Second Encounter/Taking Them Home
You, Terri and Danny managed to get the boat away from the building, leaving Sarone to whatever fate he had brought upon himself, however you weren't thinking about your near escape, your thoughts were drawn more to the Snake from earlier.
(Why didn't it try to kill me, or make a meal out of me? It actually seemed a little friendly...) you thought to yourself as you sat in the cabin of the boat by yourself, Terri had gone to check on Cale while Danny drove the boat.
As you moved you looked down at your clothes, and saw that you were still covered in blood, much to your disgust, you stood up and peeled the bloody clothes off of your body before noticing that the blood had also soaked into your bra and panties.
"Ugh... for fuck sake, if that snake doesn't kill Sarone I will!" you growled angrily before you removed your underwear too, leaving you naked in the cabin, you walked to your suitcase to take out your spare clothes and quickly got changed, however there was still blood clinging to your skin in places, you'd have to have a very warm bath when you got home!
"Danny, (Y/N)" Terri called out, you walked out of the cabin and onto the deck beside Danny, you looked out onto the river to see the Shirishama tribe you had all been looking for! There were several of them in canoes paddling around and looking at you curiously.
"Damn, I'll get the camera" Danny said.
"I'll get mine too!" you said as you both went off to get the cameras to tape the documentary, you stayed on the boat recording the documentary, until you all went ashore to film the people themselves, feeling glad that you could at least record the documentary.
However as the others were filming the tribe you were getting some scenery shots for the documentary, so you walked a short distance away from the village and the others filming as you went, as you walked through the jungle you felt as though you were being watched and noticed the eerie silence that filled the air.
You lowered your camera and looked around the deathly silent jungle, nothing made a sound, no animals, to plants rustling, not even any wind, it was really freaking you out, suddenly there was a flash of green nearby and you spun around to see what it was, then a shower of leaves fell down around you as a low hiss reverberated from above you.
"Oh god, not again" you whispered to yourself worriedly as your body started to shake, you heard the leaves above rustling as something moved through them, on reflex you looked upwards, just in time to see a giant snake above you!
You froze in place, not daring to move as the snake watched you with it's brownish-yellow eyes, you were so shocked that you dropped the camera to the jungle floor, you took several shaky breaths as you started to back away towards the village with the others when suddenly you felt yourself being rapidly spun around, along with the feeling of thick, scaly coils closing in around you, the first one wrapped around your upper body pinning your arms to your sides leaving you helpless in the snake's clutches, then you felt a second, thicker coil wrap around your stomach and hips, trapping you in the snake's secure grip...
You took in a deep breath to scream for help when the coils rolled tighter, making you wheeze slightly before the pressure ceased, you looked around and saw that you were hanging from a tree, trapped in the two bands of scale and muscle as the snake's head looked at you, it's black, forked tongue flicking towards your soft lips as it tasted the air, you whimpered in fear as the snake held you in it's coils, suspended in the air from a tree branch.
"Oh no, someone help, please" you said as you tried to wriggle free of the coils, kicking your legs through the air trying to struggle free, the coils squeezed tighter, making you gasp before hanging limp in the snake's embrace, you looked towards the snake as it opened it's mouth and hissed in your face, your eyes widened in terror thinking that you were about to be eaten alive!
"Oh god please NO! I don't want to die like this!" you said fearfully, trying once again to escape the snake's coils, but you couldn't move an inch, the snake wasn't even squeezing anymore it was just holding you firmly, realising you couldn't escape you just closed your eyes and waited to be swallowed alive...
However instead of feeling the snake eat you, you felt something scaly nuzzle against your cheek, you opened one eye to see the Anaconda's face nuzzling against your cheek, feeling very confused you just hung there wrapped up in the snake's coils as it nuzzled itself against your face, before backing away and flickering it's long, forked tongue towards you and slathering you cheek with it's saliva.
"Ewww..." you groaned in disgust, unable to wipe the foul smelling drool off of your cheek since your arms were pinned to your sides within the snake's coils, the snake approached and nuzzled your cheek again acting like a attention seeking puppy rather than a cold blooded killer, you eventually started to relax in the snake's coils, even giggling a little at the reptile's antics.
