Specimen 6 x Female! Reader 6
Six carried you with her ever since you both left the Marine Outpost, you were sad to leave Lauren behind but you were sure she would get out of there fine, your head was being firmly held against Six's chest, so you could hear her breaths as she moved through the jungle towards the ruins that Weyland Yutani had taken such an interest in.
"Six, why are we going to the ruins? Is something happening there?" you asked curiously as your body was pressed against hers, she hissed in response and kept walking until she reached the base of the ruins close to the Pyramid, she then found an entrance into the ruins and crawled inside with you clinging to her armoured body, it was a tight fit and you felt your back run along the cold stone through the darkness.
(I hope this will be over soon, I need to rest, and have a shower...) you thought to yourself as Six crawled through the tunnel, you then heard a muffled clap of thunder from close by, then Six let out a hiss and a light screech as she hopped out of the dark tunnel, into the open air.
"Ah, well done Six, but... where are we? Is this, that dig site that the company was so interested in?" you asked as you let go of Six and crawled out from under her, sitting up and looking around at the ancient, stone structures surrounding you, and lit braziers, you also saw a structure in the center with two statues of humanoid beings holding spears and a star shaped disks, their faces were masks, then you saw them, Weyland's Combat Androids were patrolling the ruins.
"Shit... those Combat Androids are around, this area must be important to Mr. Weyland" you said to yourself as you saw Six crawl backward, also pulling you with her into a darkened corner, with her holding onto you as she hissed possessively, making you blush slightly as you just let her cling onto you.
A few seconds later, Six slowly released you, and she slowly crawled down and over a wall towards where one of the Combat Androids were patrolling, Six crawled over the edge and suddenly grabbed the Android, she was about to headbite the Android before it managed to break free of Six's hold.
"Xenomorph identified!" the Android said as he pumped a shotgun and fired it at Six, but Six managed to avoid the buckshot since she was crawling low to the ground, Six then lunged and slashed at the Android with her claws, making the Android stumble back before Six slashed at the Android again, killing it, Six then crawled on ahead, leaving you in the safety of the shadowed entrance.
"Six is really good at killing... makes me feel like I'm just in her way, I mean I got beat up, knocked out, abducted, and used as bait" you mumbled to yourself, feeling self conscious, while you weren't a trained Marine like the ones that Six has been slaughtering, you still wished you could look after yourself a little better and not feel like such a burden for Six.
"These glyphs repeatedly reference the Xenomorphs..." said one of Weyland's dig crew, who were examining the ruins with an Android standing guard, Six slowly crawled closer before she lunged at the Android and stabbed it with her tail, knocking the Android to the ground before she rushed in and slashed it with her claws, killing this Android too before a second Android rushed up the steps to shoot Six with it's Pulse Rifle.
Six shrieked and lunged at the Android, slashing it with her claws, when the one she killed mere seconds ago suddenly exploded, it's primary power unit had exploded, sending out a small EMP pulse, Six then finished the second Android off with a stab from her tail, before she started to also go after the dig crew, planning to Harvest them as hosts for the FaceHuggers.
While Six was going after the unarmed man though, you looked to your left and saw one of Weyland's Combat Androids standing at an entryway and aiming a sniper rifle at Six!
"SIX!" you called out, catching her attention and making her turn toward you, making the bullet from the sniper barely miss her head, she shrieked and crawled to where the Android was in a hurry, jumping from the ruin into cover behind a broken down wall, and hurriedly crawling towards the Android, the Android started shooting at Six, one of the bullets struck Six and made her shriek in pain and annoyance before she attacked the Android with her claws, Pushing the Android over the edge of the narrow walkway and down into the lower areas of the ruins, the fall damaging it's systems and rendering it unable to fight anymore.
"Well done Six, your a good girl" you said with a smile as you ran your fingers lightly over Six's head, your fingers lightly moving over the ridges in her exoskeleton, Six made a sound between a hiss and a purr and leaned into your touch slightly, before she went back on alert and crawled off to kill off more Androids and Harvest more Humans to expand the Hive.
As she crawled away however, leaving you alone again, you started to think to yourself that perhaps it was time to start pulling your weight, yes, Six was an almost perfect killing machine, but she wasn't immortal, and there was also the fact that you were an easy target for any Androids or Marines that would be looking for you to bring you to Weyland or worse, Dr. Groves.
