Specimen 6 x Female! Reader 2
You shifted around, groaning in pain from your drug induced sleep and the incisions from where the Doctors had taken their 'samples', you hadn't opened your eyes yet but you felt pain in various spots all over your body, and stiffness in your back, probably from being strapped to a metal table for hours.
(Damn, how much of a 'sample' did they take from me?) you asked yourself in your head, you opened your eyes but closed them quickly when they hurt from light shining into them, you turned your face aside letting out a quiet groan of discomfort.
"What the hell is-" your words died on your lips as you opened your eyes, your eyes opened very wide and your body started to tremble in fear, staring you right in the face was a Xenomorph!
You let out a quiet, terrified gasp before you covered your mouth with your hand, taking shaky breaths through your fingers, trying desperately not to make any noise to disturb the creature and possibly make it kill you, fat tears rolled down your cheek as you trembled in fear, hoping against hope you wouldn't be killed, as you stared, wide eyes at the creature you saw that it's entire body was motionless, you looked down and saw that it's arms were wrapped around your waist, hugging into your side with it's tail wrapped around your legs.
You took a deep breath to try and calm down your racing heart, and looked back up towards the Xenomorph's head, seeing it's black, shiny exoskeleton, before seeing right into it's face, it had no eyes that you could see, so how did it manage to see what was going on around it? You saw it's elongated head with ridges along the sides showing it had to be a Warrior, you had been given a basic on the different kinds of Xenomorph, so you could tell the difference quickly, the Warriors of the Hive were very deadly, but why hadn't this one killed you yet? Was it just toying with you, planning to kill you or use you as a host for one of it's kind later on?
You didn't say a single word, making slow, shaky moves to try and dislodge yourself from the Xeno's hold, taking it's arm in your hand and carefully trying to lift it off of your waist, allowing you to carefully sit up, you looked and saw the Alien's body and were amazed at how large it was, it had to be at least seven feet tall! dwarfing you easily, you could see the four dorsal tubes on it's back and heard it's breathing begin to speed up.
(Oh no, oh God, it's waking up!) you thought frantically as you looked down towards the creature's tail, before you could do anything you were suddenly slammed to the ground by a pair of clawed hands gripping your upper arms roughly, making you wince before you gasped in fear, the Xenomorph has woken up and was looming looming right on top of you!
"Oh no, no, no, no, no, please no!" you sobbed as tears fell down the sides of your face, the Xenomorph hissed right into your face as it's lips peeled back revealing it's shiny teeth as it's mouth opened and you saw the inner jaw opening it's mouth, all you could do was close your eyes and turn your head away, hoping that if you were going to get killed that it would at least be fast.
A few sobs and hiccups came from you as you waited for the Xenomorph to kill you, you felt the creature's breaths against your neck and jaw but didn't feel any pain, another hiss came from above you but this one sounded more gentle, like a purr, confused about what was happening you cracked open one eye to see the Xenomorph had backed away slightly, it's teeth still exposed as drool dripped from it's mouth and onto your chest which was covered by your now dirty white sweater, the two of you 'stared' at each other for what felt like hours, despite the seeming lack of eyes it seemed to have no problems looking right into your (E/C) eyes, you examined it as it seemed to examine you and suddenly noticed something very unusual, there was a large 6 imprinted onto it's forehead, your eyes went wide as you recognised the Xenomorph.
"S-Specimen S-Six...?" you asked tentatively, the Xeno's head tilted to the right in question before she moved closer still, you started to tremble again as Six's face came within inches of your own and she slowly opened her mouth, extending the inner jaw towards your face, mere millimeters were between your face and the open, fanged jaw that was within Six's mouth, you braced yourself for a bite but it didn't come, instead the jaws flexed open and closed before retracting back into Six's mouth, she then pulled you towards her suddenly, making you squeak in shock as Six's armoured arms closed around your shoulders and upper body, your body stiffened at the gesture as your body was pressed against Six's armoured form, she felt damp, cold and very solid thanks to the armour that encased the Xeno's form like the shell of an insect, you were very confused at what was happening but didn't move a muscle in fear of provoking the Xenomorph into attacking you.