"Wow, I guess you aren't so bad after all" you said, suddenly you felt yourself being lowered down to the jungle floor, your feet touched the ground before two more coils lassoed around your legs, the snake's tail moving slowly and lazily as it watched you, covered from your shoulders downwards in thick, meaty coils that held you close, you felt a bond with the massive snake and knew you wanted to keep it as a pet.
"It's going to be a nightmare trying to get you back home..." you mumbled as you stared back at the snake, then the coils loosened and fell slack around your body, allowing you to bring your arms up out of their scaly prison, they had marks on them from the snake's scales but you didn't really care, you reached up and cupped the Anaconda's head in your palms, scratching it's scales behind it's jaw, making a purring hiss come from it's mouth.
"Oh all right, let's get you back to my house!" you said happily as you nuzzled your nose against the giant constrictor's snout, and indeed it was very difficult to smuggle the 40 foot long constrictor back to your home, and you had to change one of the larger rooms in your house into a home for the snake, but it was worth it to you.
You refused to leave your house after your close encounter with that man-eating Crocodile, tears fell down your cheeks from seeing those teenagers getting eaten, as well as almost dying by said Crocodile thanks to that girl, you heard screams from the forest but didn't go back out there.
It was now evening, the sun dipping below the horizon painting the sky a vivid orange colour, you were in the bedroom laying on your bed, you had some trouble getting any sleep because you had the image of the Crocodile right in your face appear every time, you were startled out of your thoughts by a loud thump outside of your house.
"Oh, what now...?" you groaned in worry and annoyance, you stood up from your bed, wearing only a shirt and panties as you slowly made your way towards your window to look outside, it was too dark for you to make anything out so you walked out of the bedroom towards the living room, where you turned on the lights and peered outside.
You still didn't see anything yet and was very tempted to just go 'fuck this' and go back to your room, however another noise from outside stopped you in your tracks, you looked outside nervously watching for any movement before you grabbed a baseball bat and opened the door before you walked outside.
"Whose there?" you called out, clutching the bat tightly as you watched out for anyone, or anything that might be near your house, you were starting to regret living so far out of town all alone now, after a few minutes of you looking around just outside your front door you lowered the bat and sighed with relief.
"I guess it was nothing, I'll just go back to-" you were cut of by a loud hiss from close by, which made you freeze in place out of fear, you slowly turned your head to the right, only to see a massive Crocodile staring right at you!
You screamed in fright, making the Crocodile shrink back slightly from the sudden, shrill noise, you quickly turned and bolted back into your house, hearing heavy footsteps following close behind you, you went to shut and lock the door only to have it thrown open forcefully, knocking you back onto your ass and making you lose your grip on the bat, which clattered away noisily under the sofa.
You scrambled back until your back hit something wooden, you looked towards the front door as the large reptile walked into your house, it's heavy, muscular tail moving from side-to-side as it hissed at you, it's deep green eyes watching you as it came closer until it's snout was practically pressed against your legs, which you had pulled to your chest as you tried to make yourself as small as possible.
You sat still, trembling fearfully as tears rolled down your cheeks, terrified sobs escaping your lips as the Crocodile's jaws slowly opened, another deep, rumbling hiss coming from deep within it's throat.
You sobbed again as you looked into the Crocodile's cavernous mouth, the stench of dirty water and meat assaulting your senses as the Crocodile's breath washed over you, then suddenly the Crocodile's jaws closed and it walked forwards, knocking your legs away from your chest before it nuzzled it's snout into your stomach, you stayed very still with your arms raised up, not wanting to make any sudden movements as you felt the Crocodile's hot breaths through your night shirt.
You then had a crazy idea, one that could end up with you losing an arm, but if you were going to die you may as well, you raised your hands and gently rested them on the Crocodile's snout, you ran your palms over the giant reptiles tough scales, with it letting out sounds that sounded like content as it flopped on top of your lap, it's heavy head resting across your legs as it savoured your soft touch.
"W-Wow! I guess your just a big softie aren't you?" you said as your hands brushed past it's snout and over the Crocodile's neck, you both stayed like this for some time, you sitting on the floor, petting the massive Crocodile that was calmly sleeping on your lap.