"I need to get my hands on a gun, maybe one of those Androids'll have one?" you said to yourself as you started to walk towards where Six had killed off the Androids earlier, to see if you could perhaps find a Pulse Rifle, Pistol or a Shotgun.
While you went off to find a gun and at least be able to defend yourself from anyone who came too close, Six crawled away and was stalking one of the dig team through the ruins, they were walking through the lower areas of the ruins, following the man around silently until he was alone, then she jumped down behind him and grabbed him, before shoving the Human to the ground and allowing a FaceHugger to latch onto his face, rendering the man comatose as it implanted the Embryo.
"Atmosphere processing really eroded some of the stonework" said another man who was just around the corner with another one of Weyland's Combat Androids, Six crawled up a nearby wall and slowly crawled along the wall, watching the Android below carefully, then she jumped off of the wall and slammed into the Android, sending it skidding along the ground before she drew up her tail and stabbed the spike through the Android's head.
"Oh God! No! I don't want to be infested!" the man who the Android was guarding said in panic before he took off running, Six saw him run and went after him, the Man rounded the corner and tripped over something, he looked back and saw that he had tripped over the comatose body of the other man, the FaceHugger firmly gripped onto his face.
"AH! AHHH! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" the man screamed in panic, his terror from the situation paralysing him and allowing Six to jump on top of him, pinning him to the ground, Six then lifted the man's head slightly allowing a FaceHugger to latch on as well, the man made a muffled scream before he fell unconscious.
"Come on, there's gotta be a gun around here somewhere..." you said to yourself as you walked down the steps, searching for a weapon, you carefully snuck around the ruins, trying to avoid being spotted by the Androids or the dig crew, stopping at a doorway and hiding around the corner to make sure there wasn't anyone on the other side.
"Fuck! Fuck! One of those things reached here too!? We've got to get out of here!" a man said in obvious panic, probably one of the dig crew.
"Continue with assigned tasks" the Android said as it aimed it's gun at the man, threatening to shoot him if he didn't continue to work, the man whimpered and shook as he went back to digging.
"Those Androids really have a one track mind... oh, there's Six" you said as you saw Six crawling across a wall toward the Android and the Human, Six then shrieked and jumped down onto the Android, which made a distorted cry of surprise, also sending it's weapon flying from it's hands.
The man who was digging screamed and ran off while Six killed the Android with a head bite, Six then hissed and crawled after the Human, leaving the dead Android on the ground, before it caused a small EMP explosion, after the electricity dissipated you carefully approached it, and then found it's M41A Pulse Rifle laying a few feet away.
"Oh please don't be fried..." you said as you walked to it and picked it up, you checked it over carefully, on the side of the gun was a small scree that said 67 in red numbers, that was how many bullets were left in the clip before you would have to reload.
"Wow, this thing's pretty light... I thought it'd be heavier, let's see if-" you then accidentally pulled the trigger and shot it at the ground, the sound startled you slightly and you almost dropped the gun!
"Okay! There's the trigger!" you said as you tried to calm down, until a hiss came from an entry way and you looked over to see Six crawl towards you, before she stood up on her hind legs, going to her full height over you as she came very close to check on you.
"Oh, it's alright Six, I was just checking out this gun, I figured it might be good to have this, just so that we don't have a repeat of what happened at that Outpost" you said as Six's clawed hand rested on your face and neck, her domes head and her face rubbing against yours, it was a strange moment both intimate yet alien and it made you blush slightly, before Six backed off and went back to hunting down the threats in the area.
"She's just so... Alien, if only I could understand her a little... well, I suppose I'd best get to practicing with this, so I don't get knocked down by the recoil or anything" you said as you started to practice with the Pulse rifle, letting Six clear the way.
Six crawled around the ruins, and saw that one Android was down in a pool of water with another person, and one more was up on the central building, looking around to try and find Six and either capture or kill Six and you, Six crawled along the lower areas of the ruins until she arrived at a shallow pool, where another member of the dig crew was examining a plate that was raised slightly on the ground, above that was a large bust of a Xenomorph's head and body, with the inner jaw extended.
"Hmm, I wonder what this is, I'm sure I've seen similar features around here..." the dig crewman said as he examined the Plate, Six then Jumped and stabbed the Android with her tail, before she used her strength to force the Android to it's knees and stab it in the face, killing it and spraying the milky white Synthetic blood into the water, Six then see's the dig crewman cowering in a corner, before she grabbed him, pinning him against the wall and allowing a FaceHugger to latch onto him too.