You could feel Six's legs either side of your own, the Alien was embracing you as it crouched close to the ground, you could feel your butt was a few inches off of the ground causing her claws to dig into you slightly, grunting slightly you repostitioned your legs so you were sat on your knees and better supporting yourself as you felt Six's arms draw slightly tighter around you, the Xenomorph seemed to have curled around you as it embraced you, you felt it's long, whip-like tail move behind your back and rest slightly around your lower back.
(Wh-what's it doing to me?) you thought to yourself as you sat as still as possible, afraid to move or say anything, in case the creature got provoked, you tried to look up at her only to have her release you and crawl backwards until Six sat a few feet away from you, watching you curiously.
You waited a few moments to see what Six would do, after a few seconds of you two staring at one another, you with caution and fear while Six showed curiosity, you slowly and carefully moved to stand up, freezing every now-and-again as Six hissed at you until you stood straight up, keeping your eyes on Six the whole time, you looked down to see that you had a few bloodstains on your white sweater feeling pain from them taking their samples, as well as a few healing cuts and incisions from the scientists taking samples of your organs, blood, muscles and even your nerves apparently.
"D-Did you bring me here?" you asked as you looked at Six questioningly, the Alien responded with a gentle hiss which you took as a yes.
"Well... thank you, I really didn't want to stay stuck in that room forever..." you said as you walked towards a nearby wall and sat against the wall, wincing slightly as the pain from your surgical wounds protested your moving, Six crawled towards you slowly as her tail whipped through the air before she stopped close to you.
"It's okay, I just feel a little sore from those doctors tests... how come you didn't bring me to your Hive? Or kill me?" you asked, looking right into the Xenomorphs face, the creature hissed slightly before moving closer, nuzzling her head against your stomach slightly.
You were very confused by Six's behaviour, according to every document and study conducted by Weyland Yutani these creatures killed with no remorse, would even sometimes toy with their victims before finally killing them, but for some reason Six seemed to not want to harm you, your gaze went back to the large 6 branded onto her head as you raised your hand up towards her head, she suddenly hissed and looked at you with her teeth bared in warning, making you pull your hand back protectively.
After taking a few, calming breaths you steeled your nerves and tried again, moving the palm of your hand towards Six's head, careful watch her teeth as she hissed at you, after what felt like an eternity you gently laid your hand against her smooth forehead before running your hands along the top of her head, your fingers carefully brushing over the ridges of her skull, a feeling of amazement coming over your face as you tentatively stroked and petted Six's head, getting some purring hisses from the Xenomorph as you ran your hand along her head, after seeing that she didn't mind you brought up your other hand and placed that on her head as well, letting a smile grace your lips.
"This is amazing! I'm actually petting a Xenomorph, and not being horribly killed" you said in excitement, however your excitement was short lived as you noticed the sun dipping below the horizon through the ventilation fan, a small yawn escaped your lips as you felt tired all of a sudden.
"I guess all that fearing for my life really took it out of me... I need to find somewhere to sleep" you mumbled as you took your hands away from Six's head and stood back up, you looked around the room and saw two doors at the other end of the room, perhaps you'd find somewhere to sleep?
However before you even made it halfway across the room, Six shrieked and rushed over to you before stopping in front of you, hissing at you aggressively, you immediately started trembling in fear again and hugged yourself while moving back from Six, who didn't move from her spot until you were a good distance away from the doors.
"Wh-What's wrong? D-Don't you want me to leave?" you asked nervously, Six hissed at you as she started to move closer, before she stood up on her back legs, she towered over you and she seemed more terrifying at her full height than when she was crouched down crawling on the ground.
"I'm t-tired Six, I need sleep..." you said as you trembled under Six's gaze, the Xenomorph moved towards you before grabbing you and pulling you closer to her, she then lifted you off of the ground effortlessly making you gasp in surprise, Six held you close as she made her way towards a wall and let go of you, you felt your body begin to slip so you instinctively wrapped your arms around Six's neck and your legs around her waist, or at least as close to a waist as a Xenomorph could have.
