When it's Time to Give Them a Bath
You were in your living room at home sat on the floor after moving the furniture to make room for your 40 foot long companion, you had a tub of lukewarm water and a sponge with a rough side beside you, you were going to give (A/N) a bath to try and bond with her.
You had a very thick section of (A/N)'s body resting across your lap, the weight of her body on your thighs was incredible, there was a lot of muscle in those coils, you were using a sponge with a rough side to scrub her scales, she had also curled herself around your waist and was resting her head on your shoulder as her body caressed your back.
"There we go (A/N), we've got to get all this dirt and stuff out of your scales, keep you happy and healthy" you said as you scrubbed a particularly dirty spot close to her belly scales, she suddenly flicked her forked tongue at your ear, making you squeal and drop the sponge as you laughed.
"N-No! Sto-o-op, hahaha!" you giggles as you felt the tickle against your ear, she stopped after a second and went back to resting against your warm skin, using you as a sort of living heat source, you calmed down and picked the sponge back up before you went back to washing her, it took you some time until you managed to reach her head, you gently scrubbed around her face, doing your best not to be too rough with her.
"There you are, nice clean water..." you cooed as you squeezed the sponge over her head and let the water run down her head and face, she flicked her tongue at your face as the water dripped down her scales and her neck, after a few more minutes you had managed to finally scrub her clean, suddenly you fell back onto the ground as the Snake's coils surrounded you and piled on top of you.
"Your a really cuddly one aren't you girl?" you asked with a sigh as you pulled an arm out of the coils and rubbed her just behind her jaw, the snake hissed in delight at your touch as her coils slipped over your body, drawing heat from your skin and clothes as she embraced you, you just let her hold you since you knew even if you had plans she'd probably not release you, not that you minded of course.
You were outside of your cabin wearing your bathing suit, with a hose pipe, bucket, and a scrubbing brush as (C/N) lay by the dock in front of your cabin, you were going to try and clean her off since she was covered in mud and algae, and you really didn't want that getting tracked into your house.
"Okay, let's get this Croc cleaned!" you said as you unwound the hose and walked closer to the massive Crocodile, you set the bucket down on the ground and turned on the hose to fill up the bucket, the bucket filled with cool water, after a little time passed the bucket was full and you came closer to her.
"Hello girl, it's time to give you a bath" you said as you dipped the scrubbing brush into the water and knelt down by her side, you started to scrub at (C/N)'s larger body to try and wash the muck and scum out of her scales, since her scales were thick and armoured you didn't have to worry too much about hurting her or rubbing her in the wrong place, places like her back, tail and legs were okay, but you couldn't reach her belly so you left it alone,and you would avoid her head since it might annoy her to be scrubbed so hard there, plus you were still very wary of those jaws of hers.
You spent a half an hour scrubbing her side to clean off the filth there before you picked up the hose and rinsed her off with some cool water, suddenly (C/N) made a rumbling sound in her throat as her eyes closed, at first you though you'd upset her, but she seemed to be showing that she was liking this, you sighed in relief before you got to work on her tail.
You'd spent ages scrubbing her scaly body and had just finished cleaning her other side, after scrubbing her long tail and her legs, you then had to clean her back, you carefully climbed up and straddled her back, then used both hands to scrub her back scales cleaning off the muck and mud she had picked up from the lake, you would sometimes get down to get the bucket and rinse her off, you'd also managed to get yourself wet too, it was a good thing you'd worn your bathing suit for this.
"There you go girl, all nice and clean" you said, feeling proud that you'd cleaned her up so well, you went to climb off of her only for her to suddenly get up with you still on her back, you yelped in surprise before she turned and started to walk towards your house, you just sat on her back and let her carry you back to your house, feeling kind of tired after all this time cleaning her up, perhaps a nap on the sofa would help? With (C/N) laying close by too.
The Piranha's didn't really need any cleaning, you checked in on them regularly and even removed them from the pond, very carefully, by lowering a tank into the water and luring them in one at a time to bring them out so you could look them all over, but they seemed to be just fine.
You were in your bathroom with (S/N) who was hanging on the ceiling watching you, you were planning to use the shower to clean his furry body, you'd done research on spiders and knew you couldn't fully submerge him, since he breathed through a Book lung under his abdomen it would be bad if he was in the water for a long time.