Six then started to crawl toward the Pyramid, but stepped on the plate, which acted like a switch and sank into the stonework, before the sound of stone grinding against stone came, along with the sound of ancient machinations working, it seemed Six had walked onto an ancient pressure plate, which would open new ways around the ruins, she then heard the whispers of the Matriarch in her mind, she was to find more of these Pressure Plates and activate them, so she could move on.
You were stood in the place you had found the Pulse Rifle and were testing how to shoot it, as you finished shooting again, you heard the sound of stones moving and wondered what was happening.
"Could that be Six? Or has Weyland figured something out about this place? I better go see" you said as you started to walk, but stopped and hurried to the dead Android, and rifled through it's pockets for ammo for the Pulse Rifle, you managed to find a few clips and walked off, going through a darkened hall and appearing at another pool of shallow water, which was being refilled by water coming from a Xenomorph statue.
"Woah... there's Xenomorph imagery on these ruins, does that mean there have been Xenomorphs on here before?" you asked yourself as you looked around, seeing a stairway going up to the top of the central structure and another set of steps on the opposite side of the pool.
"I wonder if Six has been through there?" you asked yourself, before suddenly gunshots rang out and you were so startled you fell into the shallow water below, and scrambled behind a chunk of rock for cover.
"Dr. (L/N) sighted, capture imminent" the Android that was left said as it started to walk down the steps to try and get to you, planning to shoot you and detain you for capture.
"Shit, shit, shit! Alright I can do this!" you said before you stood up and started shooting at the Android with your Pulse Rifle, spraying bullets at the Android who was hit and returned fire, making you quickly get back behind the rock to avoid the bullets, the sound of the gunfire had also caught Six's attention and she rushed toward the sound, only to see the Android closing in on your position, Six shrieked in rage and leaped at the Android, knocking it to the ground before she finished it with a headbite.
"Wow... those things are... tough!" you said as you tried to calm down your racing heart, the adrenaline coursing through your blood after almost getting shot, you stumbled out of cover only to step on the second Pressure Plate, causing it to activate and move more of the ancient stonework, Six saw you and hopped down before she stood up and walked to you, checking you over again, before she nuzzled your face with hers, rubbing her exoskeleton against your blushing cheek as she gripped your body, rubbing against you before she released you and stepped back, staring at you as she towered over you.
"W-Well, um... yes, I-I'm fine Six, but thank you for the concern, it seems that was some kind of activation system, maybe... it'll help us get further in?" you asked as she motioned to the Pressure Plate, Six hissed, drooling slightly before she started to walk back to the structure and crawled up the wall, leaving you to search for the other Pressure Plate as well.
Six crawled up to the top of the central structure and approached an opening in the floor, it was an opening to the interior! Six quickly hopped into the opening and crawled down, she then jumped out at the bottom, landing on a third Pressure Plate and making the ruins shift once again as the air shafts opened up, you had chosen to stay close to the pool, and heard the stones moving again, you went back and saw the bars to an air vent open up.
"So that's what this opens, I wonder what's on the other side?" you asked yourself, you crouched down to crawl inside when you were pulled back by your foot, making you gasp before you looked up to see Six on top of you, drooling slightly as she looked at you and then the vent that just opened up.
"Oh, it's just you Six, you scared me..." you said before you petted her head again, getting a purring hiss from the Xenomorph, Six looked to the vent and then back to you, she released your ankle and went to the vent, she crawled inside and waited for you to follow her, since there was no other way to bring you up, she would take you through this shaft, you nodded in understanding and crawled in after her.
Six quickly crawled on ahead of you, while you shimmied after her, trying to balance on your knees and one hand, while using the other hand to hold the Pulse Rifle up away from the water, as your black leggings were soaked in cold water, making your shiver slightly.
"I really need to change my clothes..." you muttered, finally seeing the state you were in, your fluffy white jumper was spattered with dirt and blood, your leggings had tears in them, and you were certain you looked a mess too, soon you reached the end of the shaft and looked up, you saw Six hanging onto the wall at the entrance of the vent shaft, it was too high up for you to climb out of though.
"Damn, it's too high! Six, I need help, please" you said, Six hissed and turned her head to look at you, then her tail wrapped around your chest, winding around under your arms as she lifted you up with her, Six then climbed out of the vent before she lifted you out and sat you on the ground, her tail unwound itself from around your body and she purred at you.