You were in complete shock and horror at the sight before you, people struggling to shore with large, bloody bite marks, or missing chunks of their flesh, the waters turned red with blood and bodies floated on the water, screaming and crying heard over the area as people struggled out of the churning water.
It turned out those fish you swam with earlier were some kind of Piranha, they had reached the party and went on a massive feeding frenzy, devouring people alive, or mutilating them horribly, you felt amazed and confused as to why they hadn't tried to eat you when they came across you earlier, but that was a mystery for another time, right now you had to look for (F/N) and your classmates.
You went around the beach searching for your friend and your classmates, but no matter how hard you looked you couldn't seem to find them anywhere, there was a sudden loud bang from nearby that made everyone start screaming and crying again while you stood in shock at all the blood and injured people around you.
You couldn't take it anymore and ran away from the horrific scene, wanting to put some distance between yourself and all the blood and bodies, you walked towards an isolated spot on the river, sat down by the water and cried into your knees as you curled up into a tight ball with your legs pulled to your chest, you didn't know what had happened to your friend or your classmates, you could only assume they were dead...
As you sobbed to yourself, you heard light splashing coming from nearby, you looked up and followed the sound as you wiped away your tears, when you turned the corner you saw three of the Piranha flopping around on the shore, barely alive, surrounded by hundreds of other dead fish, they all seemed to have died for some reason which you didn't know, you walked closer to the dead fish and looked down at the three struggling Piranhas.
As you gazed down at the three thrashing fish, your mind was conflicted, on the one hand theses were probably some of the fish that had killed, eaten or maimed the people just a little distance away from you, on the other you remembered how it felt to be in the water with these fish, how amazing it felt to be within that school of fish, that was when you made up your mind on what to do.
"It's okay, I'll get you guys some help!" you said before you gently put the fish back into the water, they seemed to watch you from in the water, not moving away into deeper water, you rushed back to the beach and emptied a cooler full of ice and beer onto the sand, you then rushed back and dunked the cooler into the water collecting up a lot of the river water for the three fishes.
Then you carefully reached into the water, getting a good hold of one of the Piranha's and carefully placing it into the cooler full of water, you did the same with the other two fish before you sat down beside the cooler, looking at the fish that seemed rather listless in the water.
"It's okay babies, I'll get you somewhere safe..." you said as you carefully placed the lid onto the cooler, you then went to the car you and the others used to reach the town, with some luck you saw the keys to the car inside the car! you placed the full cooler on the passenger seat, using the seat belt to secure the cooler before you started the car and drove.
After hours of driving, you finally reached your house, when you arrived the first thing you did was remove the cooler from the passenger seat of the car, you knew that you had to hurry and let the fish out of the cooler so you quickly rushed towards the lake that was nearby to your house, when you arrived you opened the lid to find the three fish had regained their liveliness and were splashing around in the cooler looking to escape, you then dumped the water from the cooler, along with the three Piranhas into the lake.
"Welcome to your new home" you said with a small smile as you watched the Piranha's small shapes vanish into the deeper water of the lake.
It had been a long night for you and the town, a lot of the townspeople had been taken by the giant arachnids to who-knows-where, then the spiders broke into the mall and chased everyone until everyone got out through the mines, only to have them blow up spectacularly and also destroy the mall in the process.
The townspeople had started to recover and rebuild from the nest of giant spiders that invaded the town, they mourned the loss of friends and close family that had been taken by the spiders, you were very lucky that your parents were both away, so you knew they were both safe, you spent some time with Ashley and her family after the mall was blown up but now you were going back home.
"Are you sure you want to stay at your house alone (Y/N)? Your more than welcome to stay with us" Ashley's mom, Sheriff Samantha offered as you got out of the car.
"No thanks Sheriff, besides, I'm sure the spiders are all gone now" you said as you closed the door, you gave the Sheriff a final wave before you walked towards your house, you heard the car drive off back to her house, leaving you alone at your house.
You opened the unlocked door and walked into the house, you looked around to see if anything had been damaged or taken while you were gone, luckily everything was still where it was before, however you then remembered about the spider that was in the house not too long ago, and how it had gotten into your room before.
"Calm down (Y/N), you saw it was outside when you left, it's probably dead now like all the others..." you said to yourself, trying to calm yourself down.