Six's clawed hands latched onto the metal surface and she climbed up the wall, it seemed like she didn't even have a young woman holding onto her, you were amazed at Six's strength as she climbed a short distance up and crawled into a hole in the wall, Six then wrapped her arms and tail around your body, curling around you with your chest pressed into hers as she secured her hold on your body, you didn't move a muscle as you heard Six's breathing begin to even out as she seemed to fall dormant, you couldn't tell if she was asleep or not but it was obvious that Six wanted to keep you close and it might be bad to try and leave.
"Well... I guess I'll be sleeping here for now..." you mumbled to yourself as your eyes started to grow heavy, you relaxed as much as you could in a tight, confined space while having your body pressed against the armoured form of a Xenomorph, you let yourself fall into an uneasy sleep with Six curled around you, and her breaths against the top of your head.
It had been a day since Specimen Six had broken out her Matriarch and her siblings, in no time the ancient Queen Xenomorph has established a new Hive within a foundry near the mines, she rested within a warm chamber with vats of molten metal providing a comfortable heat as she laid more Eggs, her children moving around her to care for the Eggs and find suitable hosts for her offspring.
Meanwhile, on the surface in the settlement close to the mine and the foundry, a drop ship settled onto one of the open streets between the dwellings, and a small group of Colonial Marines exited the ship, armed with Pulse Rifles and heavy armour.
"Spread out, standard formation. Just another bug hunt" said one of the Marines as he commanded his squad, at the foundry several miners and colonists were either laying on the ground with a Facehugger attached to them, or dead with a hole burst into their chest, down deep in the Hive the Matriarch stirred commanding her children to deal with the threat of the Humans, before they managed to cause too much damage to their Hive.
In a familiar room far from the Matriarch and the Hive, Specimen Six was curled up in hibernation within a storage room, curled around your body with her arms, legs and tail wrapped around you as you slept, your eyes fluttered open as the waking world pulled you out of your sleep, you heard Six's heavy breaths as she slept, you felt her long tail move in it's position as it was wrapped around your waist, as well as her arms around your shoulders and back, suddenly Six moved and seemed to come to life as she stretched her limbs and moved towards the exit of the small, confining space she had chosen to rest in.
Wrapping your arms around her neck and your legs around her waist she crawled out of the opening, moving head first down the wall, causing your (H/C/L) hair to fall down slightly past your face as you held onto the Xenomorph, you watched as the room went right side up again, the morning light from the sun filtering in through the fan again and shining onto you and Six.
When Six stopped moving you carefully let go of her, landing on your back and crawling out from under her as she opened her mouth and stretched out her inner jaw in what looked like a yawn, the smaller jaws stretching open wide before retracting into her mouth, Six then looked around the room, seeming to be looking for a way out when she paused at a spinning fan, the blades moving so fast you were sure you'd be sliced in half!
"What are you doing Six? Are you looking for a way out?" you asked carefully, Six hissed in response as she looked down past the spinning fan and looking at a control console with a flashing red light which beeped annoyingly, Six turned her head and looked at you briefly before crawling quickly towards an open ventilation shaft and jumping inside.
"W-Wait Six! Where are you going!?" you asked as you rushed towards the vent, you peered inside and saw Six's tail whip around the corner, leaving you in the room alone, you looked over towards the doors at the other end of the room and walked towards them, hoping to find Six, or someone that will keep you safe from Weyland Yutani, and Dr. Groves.
"I wonder if those doors will open?" you asked yourself as you walked away from the vent and went towards the doors, you stood in front of the doors only for them not to open, you sighed in annoyance at the doors before you heard the sound of something powering down, you looked back to see the fan had stopped spinning.
"Did Six turn the fan off?" you asked yourself, then you heard a loud hiss coming from the gap in the flor where the fan was spinning, you walked towards the hole and looked down, seeing a small chamber below you with water running through it, however you didn't see Six anywhere...
"Six? Six are you there?" you called out as you crouched down at the ledge of the fan, you took a breath and slid into the hole landing on the solid ground, your feet stung as they hit the ground creating a splash from the water that ran through it.
You looked around the chamber, trying to find Six anywhere in the room before moving into the tunnel, as you walked into the tunnel you saw a broken fuse box sparking against the wall, you passed it by and walked deeper into the tunnel.