"Thank you, Six" you said, as you stood up off the ground, dusting off your leggings as Six hissed and crawled ahead and around a corner, there were two screams from where Six just went, before the sound of someone running away came, followed by a muffled scream and Six hissing lowly.
You slowly approached the corner and peeked around, you saw one of Weylan Yutani's employee's on the ground with a FaceHugger latched onto his face, the tail tightening around the man's neck as the fingers clutched to his head, you then heard another muffled scream from up the stairs, you looked up and saw the second man fall down, with another FaceHugger latched onto him.
"I wonder where they come from? Do they follow Six around?" you wondered, curious how these FaceHuggers seemed to just appear, when there aren't any Ovomorphs around, Six hissed lightly as she crawled close to what looked like a power generator for the technology that Weyland Yutani must have installed for the excavation, Six crawled to it, grabbed the machine and used her inner jaw to bite the machine, breaking the generator, making the doors close by open up, showing they could advance to the next area of the ruins.
"Xenomorph contact inside perimeter" came a familiar voice, it was another Combat Android, it had walked out of the doorway leading to the next area, and was searching for Six and you.
"Alright (Y/N), you can do this..." you said as you took cover at the wall close to the door, holding up your Pulse Rifle, ready to shoot at the Android once it enters the building, while Six had jumped up and was hanging off the ceiling, waiting for the chance to spring an ambush.
The Android walked into the formerly locked building, aiming it's own Pulse Rifle forward, you then pulled the trigger, shooting the Android with a burst of bullets, the bullets struck the Android and caused the same white fluids to spray, then suddenly Six jumped the Android and slammed into it, knocking the Synthetic to the ground, you then watched as the Android got back up, only for Six to grab it's arm and drag it forward, only to stab her tail through it's chest, she then pulled the Android further onto her tail, causing more of the white fluid to gush out of the wound, before Six threw the dead Android off a ledge.
"Okay, I better check my ammo, there might be more of Weyland's Androids around these ruins" you said as you took the bullets from the Android's gun, before following Six through the doorway, further into the ruins.
You both walked into the next area, but you froze at what you saw in the ruins, standing on a part of the ruins was a tall, humanoid figure, they had very muscular bodies, and wore a loincloth and fishnet on their bodies, with metal armour to cover their chest, shoulders and groin, they had a mask covering their face and long, black dreadlocks, they also had a necklace with the skulls of small creatures strung to it.
"What the, another Alien?!" you said in surprise, when a loud boom came from above, you looked up to see what looked like a ship descend from the clouds above towards the ruins, the Alien that was on the ruins looked back toward you and Six, it made a clicking sound as it extended a set of wrist blades, the eyes of it's mask glowing green briefly as it saw you and Six arrive.
The ship that flew down landed close to the steps and then opened up, individual plates sliding down to show a second Alien was flying it, the Alien vaulted out of the cockpit and landed on it's feet, the ship shut itself up again as the newly arrived Alien revealed what seemed to be a shoulder mounted cannon! And two sets of the same wrist blades the other one had!
Six then received her new orders from the Matriarch, to fight and kill the two Predators, she hissed in hostility toward the two Predators, their kind having a long, bloody history, Six then heard a shriek and saw one of her siblings had arrived to help her, it was a Warrior of the Hive, like her, Six immediately crawled forward and jumped down into the ruin to fight the two Hunters.
The Predators cloaked themselves and started to jump around the raised up platforms of the ruins, attempting to gain some distance and engage Six and her sibling with their Plasma Casters, however Six was too fast and managed to close the distance with one of the New-Bloods and struck them with her claws, splashing the green, luminescent blood on the ancient stonework.
"Whoa... glowing green blood, I wish I had my research tools, I kind of want to take a sample, no wait, live first, science later" you said as you watched Six and her Sibling battle the two Predators, Six slashed at the invisible Hunter with her claws until the cloaking was deactivated and the Predator was exposed again, Six's Sibling shrieked as it lunged at the second Predator hitting it with it's tail before it was suddenly burning from a fire pit in the floor!
"Shit, Xenomorphs don't like fire! I've gotta help!" you said as you took aim with the pulse Rifle, trying to get a good shot off, however they were moving too fast to get a clear shot, the fight was frantic, and you risked accidentally shooting Six or her Sibling instead of these two Alien Hunters, you then started to look for a way down to help them.