"Alright boy, come here and let me wash up some of that dirt in your hair" you said as you motioned to the shower area, (S/N) crawled into a corner in the room and locked himself down in that corner, refusing to move himself.
"God damn it..." you sighed in annoyance, you walked to the corner he was in and grabbed one of his legs, trying to pull him down from the ceiling and into the shower cubicle so you could wash some of the dirt and dust from his hairy carapace, however no matter how much you pulled he wouldn't move an inch!
"Grr! Come on you- silly Spider! You. Need. A. Bath!" you said through gritted teeth as you tried to pull him toward the shower, however your grip slipped and you fell and hit the tiled floor of the bathroom hard, leaving you groaning in pain from hitting the floor.
You then looked up and saw (S/N) running his legs between his Chelicerae, cleaning the dirt off of his legs one by one, you watched him and saw that he seemed perfectly fine cleaning his legs, however his abdomen and cephalothorax were still dirty, you then saw a dry sponge and had an idea, you slowly stood up, with an ache in your back from hitting the floor.
"Alright boy, I get it now" you said as you carefully approached him and started to run the rough end of the sponge over his large, hairy body, listening to him make strange sounds as you rubbed the dirt and dust off of him with the sponge, he just didn't like the water, he crawled down and let you keep going until he was finally clean.
Cleric Beast:
You were with (CB/N) in the Round Plaza, he had finished devouring two Church Giants and was currently licking blood off of his body, his tongue rubbing through his fur like a cat or a Dog would to clean their fur, you however saw that he couldn't reach some parts of his body, like his back and the top of his head, you didn't want him to go the whole day with drying blood on his body.
"I think I'll go help him out" you said to yourself as you went through the tunnel to your house, to pick up a bucket, soap, rags and water, you got what you needed and came back to (CB/N), who was licking blood from the long fur on his left arm, which was the larger one until he stopped and looked at you curiously, wondering what you were doing.
"Hey there big guy, um... I'm just gonna help clean that blood off of you, okay?" you said, holding up the rag and the bucket of water, (CB/N) made a huff and went back to licking himself, you walked to him and started to clean up his legs, using a wet, soapy rag to clean the blood from his fur and skin while he stopped licking himself and watched you intently.
"Alright, now I need to reach up to the higher parts... won't be too hard,I hope" you said as you started to walk to his back and scrubbed his lower back, making the large Beast growl and rapidly hit his foot on the ground, as his tongue lolled out of his mouth.
You smiled and laughed at him before you started to use his fur to climb up his back, washing the blood out of his fur and off of his skin, it took you hours and it was hard work, making your way up his massive back while holding a bucket of fresh water, until you finally reached his heat and cleaned around his antlers, finally he looked clean when suddenly you tripped and fell off of him!
"Aaahh! Oof!" you said as you hit something a short distance from his head, you looked down and found yourself in one of his large, clawed hands, (CB/N) brought you up to his face where you hugged him and gave him a kiss on the snout, where he responded by licking your whole body with his large tongue, this was great.
You were in the bathroom in your house filling the bathtub up with warm water, your Shrieker had been outside a lot and because of that he was pretty dirty, mostly from him digging holes in the ground, or rolling in the dirt, at least he had a lot of fun.
"Well I guess I'd better give the little guy a bath, I just hope using water on him won't end up like Gremlins..." you said as you turned the tap on, planning to warm the water up a little to be comfortable for (SH/N), however as you did this, (SH/N) was looking around for you using his heat sensors to try and find you, he then saw the heat from the bathroom from you and the warm water.
"I wonder if he'll sense the heat from the-" you were cut off from talking to yourself when there was a loud scream, before the bathroom door suddenly smashed open, making you shriek in terror as wood flew all over the bathroom, there was a loud, familiar scream from the doorway, you opened your eyes and saw (SH/N) standing there with his heat sensors raised up.
"Ah... I forgot he was attracted to heat, stupid (Y/N)!" you said as you face-palmed, the Shrieker walked closer to you looking a little confused, the warm steam in the room must be confusing his senses, the poor little bean, you gently rested your hand on his head, making the creature hiss from the contact before he purred under your touch.
"There we go, now, let's get you in the tub so I can wash you off" you said, however before you could try to pick him up he jumped into the tub and started running his tongue through the warm water, you weren't giving him a bath, more a shower but you had to warm the water up so you let the tap run, you then picked up the shower head and turned on the shower, starting to rinse the dirt and dust off of (SH/N)'s skin.