You then looked up at where your room would be upstairs, you slowly crept up the stairs and walked to your door, your foot suddenly hit something on the floor, you looked down and saw the knife you had earlier when you encountered the spider, thinking it would be good to have some kind of defence just in case there was a spider in your room still you crouched down and picked up the knife, carefully approaching the door you took hold of the doorknob and opened the door.
you gasped as you walked into your room, nearly everything was covered in webbing, and the window was wide open still, you quickly rushed to the window and slammed it shut before locking it, you breathed a sigh of relief then turned back to your room, looking over the thick, white webbing that was smothering your bedroom and all of your stuff.
"I'll have to spend all day tomorrow cleaning this all up..." you groaned in annoyance, seeing the webbing on your bed you decided to sleep in your mom and dad's room, since that was the only other bed beside the sofa, you left your web covered bedroom and walked to your parents room to get some sleep, you went into your mom and dad's room and climbed onto the bed, not even bothering to get under the covers and setting the knife under the pillow, before you fell into an uneasy sleep.
You were woken up by a scuttling noise close by, you lay in your parents bed listening carefully for any more sounds, that was when you heard something at the foot of the bed, you looked down only to see a set of large, compound eyes staring back at you, you gasped in shock as large, hairy legs came into view from the light in the window, followed by a fairly big body, more legs and a large abdomen, it was one of the spiders!
"Oh shit!" you said as your sleepy state was quickly replaced with shock and fear, you tried to reach for the knife under the pillow only to find you couldn't move your arm, or your body for that matter!
"Why can't I-?!" you looked down only to find yourself trapped in more webbing, your body had been tied down to the bed by the strands of sticky spider silk, leaving you vulnerable to the giant arachnid that was slowly making it's way towards you.
You lay there frozen in fear as the spider slowly crawled up the bed, it's body hovering over yours as it moved closer to your face, you tried to struggle free of the silk that your body was trapped in, but you couldn't get the silk off of you, you whimpered in fright as the spider's face came within inches of yours, it's long fangs moving in front of your face as it's palps brushed over your face slowly, a soft growling sound coming from the Spider as it studied you.
After a short while the spider stopped touching you and simply curled it's long hairy legs around you, you shuddered at the spider's legs wrapping around your body and it's fangs seeming to rest on your stomach before all movements stopped, the massive arachnid simply lay on top of you unmoving, you guessed it must be resting or asleep, this would have been a great chance to escape but the silk holding you down prevented that.
"I guess I'll just have to stay here for now..." you sighed as you made yourself as comfortable as possible while stifled in silk, and with a giant, possibly killer Spider laying on top of you, with it's head resting right on top of your breasts, squishing them slightly, you just lay there with the spider having no choice but to get used to the hairy creature that seemed to have formed some kind of bond with you.
"How the hell am I going to explain this to mom and dad?" you mumbled grumpily as you closed your eyes.
Cleric Beast:
You woke up in an unfamiliar part of Yharnam surrounded by metal fences and trees, your body ached from your body laying on the uncomfortable stone ground, but you were very confused and relieved to be alive, you groaned in pain as you stood up, stretching your stiff muscles and joints, you looked around in confusion.
"Wh-Where am I? The last thing I remember was being cornered by those Beasts, then..." you gasped as you recalled the giant Beast that had jumped down and killed the Beasts that had chased you onto the bridge to the Cathedral Ward, you vividly remembered the Beasts blood red eyes and twisted horns, as well as it's large, grey furred body.
You then took in your surroundings and found that you were in fact in the Cathedral Ward, well a part of it anyway, it was just above the bridge that you were cornered on, blocked off by a stone barrier that bordered the edge of the ledge, all around the the cobblestones on the streets were broken or dislodged, you saw broken fences and to your horror you saw the bodies of people laying against the fences and on the floor.
"By the Blood... the Beast Plague has even reached this far..." you gasped in fear, suddenly you heard the sound of clanging metal approaching you, you turned around only to see a giant man approaching you, it had pale white skin and a vacant expression on it's face, it wore a black hat on top of it's head, a large white mantle and had a bell hanging from it's neck, with every step it took the bell rang, however it was the massive, bloody axe in the Giant's hands that made you very scared.