"Halt! Identify yourself!" came a loud, commanding voice in the tunnel, making you yelp and jump as you looked to see who it was, standing not too far away from you was a bald headed man dressed in the combat attire of the Colonial Marines, currently aiming a Pulse Rifle at you.
"O-Okay, I-I'm (Y/N), Dr. (Y/N) (L/N)" you responded, the man drew closer keeping his gun aimed at you, while unknown to you both a dark shape emerged from a nearby vent, this shape was Six who saw the man aiming his gun towards you, she growled possessively not wanting you to be taken away from her, she climbed up onto the ceiling of the water way moving into position to strike.
"Okay, well Dr (Y/N), your going to have to come with me, we've been dispatched to exterminate a Xenomorph infestation, we can't have civilians running around getting in the way-" he said before Six pounced and struck him hard enough to knock him back, away from you, you gasped and fell to the ground in fear as Six rushed at the Marine who tried to stand up and shoot at her, however before he could stand Six got hold of him, grabbing him by the jaw and the right shoulder, forcing his head to move aside and expose his neck as she opened her mouth wide.
"Oh god, Six NO!" you screamed, the Marine let out a loud scream of terror as Six's inner jaw shot out and plunged deep into the Marine's neck, splattering crimson blood across the walls and dying the flowing water red, Six hissed angrily before releasing his body and letting him fall to the ground with a large, bleeding hole in his neck.
You looked on in horror as the blood rushed from the wound in the Marine's neck, when a loud yell came from further down the tunnel, followed by a stream of bullets from a Pulse Rifle, Six shrieked in rage as she jumped onto the wall and crawled towards the second Marine, hissing as some of the bullets hit the Xenomorph, sending some of her acid blood to the ground, the blood hissing and eating away at the surface before she attacked the second Marine, knocking into him so hard he was dazed.
Six then grabbed the marine by the arm, making him gasp in fear before Six stabbed her tail through the man's abdomen, then Six cruelly dragged the man further onto her tail, making him scream in pain as he tried to stop himself from being dragged further, however Six overpowered him and dragged him even further onto her tail, making him scream as blood and bile came from his mouth before Six cast him aside, hissing in victory from her kills.
You sat back against the wall, whimpering in fear as your wide, fear-filled eyes watched Six, you also saw the two men's blood flow through the water from the gaping wounds Six left on them, you feared for your life, as well as the lives of anyone else you might come into contact with, a slight hiss brought you out of your fear induced fog, you looked up to find yourself face-to-face with Six, who hissed at you again, indicating for you to follow her by moving her head towards the tunnel.
You sat against the wall shivering in fear, you knew that it would be better if you went along with what Six suggested, she didn't seem to want to harm you, all you had to do was avoid other humans as much as possible, and not make her mad!
You stood on shaky legs and walked with Six crawling along the ground beside you, her long, whip-like tail moving through the air as if it had a mind of it's own, she hissed quietly and jumped up into a vent leaving you along once again, as you waited you heard the screaming of a man and a woman, as well as gunshots before it went quiet again, eventually you felt something wrap around your waist, you looked down to see a Xenomorph tail wrapped around you and pulling you up into the vents Six had disappeared into not long ago, when you were fully inside the vent you crawled along after Six, however you couldn't move as fast in such a tight, cramped space, as you crawled through the vents, following after Six you heard voices below you.
"Xenos don't like fire, this'll flush 'em out" came a man's voice from below you, you looked down and saw another Marine blasting a nearby vent with a flame thrower, you could hear Six hiss in annoyance at the weapon.
"Is that a good thing?" came a woman's voice from below, sounding very unsure, suddenly you were grabbed and pulled through the vent shaft until you were suddenly stopped, you felt Six wrap her arms and tail around your body and slowly leave the vent, with you hugged against her chest, Six hit the water with a small splash.
"What was that?" came that same female voice from before, Six hissed angrily and skittered off, releasing you and leaving you sitting in the water, watching as Six climbed up the wall and hung from the ceiling, you crawled into a vent and curled into a ball, covering your ears as you heard Six shriek and attack the Marines, you tried to block out the sounds of the Marine's screaming and Six shrieking as she killed them, tears falling down your cheeks again as the sounds of claws tearing through armour and flesh rang through the tunnel, you hated that people had to die but you knew you couldn't do anything to stop Six.