You spent a little time with (SH/N) in the bathroom, him liking the warm water that you were washing him with, several times he seemed to try to eat the water, but after he figured out it wasn't food he just enjoyed the warmth, you cleaned him off very well and then helped him out of the tub, drying him off with a towel before he went to lay down with you on the sofa watching TV.
Scourge Beast:
You were stood outside of the house you were currently staying in, wearing clothes you didn't mind getting wet and bloody, you were determined to clean (SB/N)'s fur, he had finished eating a person before he nuzzled your body and licked you, wiping blood over your clothes several times now, which had ruined quite a few of your outfits, which had made you fed up.
"Alright, time to clean the blood out of your fur!" you said as you got several scrubbing brushes, rags and soapy water, you walked to the Beast as he was licking blood from his clawed fingers and set the cleaning supplies down on the ground before you started to wash him off, first dunking the rag and brush into the soapy water and started to scrub at his fur.
(SB/N) made a slight growl as the scrubbing pulled his fur slightly, but you would stop and calm him by petting his snout or pouring warm water over the skin that you'd accidentally hurt, apologising about pulling his fur like that, and reassuring him that you would try not to hurt him again, before he licked your cheek again, making you groan in disgust as you wiped the bloody slobber off with a rag.
"This is going to take a while..." you sighed as you went back to washing the blood out of his fur, the water had turned red several times from the amount of blood that was being washed from his fur and snout, you had to be very careful to avoid his sharp teeth so you didn't cut yourself, but after a few hours you finally managed to clean him up
"Finally, there we go, all nice and clean" you said with a smile as you moved away from (SB/N), stepping back to see how his fur looked, you smiled at the fact he looked so nice and clean, but you were brought out of your happiness by angered shouting from the right, you looked over and saw a mob of crazed Townsfolk waving torches and weapons, (SB/N) roared and charged at the men, grabbing one and messily biting his head off, making blood spray over his fur again before he attacked the other men, who ran away in terror.
"That's it, I give up!" you said as you stomped away from the scene, leaving (SB/N) to rip the flesh from his prey, devouring the crazed Yharnamite who had tried to flee from him, guess you'll just have to deal with getting blood all over you from now on...
You were walking through the halls of the Mansion with your three Lickers crawling after you, the four of you had spent hours outside running through the forest, you working up a sweat on your run, while your Lickers effortlessly kept up with you, you'd all gotten back moments ago only to be greeted by Ada as you walked the halls.
""I think it might be time for you all to take a bath..." she said as she wrinkled her nose at the smell you were making, you looked down to see that you were pretty sweaty from running so much through the trees, and your clothes were pretty dirty from all the mud and such.
"Okay, but what about them? I'm a little worried about cleaning them because you know, they don't have... skin" you said as you knelt down next to one of the Lickers, gently petting the B.O.W's neck as it purred, before it's tongue came out and licked your cheek, making you laugh and groan in disgust as you wiped saliva from your cheek.
"I'm sure you'll think of something, now please, bath!" Ada said pointedly, you actually felt a little nervous now, it was like you were being scolded by your mother for not looking after yourself properly, you just nodded your head and quickly walked away to find the bathroom, when you found the bathroom you started to fill the tub up with warm, soapy water, you then took off your dirty, sweaty clothes and slipped into the water, sighing happily at the feeling of the warm water.
Suddenly the door opened, making you scream and cover yourself with your arms, thinking there was a pervert watching you, until three familiar creatures crawled into the bathroom, growling and hissing as they approached you, the three stopped at the tub and looked at you as you uncovered yourself, feeling relieved it was just them, until suddenly one of then climbed into the bath with you!
"Hey! What are you doing you crazy fool!" you said as the Licker climbed into the tub, making water overflow from the tub onto the bathroom floor, the other two Lickers then leaned themselves up over the tub nuzzling you, while the one in the tub with you hugged against your naked body in the water growling softly, all you could do was laugh and start washing them all as well.
Labyrinth Mole:
The Mole didn't really seem to care about bathing, he lived underground after all so dirt was a natural thing for him, as such you didn't think it a good idea to try cleaning him off and scrubbing him, so instead you just let him be.