"A-A-A Church Giant!" you stuttered fearfully, you had heard of these massive creatures, and how the Healing Church would send them to exterminate citizens infected with the plague, you stepped back watching as the Giant came closer, the Giant let out a loud bellow as it raised it's massive axe over it's head, you screamed before you dove out of the way as the massive axe slammed forcefully into the ground, pulverising the street below it.
You rolled away from the blow before your body hit one of the metal fences, you looked up to see the Giant turning towards you with it's axe held ready, knowing you stood no chance against this creature you ran away towards a descending staircase into a small room filled with vases, you ran into a corner of the room and sat down, huddled against the wall terrified that the Giant was going to follow you down.
Suddenly you heard a second set of heavy footsteps above, before a familiar wail tore through the air, it was the Beast from before, it had returned!
There was the sounds of battle from above, shrieking calls, heavy impacts and the sound of blood being spilt, you carefully approached the steps leading up towards the area above the bridge and peeked over the ledge, you saw the massive Beast from before battling the Church Giant the two were locked in a battle of strength, the Beasts clawed limbs locked with the Giant's holding the axe in place to stop the Giant from swinging it, the Giant bellowed at the Beast as it tried to make the Beast release it's axe but the Giant couldn't seem to overcome the Beast's strength.
You noticed that the Beast's leg had been damaged by the blood running from the deep wounds it had, probably from the Giant's axe before you came up, the Beast pushed the Giant back making it stumble as a red aura surrounded the Beast's body, you watched in awe as the red aura seemed to heal the Beast's damaged leg with a loud shriek, before the Giant could stand back up the Beast lunged forward, it's claws gripping the Giant by the shoulders and forcing it down onto it's knees, the Giant tried to get back up but the Beast was too powerful, in a sudden movement the Beast lunged forward, sinking it's sharp fangs into the Giant's flesh, tearing a huge chunk of bloody flesh from the Giant's throat, creating a huge spray of blood as the Giant fell to the ground dead.
You watched in horrid fascination as the beast lowered it's snout and greedily drank the Giant's blood, thinking that this would be a good chance to escape from the beast you quietly crept from your place on the steps hoping to get past the beast as it drank the Giant's blood, you barely made it past the massive creature before you heard a loud shriek from behind you, followed by heavy footsteps moving rapidly towards you, you stood there shaking as a large shadow loomed above you, you could smell musk and blood around you before thick, blood dripped onto your shoulder, making you whimper in terror.
You turned around slowly to face the massive Beast that towered over you, the Beast lowered it's horned head to your trembling form, it's snout close to your face and upper body, you felt the Beast's warm breath against your face and hair as it breathed in your scent, but for some reason it didn't try to kill you like it had just done with the Giant, you felt a compulsion overtake your body, one that could very well spell your death, but you had to give it a try...
You raised your hand up and carefully laid it on the massive Beast's snout, the beast let out a soft growl from your touch, making you flinch slightly before you laid your hand back onto the Beast's fur, your hand felt wet from the blood on the Beast's snout only for it to move it's head forward and nuzzle against you, smearing blood over your clothes.
"Ugh, this is so disgusting..." you said as you looked at the blood staining you clothes, you knew you would have to get a change of clothes after this, but you kept your hand on the Beast's snout, then you looked up into the Beast's eyes, seeing not rabid hunger, blood thirst or rage, but something else.
You felt as if the beast didn't want to harm you, so you sighed in relief that you were safe for now, and you seemed to have made a new friend, a big, bloodthirsty friend...
You looked at what was left of the refinery, a massive crater in the ground, Earl and everyone else had just left to go report to the company about their success, but you wanted to stay behind for now to gather your stuff and leave.
"Well... looks like I'll be looking for a new job..." you said in annoyance as you put the last of your tools away into your truck, that was when you hear a low grumbling noise from close by, making you pause and listen out, when you didn't hear anything you went back to packing away your equipment when you heard the noise again.
"What is that noise?" you asked yourself as you looked around, trying to find the source of the sound you heard, you followed the pitiful sound until you found something that made you pause, it was one of theShriekers from before!
It was pretty small and was groaning and whining pitifully, you felt your heart go out to the poor creature, sure they had tried to kill Earl, Grady, Bert and Kate, but this one seemed to only be a baby, and it was hurt too, despite the fact that it was a potential killer it was still young and it was in pain.
