopters, Dr. Grant and Billy watched the large, flying reptiles fly away into the clouds with sad looks on their faces.
"(Y/N) would have loved this..." Billy said.
"Yeah, she would have wanted this as a picture for sure..." Dr. Grant said sadly, he felt somewhat guilty for bringing you along for this venture, but he did feel a little better knowing that the Kirby's had be reunited with their son.
"I'm sure she's looking down at this moment right now with a big smile on her face..." Billy said from his gurney, as he thought back to you.
You ran through the thick vegetation of the forest, you had been going to the beach hoping to find Dr. Grant and the others, it's true that you weren't in as bad a condition as you could have been, however you were sweaty, the cuts on your arm and thigh were sore, and you really wanted a bath!
It was amazing that the Raptors hadn't hurt you, and what's better you had managed to get some amazing pictures of the Raptors! It was kind of tempting to stay with them and get more pictures, maybe see more of the island, but you really wanted a bath, and to maybe sleep in your bed for a month.
Finally you burst through the bushes and onto a white sandy beach, you could hear the water lapping against the sand and smell the salt water in the air, however your eyes were more focused on the ships that were slowly moving away from the island!
"I don't believe it... those fuckers left me here!!" you said angrily, you flopped down onto the sand as tears leaked from your eyes, now you were stuck here on an island full of dinosaurs, all alone.
"I'm probably going to get eaten by a T-Rex any moment now, and I can't put my pictures in my album now" you said sadly, but it wasn't just your photos you were mad about, you also couldn't have a bath, sleep in your warm, comfy bed, get yourself any food like chocolate, and what about when nature calls!?
"Please kill me now..." you said as you closed your eyes and fell on your back in the sand, spread eagled in the warm sun as the gravity of your situation sank in.
You then heard a familiar call from nearby before the sound of quick, heavy footsteps approached and a shadow fell over you, quickly followed by several other shadows, you opened your eyes and saw the white scaled Raptor standing above you looking down at you curiously, you were also surrounded by the other ones with quills on their heads.
"They left me here, can you guys believe that? Now what am I going to do?" you said as you looked up at the Raptors, as if expecting an answer, all you got in response was some chirping and a couple barks.
"Yep, I'm totally screwed..." you said, you then felt one of the Raptors nudging you in the side as if saying 'get up', not wanting to annoy the Raptors now that you were all alone you stood back up, brushing the sand off of your clothes, the Raptors made their chattering noises as they moved back into the forest, leaving you with the white scaled one.
"You want me to follow you guys?" you asked, the Raptor made several chirps before she nudged you towards the forest, you took one last look at the ships that were now tiny dots on the horizon before you followed the Raptors into the forest.
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