After a few seconds all sounds stopped, you cried silently as you sat in the darkened hole in the wall, just waiting to see what would happen, you heard a quiet purr in front of you and you looked up to see Six sitting in front of you outside the vent, watching you intently, seeming to be waiting for you.
You and Six watched each other for a while, your eyes looking at her face intently as she too seemed to study you, you sighed sadly and crawled out of the vent and followed Six, wiping the tears away as you walked alongside Six, she stopped at a Vent and jumped up into it this time leaving you behind in the tunnel for some reason, you stood still waiting as the sound of yelling and gunfire rang out further down the tunnel.
Six emerged into the cistern, and saw a number of humans patrolling the room, she had left the human behind since she seemed unable to watch her kind being killed, Six just knew that these humans would try to take her away is they lived, and she also had to clear away any threats to the Hive, she quickly killed the two Marines with her claws before moving on, she ambushed another Marine this time slitting their throat with her claws and making them choke as their blood gushed out of the gaping wound.
"It's here! It's here!" the last Marine called out, as they went to shoot Six, however Six moved too fast and killed them with a stab of her long, spear-like tail, leaving only an unarmed human running around trying to escape, Six immediately grabbed the man by the shoulders before pushing him to the ground and letting a Facehugger latch onto his face.
Six then saw a fuse box beeping annoyingly close by and smashed it, causing power to shut down in the cistern, Six looked up to see that she would have to climb quite high to reach the next place, she couldn't leave her human behind for this or she would definitely be taken away from her.
Six turned and quickly crawled back into the cistern, she reached the metal bars that separated her from her human and quickly broke the lock on the gate, she crawled into the tunnel searching for her human, Six followed her scent to another vent, she found the human female curled up unconscious inside the vent in the wall, Six had noticed how the human had been getting distressed as Six killed the humans, but she would understand why she did it soon, right?
Six carefully pulled your unconscious body out of the vent, the Xenomorph held your body against her own, taking in the warmth of your body and feeling your white sweater and leggings against her exoskeleton, since you were unconscious you were limp in her grip and it would be much harder to carry you all the way up the cistern, as Six carried you through the cistern and into the pump room you woke up finding yourself in Six's clutches, you weren't too scared of her holding you now, but you were still cautious.
Six reached the pumping machines and stopped waiting for something, you moved your head to look up and you knew what she needed you to do, you carefully wrapped your arms and legs around her body, then felt her tail wind itself around you, Six then hissed in satisfaction and crawled up the large shaft where the water pump rotated and moved the water, avoiding the rotating machines that purified the water on this planet, as Six climbed you accidentally looked down and saw how high up you were, making you tighten your arms and legs around Six as you closed your eyes, after a minute Six climbed into a vent with you still clinging to her, then she rushed through the vent until she reached an open area in the vents, above an unsuspecting maintenance man and another Marine, Six crawled over to another opening in the roof of the room, dropping down into the room and hissing at the Marine, making him spin around and aim his Pulse Rifle at her, however he paused when he noticed you letting go of the Xenomorph and movnig away from her.
"What in the hell-" the Marine was cut off by the maintenance man running off and locking himself in a room, leaving you, him and Six alone together, Six hissed at the Marine angrily and moved forward to attack him, but you spun around holding your hands in front of your body, trying to calm her down.
"Six! Wait, please, it's okay girl, it's okay..." you said trying to calm her down, Six looked between you and the Marine quickly, her long tail flicking back-and-forth frantically.
"Step aside mam, I've gotta destroy that bug!" the Marine yelled as he aimed his Pulse Rifle at Six, you didn't move however, you stayed right in front of Six hoping to stop any more death.
"No, don't! She's not a threat, to me at least..." you said, the last part quietly to yourself, you didn't know if Six was only friendly to you, or if she could perhaps be okay with other humans, but for now, you didn't want to take any chances.
"Are you kidding me!? Those things are remorseless, killing machines, the only way to deal with them is with a bullet! Now MOVE IT!!" he yelled at you, making you cringe away slightly and making Six snarl angrily at you feeling afraid, she rose up onto her hind legs hissing in a hostile way.