"Oh I know I'm probably really going to regret this..." you said as you slowly approached the wounded Shrieker, you saw the it had a piece of metal lodged into it's abdomen, making thick, orange blood ooze from the wound, the creature kicked it's legs as it tried to stand, but it's leg seemed to be broken, as you moved closer the Shrieker's head looked up towards you before those heat sensors on it's heat rose up, you stood still hoping not to aggravate the creature as it sensed you, suddenly the flaps lowered back onto it's skull and it let out a loud scream.
"Agh! That's so damn loud!" you exclaimed as you held your hands to your ears in pain, finally theShrieker closed it's beaked mouth and just looked at you, you had the feeling that if the creature had eyes it would be begging you to help it.
"I-It's okay little one, I-I'm right here" you said as your ears rang from the loud screech, you knelt down next to the creature assessing it's wounds, you knew you had to remove the metal in order to treat the wound in the creature's side, you took hold of the shard of metal and pulled, the creature hissed in pain as you tried to work the metal out of it's flesh.
"I know, I know, it's almost over!" you said frantically before you finally pulled out the metal, the creature shrieked in pain as blood oozed from the wound, you quickly took off your shirt and pressed the clothing to the wound to stop the bleeding, you knew you had to hurry and get this creature some help before it bled out, tying the shirt around it's body you reached under the creature and lifted it's body off of the ground, you grunted with the effort of carrying the creature to your car before you laid it in the flatbed of your truck.
You ran around the truck and jumped into the drivers seat before flooring it onto the highway, as you drove you could year the creature in the back growling in pain whenever you went over a bump in the road, after a full hour you arrived at your house and parked the truck in your garage to hide the creature, you closed the garage door and went to the back of your truck, looking to see the Shrieker laying in the bed of your truck silently.
"Oh God, I'm not that bad of a driver! Am I?" you said as you climbed into the bed of the truck, you carefully pressed your ear against the Shrieker's body, listening for a heartbeat, you could hear one so it must only be knocked out, maybe this'll make it easier to treat it's wounds now?
After a few hours of cleaning the Shrieker's wounds, stitching and bandaging them up, and putting a make-shift splint on it's broken leg you left the little creature in a little bed you had made up for it, it was basically some towels and blankets along with some spare pillows to help it feel more comfortable as it lay in your living room.
You sat down on the sofa, waiting for the little creature to wake up, which was difficult to figure out since it had no eyes, you were watching your favourite T.V show when a sudden loud scream startled you out of your peaceful time, your head snapped to the Shrieker only to see it crying out loudly, you rushed over to the little creature and laid your hands on it's beak and body, stroking it slowly to try and calm it down.
"No, no, no, no, please be quiet little guy, we don't want the neighbours to call the police or anything!" you said as you tried to calm the Shrieker down, the Shrieker stopped screaming and leaned into your touch, growling softly before it's tongue came out of it's mouth and licked your hand, you groaned in disgust as you flicked the saliva off of your palm, laughing to yourself at it's funny action.
"Well, I guess I got a new pet now..." you said to yourself as you hugged the Shrieker close, it's beak nuzzling against your cheek as it hissed in delight at your touch.
Scourge Beast:
You had been very lucky with your venture into Old Yharnam, you were lucky enough to avoid the Beasts, and survive an encounter with a Scourge Beast, and you managed to find some valuables to help yourself live a little more comfortably when the night of the Hunt was finally over.
It had been a few nights since then and you had kept your promise of never going into Old Yharnam again, you didn't want to ever encounter the Beasts that had taken over the burned out city below, or that crazy guy with the Gatling Gun!
Right now you were hiding out on the second floor an abandoned house in Central Yharnam, a place you had been using as your home since your venture into Old Yharnam, reading a book and trying to ignore the bellows and calls of the crazed Yharnamites below, you were wearing some night clothes you had taken from the drawers and were in bare feet as you relaxed, getting lost in your book when you heard the barks of a Rabid Dog and several of the crazies below yelling as something attacked them.
"If it's not one thing, it's another, this town's going to hell..." you said as you closed the book and set it on the table beside the bed you were laying on, you put your arms behind your head and shifted to make yourself comfortable before closing your eyes.