Mako Shark:
(MS/N) was a surface dwelling, fast moving shark, she didn't really need cleaning since moving through the sea water so fast usually cleaned off her skin, and smaller fish would swim alongside her, picking any dirt or parasites from her skin as well as any bits of meat on her body.
Sand Shark:
Since his skin was designed to move through the sand, you were kind of worried about trying to clean him, and he didn't really seem to need washing, since he'd just swim through the sand again and get all sandy, so you just let him be.
You were in your bathroom with several flannels and sponges, (A/N) had been getting blood and other things all over his skin and fur, and you were getting pretty annoyed at having to scrub blood out of the carpets, or dried rotting meat out of the furniture, so you had decided it was time for the Animal to take a bath!
"(A/N), come here boy! It's time for a bath" you called out, there was a thumping as (A/N) came running to the bathroom, he walked into the bathroom and started sniffing around, seeming curious about the unusual smells from the different soaps and such you owned, as he moved dried blood would flake off of his skin and drop onto the floor, and there was the fresh blood dripping from his teeth.
"Here boy, get in here so I can wash that blood off of you" you said ushering him into the tub as you picked up the shower head, it seemed like a better thing to do than just filling the tub up, (A/N) sniffed the tub and placed his front paws on the rim of the bath then carefully climbed into the tub, you smiled and rubbed his head before you took the Shower head and turned on the water.
You tested the water with your hand, waiting for the water to get warmer, when he suddenly started licking your hand and the streams of warming water, making you laugh, you gave the fur on his back a quick douse with the water before you got one of the sponges and started gently rubbing it on his skin, washing off the dried blood and little bits of meat.
(A/N) made a sound between a growl and a purr as you washed his body with the sponge, he liked the feeling of the soft material against his bare skin, and the shampoo you used on his back fur, he settled in the tub and liked being cleaned by you, your touch was soothing to him as you carefully washed away the fresh and old blood, until his body was nice and clean.
"There we go, now we've got all that nasty blood off of your body, let's go watch some TV, shall we?" you said with a smile as you petted (A/N)'s head, he made a growling sound and followed you back into the living room where you sat on the sofa, with (A/N) laying down by your feet to watch (F/S) with you.
You were stood by the Raptor Pen waiting for the all clear from the men above, they were removing the other two Raptors from the pen so you could bathe the Alpha Female, the original idea for this was to just spray them with a hose, but you quickly shut down washing your girl like that and volunteered to wash her yourself, since no one else could, or would, do it.
The truck that (V/N) was inside was being backed up into an enclosure that had tiles on the floor, a faucet for water with a hose and some cleaning supplies, all ready for cleaning the large Raptor, the container she was held inside of was then lowered down to the ground and set against the doorway, the workers quickly opened the door for the container.
"(V/N)! (V/N), come on girl, come to me" you called out, her breathing calmed down and she carefully stepped out of the container, her eyes watching the room carefully for any unwanted humans until her eyes landed on you, she then approached you as the container was shut and the doors closed too, leaving you in the room along with your giant Raptor Alpha.
"Hey there girl, come on let's get you nice and clean, that sound good?" you cooed as you gently rested your hand on her snout, making her purr as she leaned into your touch, her eyes gazing deeply into yours as you ran your fingers gently over her scaly skin, you then dipped a scrubbing brush into the water, which had been treated with an agent to kill and remove parasites such as Ticks or Mites, and started to use the rough side to scrub her scales, working it into her skin so that it would go in the gaps between her scales to remove anything inbetween them.
(V/N) would hiss sometimes while you were scrubbing her, but you would shush her and reassure her as you worked on her scales, and the places that looked difficult for her to reach, like her head and her neck, (V/N) purred as you gently massaged her scaly neck with the brush, rubbing the soap and anti-parasite solution into her skin, killing off any unwanted hitch hikers, before you carefully rinsed the solution and soap off of her skin with warm water, not wanting to startle her with freezing cold water, after some time you were doing the finishing touches on her toe-claw, being careful to not cut yourself on the sharp point.
"There you go girl, all nice and clean! Feel better now?" you asked with a smile, (V/N) chirped and barked as she approached you and nuzzled her snout against your face and chest, making you laugh and gently stroke her neck as you felt her breaths blow against your body, you loved spending time with her like this.
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