"No, wait, Six please-" there was a sudden pain in the back of your head and you fell to the ground with a thump, everything went blurry as you heard Six let out a piercing shriek and the sounds of a struggle, the Pulse Rifle firing followed by a loud scream of terror, before a loud crunch rang through the small, confined room, the last thing you saw before your eyes closed was Six crouching down beside you, hissing at you as if trying to keep you awake...
Six hissed as she pushed your body so you were laying o your back, your arms spread out as your hair fanned out around your head, as Six looked at you she felt her heart beat faster at the sight, the scent of blood came to her and she saw some blood soak into your (H/C) hair, making her snarl and bare her teeth angrily at the dead Marine not too far away, she turned her attention back to your comatose body and carefully took hold of you before pulling your unconscious body away with her, she pulled you along carrying you when needed, carrying you as though you weighed nothing at all.
Eventually Six arrived at the garage of the refinery, she could smell several human Marines beyond and saw what looked like a turret gun scanning for any non-human life forms, Six knew she couldn't fight while carrying you, and the marines would end up either killing her or you, seeing no other choice Six crawled to a hidden space and carefully laid your unconscious body down, her claws slowly moving through your (H/C/L) hair before she moved away.
Six climbed along the wall, carefully moving past the wave of blue light that the turret used to sense her kind, she crawled along the roof watching the small crowd of Marines below, she heard her Matriarch's commands in her head, she was to kill or harvest all the humans in the area.
Six carefully moved herself to the top of a high shelf, watching one of the Marines patrolling below her with a Flame Thrower in their hands, Six knew she would have to get rid of them first since they posed the most threat, Six slowly moved to the ground behind the Marine and snuck up behind them, she grabbed them with one of her hands covering their mouth and pulling them against her before Six rammed her long, spear-like tail through their chest, rending the heart in two and killing them quickly, she released the body and let it drop before she turned and jumped up the wall, running along the wall towards another Marine and jumping on top of them and quickly performing a headbite.
Six shrieked in pain as bullets hit her body, spilling her acidic blood over the ground, having it eat away at the stone ground, Six quickly jumped away into a darkened corner out of sight of the Marines and waited as her wounds quickly healed, while the Marines searched for her.
"Don't relax just yet Marines!" one of the men called out as they searched, Six slowly moved out of the darkness leaping between shelves to loom over the Marines as they looked for her, she moved behind one and crept up behind them before slashing them apart with her claws, tearing massive rends into the Marine's armour and flesh, she then turned and used her tail to kill another Marine, she looked around and saw that one of the Marines had left the area and gone downstairs towards where her human was laying!
Six shrieked in rage and bounded across the ground, jumping onto the wall and quickly climbing across it towards where her human lay, Six jumped at the Marine and forced him to his knees, she raised one of her claws up and the man screamed before Six buried her claws into the man's eye sockets, Six then violently twisted the man's head around, the sound of the vertebrae in the man's neck crunching and breaking as Six's strength broke his bones, then with a wet, tearing sound Six pulled the man's head from his body, before tossing the head aside and dropping the headless body to the ground and hissing at the corpse with hate before she crawled towards your unconscious body.
Six slowly approached you, watching as you took gentle breaths in and out in your sleep, Six hissed quietly as she gathered your body into her arms and carried you away, she stopped at the steps remembering the turret at the top that would shoot her and you if she tried to climb any higher, she carefully laid you down and rushed up to the top of the steps by crawling along the wall until she reached the turret, using her strength she tore the turret apart, leaving the broken pieces around the stairs, after destroying the turret she returned to your side and gently picked you up, and carried you away through the garage and through the massive doors where she saw a vent, high up on the wall.
Six held you with one arm around the waist while she used her other three limbs to climb the wall, she slipped into the vent holding you close with one arm as well as her tail, until she found a chamber in the vents to rest upon, Six laid your body down on your back and curled into your warmth, her arms, legs and tail wrapping around your body possessively as she rested her elongated head on your chest, listening to the sound of your breathing and heartbeat as sleep claimed her.
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