As you lay there your thoughts went back to your adventure in Old Yharnam, specifically your close encounter with that Scourge Beast a few days ago, you remembered how the creature had pounced on you and licked you, ever since that day you had wondered why it hadn't killed you, since you had heard that such Beasts were always merciless with their prey.
"Haa, I'll probably never find out why that Beast didn't kill me, but I guess I should just be happy I'm alive" you said to yourself as you moved your hand down to where you were wounded that day by that crazed Hunter with the Saw Spear, remembering how the Beast lapped up the blood that was soaked into your shirt before it moved away into the mist.
Suddenly there was another set of screams and barking from the street below, followed by the sound of tearing flesh and splattering blood, then came the sound of wood smashing to splinters right below you, making your blood run cold.
"Oh Gods, have those lunatics found me!?" you gasped as you scrambled up onto your feet, grabbing your dagger and holding it ready in case the lunatics came upstairs, you rushed to the door and pressed yourself against the wall beside the door, breathing heavily as you waited to see what would happen.
A minute passed by, then another after five minutes had passed you moved away from the wall towards the door, you pressed your ear to the door, listening out for any voices or sounds on the other side, you heard what sounded like panting from the other side of the door and a dripping sound, suddenly you felt something warm and wet on the bottom of your feet, you looked down only to see blood seeping into the room from under the door.
"What in the-" suddenly the door was smashed into splinters, sending you flying back onto the bed you were laying on moments ago, you scrambled up only to see a pair of glowing yellow eyes gazing back at you, then long, black furred arms with long claws on the hands emerged from the darkness, followed by a wolf-like head with sharp teeth that dripped with blood, the creature's body was low to the ground and it growled as it came up closer to you.
You gasped and tried to crawl away falling off of the bed into a pile on the floor, you scrambled away only to be cornered by the Scourge Beast, which roared loudly before moving towards you, you held your knife out to stab the Beast but it simply swatted the dagger out of your hands before it closed the gap and grabbed you with it's clawed hands, it's face hovering inches away from your own.
You winced in pain as the Scourge Beast's claws dug into the soft skin of your shoulders, your eyes widening in fear as the creature's teeth were inches away from your face, it's yellow eyes boring into your own as if it were studying you, the creature's breath fanned your face as the stench of blood and meat washed over you, then the creature's muzzle lowered towards your neck and you closed your eyes and braced yourself for your death.
However instead of feeling those fangs tear out your throat once again you felt something wet slowly running up your neck, you squinted one eye open in time to see the Scourge Beast's tongue lick up your neck to your cheek, you groaned in disgust as the mix of Beast saliva and blood coated your soft cheek, the Beast started licking you vigourously like a pet dog did to greet someone, you were still too scared to try anything and just let the creature lick you, coating your face and neck in saliva and blood, your skin and clothes also having blood soak into them from the Beast's fur.
After a few minutes the Beast backed away, watching you expectantly as you wiped the blood and spit off of your face with a discarded shirt, you looked to the Scourge Beast that was looking at you with it's tongue hanging from it's mouth, as it panted, it's tail moving from side-to-side in happiness.
"Why aren't you trying to kill me?" you asked yourself as you stood up slowly, when you stood up the Beast stood too, it was much taller than you were, and the blood dripping from it's teeth and black fur made it look rather intimidating, however it's behaviour made it seem more like a harmless puppy.
"I guess I've made a new friend now..." you said in an unsure voice, but you couldn't help the grin on your lips at your new companion.
You walked with Buddy back to the Church and went inside, he had been giving you the silent treatment for the whole walk back, only to find your comrades dead, bodies of infected townspeople littering the church floor, and the American agent along with J.D, you had to watch in horror as your friend J.D mutated and changed into a monster, his head bursting into a mass of tentacles, before the American, who you now knew as Leon Kennedy.
After the Church collapsed you ran away from Buddy and Leon, you walked through the streets alone, watching as the infected townspeople shambled about and the town was destroyed all around you, as you walked you reached the trucks that were used to transport the Lickers and drove them to the presidential embassy.