Siz pulled back her tail and stabbed the Predator with it, causing a heavy blow which knocked off it's mask and exposing it's face, Six screeched and lunged forward grabbing the Predator's arms, the Predator roared as it tried to overpower Six, but the blood loss and Six's relentless attacks weakened it, Six forced the Young-Blood to it's knees as her tail raised up, the bladed tip pointiong towards the Predator's face, the Young-Blood looked towards the blade and it's face morphed into one of fear, just before Six's tail shot forward and stabbed deep into it's skull, splashing a lot of glowing green blood over Six's exoskeleton, she hissed in satisfaction as the Predator's body slumped and she let it drop to the ground, still bleeding heavily.
Six's sibling shrieked as the Young-Blood's wrist blades slashed it across the ribs, causing it's Acid Blood to spray on the stones, quickly getting to work eating away at the stone, the Sibling Xenomorph shrieked in pain as it's Acid Blood dripped onto the stone, then Six arrived and attacked the Predator from behind, both Xeno's working together to kill the last Young-Blood.
Above the ruins, a set of spikes lowered down and another Predator approached the ledge, this one was dressed similarly to the others, however it's mask was different, the head piece was lined with spikes and words in the Predator language were carved into the mask, this was an Elite Predator, an experienced Hunter, the Hunter jumped down into the fight, ready to battle with Six and her Sibling.
As Six observed her new opponent, the voice of the Matriarch came to her mind once again, she received her new orders, to weaken, and then Harvest the Elite Predator, to create something new...
Six's Sibling shrieked and rushed at the Elite Hunter and jumped at it, however the Hunter grabbed it by the neck and held it away from his Masked face, the Sibling shrieked and tried to bite the Elite with it's inner jaw, but it wasn't close enough, the Elite then grabbed the Xeno's arm and snapped it, making the Xenomorph shriek in pain, before the Hunter brought the Sibling's body down on it's knee, breaking it's spine and killing it, the Hunter made a light purring sound before it tossed the body aside and went to engage Six.
Six shrieked at the Elite Hunter and rushed towards it, she lunged forward and the two began a battle with one another, both trading blows and taking wounds, luminescent green blood mixed with hissing acidic blood as the the fight went out of the ruins and onto the ledge where one of the Young-Bloods had parked their ship, soon though Six grabbed the Elite Hunter by the shoulders, pulling it close to wound it and make it ready.
However, as Six opened her mouth to use her inner jaw, the Elite Hunter landed a heavy punch to Six's head, stunning the Xenomorph and knocking her to the ground, she looked up at her adversary dazed, hissing and trying to regain her senses, as the Elite Predator unsheathed his Wristblades and pulled back his arm to land a fatal blow.
"SIX, NO!!!" you yelled as your eyes widened at the sight of Six about to be killed, you then pulled up your Pulse Rifle and started shooting at the Elite Predator, the sudden barrage of bullets startling the Hunter, who had been too preoccupied with fighting Six and her sibling to notice the lone Human that was watching the fight, this distraction however, was all Six needed...
While the Elite Hunter had turned his head to the new threat, Six gained a surge of energy, her tail shot forward and stabbed the Elite Hunter in it's stomach, just below it's rib cage, the Predator let out a shocked roar before it was pushed back, the Hunter stared down at the fatal wound which gushed glowing blood, it tried to stop the bleeding with it's hand, but the wound was already getting to it after it was weakened from the fight between it and Six, the Hunter fell to one knee, it's dreads covering it's face, before it let out a pained roar and fully collapsed on it's back.
You rushed over to Six, and got down next to her, dropping your Pulse Rifle in your haste.
"Six! Are you alright, are you hurt girl?" you asked as you looked her over, Six hissed in response before she crawled over to the downed Predator, who was still alive, Six crawled on top of the wounded Hunter and hissed in his face, she then grabbed the Predator's mask and ripped it off in a hiss of otherworldly gasses escaping, you then got to see the creature's face up close.
"Whoa... you are one, ugly mother fucker" you said, equal parts fascinated and scared of this thing, the Hunter made a gargled clicking sound as it's eyes looked around, some of it's glowing green blood came from it's mouth as a FaceHugger crawled up it's chest towards it's face, the Hunter tried to move but it's body was being held down by Six, you watched in morbid curiosity as the FaceHugger latched itself to the Elite Hunter's face, wrapping it's tail around it's neck, Six then shrieked loudly up into the sky, letting out a cry of victory.
"Oh my... I wonder what kind of Xenomorph will come from this? Oh, I wish I could study this a little longer..." you said as you observed the FaceHugger on the Elite, wondering what it might look like, and what it could do, Six hissed slightly and crawled over to you nuzzling her head against your leg, you smiled and knelt down in front of Six, placing your hand on her head and gently running your hand along the length of her head.
Six purred and hissed lightly, enjoying the feeling of her Human's hands gently running along her head, the fingers lightly grazing the gaps in the ridges of her exoskeleton, then she suddenly received a new order from the Matriarch, she said to return to the Hive... and to bring you to meet her! Six felt worried though, about what her Siblings might do if a Human were to enter the Hive, she would be hard pressed to save you from her Siblings and her Matriarch, however, the Queen sent a calming thought to Six's head, she did not want the Human to be used as a Host to a new Sibling... this ancient Queen was curious to meet the Human that had caught the attention, and affection of her most deadly Warrior, with this in mind Six hissed and crawled off back the way you and her had come in.
"Are we moving on already? I was hoping to see this one being born..." you whined, wanting to quell your scientific curiosity on seeing a new species of Xenomorph, Six however, was eager to introduce you to her Mother, and have you safe withing the Hive, she stood up on her hind legs and walked to you, before she picked you up off the ground, wrapping one arm around your waist, and the other around your upper back, her clawed hand resting on the back of your head and pushing your face into her shoulder, the Pulse Rifle between you and Six's body as your legs dangled off the ground.
"Oh alright then, fussy Xenomorph..." you grumbled as you held onto her while she carried you, you just got yourself comfortable in Six's hold, letting her carry you through the Ruins, and back into the Marine Outpost, Six then started to walk through a gate, planning to head back to the Hive in the Refinery, when suddenly she shrieked and dropped you, also falling to the ground.
"Six! Six, what happened? Are you okay?!" you asked as you scrambled over to Six, who was laying on the ground, breathing heavily and growling as she lifted her head up, you followed her gaze and saw the Refinery in the distance, then before you could question it further, the Refinery exploded!
"What in the hell? What just happened?" you asked yourself as the blast wave rushed past you, blowing your hair back slightly, and the ground rumbled and shook from the massive explosion, you were brought out of your thoughts on what just happened by Six letting out a mournful shriek, you snapped your head down to Six, to see her curling up into a foetal position.
"Six, Six, what's wrong? Come on girl!" you said as you knelt down close to her head, placing your hand on Six's head, trying to help her through whatever it was she was suffering from.
"Oh God... Six, what's wrong girl, please, I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do to help..." you said, feeling close to tears, you didn't know what was happening to Six and was worried that she was dying.
(Oh please, please don't be dying! I don't want you to die, Six!) you thought to yourself, Six seemed to go in and out of consciousness, she hissed toward a path, you followed her gaze and saw a group of Weyland's Combat Androids approaching!
"Shit! Stop right there! Don't come any closer!" you said as you picked up your Pulse Rifle and fired a warning shot at the Androids, they stopped but one of them took a shot at you, the bullet striking you in the shoulder, making you scream and fall to the ground next to Six, dropping your gun and clutching your shoulder as you whimpered in pain, tears falling down your face.
Six saw you get wounded and hissed in anger, she wanted to get up, to kill the Androids that dared to hurt you, but she couldn't the shock and pain from the Matriarch's death had immobilised her, so all she could do was lay there, watching you
"Xenomorph Target acquired" one of the Androids said as they aimed a Shotgun at Six's head, you whimpered and tried to pull yourself up to protect Six, but one of the other Androids stepped on you and held a Gun to your head, prepared to shoot you.
"No! Don't kill it! This one's an old friend..." came the voice of, Weyland! The Android backed off as Six's head dropped to the ground, losing consciousness once again, and falling into the void.
"No... S-Six..." you whimpered, still clutching the wound in your shoulder and arm from the shots the Androids fired at you.
"Ah, I see you have also found Dr. (L/N), excellent..." Weyland said, sounding very pleased.
"Secure the Specimen, and Dr. (L/N) for offworld transportation, and have her seen to when she arrives on the ship, we'll need her alive and her organs functioning, for now" Weyland said, that was the last thing you heard before one of the Combat Androids knocked you out with the butt of their gun.
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