As you drove you felt the minds of the Lickers connect with your own, you felt the hatred and anger they held towards humans, but you also sensed fear... it hit a sensitive spot in your heart, ever since you had met that first Licker you found yourself caring for the creatures more and more, you were always the caring sort, helping sick or wounded animals whenever you found them, you even planned to become a vet in the future, but that's never going to happen now...
Then you arrived at the gates to the palace, you saw some of Svetlana's soldiers approach and you gave the command to the Lickers to attack, as they Lickers rushed around the Palace killing the soldiers you walked with them, trying to keep as many of them alive as possible, you thought of them as your new companions, your new friends now that you had sacrificed your humanity to save your friends.
You arrived underground, having your new friends fight the soldiers while and try to find Svetlana, then you saw Buddy and Leon down below, you had Lickers standing beside you as you looked to Leon and Buddy.
"Did you use it!?" Leon asked, you looked towards your new companions with a small smile as you petted the creature's necks, then your eyes turned red as you gave the Lickers a command.
"Get the soldiers, but leave those two alive!" you said, the Lickers hissed and roared before they leapt to your command, the battle became chaotic with your Lickers running and jumping around attacking the soldiers while you tried to avoid Leon who seemed to want to capture you, then as you rushed along the scaffold you noticed Buddy rushing towards Svetlana alone!
"God damn it Buddy, your going to get yourself killed!" you growled, your eyes turned red as you commanded the Lickers to attack the soldiers that were aiming their guns at Buddy, he shot at Svetlana while the Lickers took care of the soldiers, then it was revealed that Svetlana was behind a bullet proof barrier, as this happened you were rushing down to Buddy with a certain Licker following you closely, you arrived just as a metal pod shot up from the floor and a giant, pale man in a black coat stepped out of the pod.
"Wh-What the hell is that!?" you said worriedly, when suddenly you were overtaken by a violent coughing fit, you doubled over using a crate for support as the Licker's stopped killing and feeding and rushed to your side, their faces moving close to you as your body was wracked by violent coughs.
Heavy footsteps were coming close to you, you looked up to see a second giant walking towards you, one of the Lickers saw this and rushed to attack the giant, when it grabbed the creature's head in it's massive hand, you watched in horror as the giant crushed the Licker's head and dropped the body.
"NO!" you screamed in shock and sadness, the Lickers reacted to your cry with surprise, all their life they hadn't seen someone express sadness over their deaths, they didn't understand why you seemed to care so much, but they now felt an overwhelming urge to protect you.
"(Y/N), we've got to get out of here! Hurry!" Buddy yelled, you were wracked by another coughing fit before you felt yourself being pushed, you looked to see the Lickers using their large clawed limbs to push you onto another's back, holding on for dear life the creature dashed towards the now open elevator, followed closely by the rest of the pack.
After the escape it ended up with you, Leon and Buddy, along with your remaining Lickers fighting the massive Pale giants, you used the Lickers to try and take the giants down, feeling a stab of pain and regret whenever one of your precious friends were killed, finally after a long, drawn out fight, and two more appearing after the first B.O.W was killed, it was all over.
You all stood on an overlook, watching as the American and Russian armies cleaned up the streets and arrested Svetlana's soldiers, Leon resting against the railing while Buddy sat on the steps, you stood at the top of the steps watching the armies below with a saddened expression, you had lost all of your Lickers in the fight, during the course of the fight you had grown to care for the creatures a lot, and now you regretted bringing them into this fight.
Without a word to both men, you quietly slipped away, not even bothering to get any clothes or a passport you ran away from the city you grew up in and knew all your life, leaving behind the memories of your friends and Buddy, however as you ran you felt a searing pain in your chest, making you fall to your knees and gasp in agony as you clutched where your heart was.
"You did quite well in that fight" came a mysterious voice from your right, you looked over to see an Asian woman with short black hair, wearing a black and red business suit and skirt walking towards you with a case in her hand, she placed the case on the ground and opened it, taking out an injector device.
"Since I'm in such a good mood, I'll help you out" she said before stabbing the needle into the skin of your neck, before injecting whatever was inside, suddenly you felt the pain in your chest subside and your breathing com easier as you lay on the ground.
"You'll wake up good as new" she said, before a familiar growl came from close by, she looked up and smirked at whatever was approaching you both.
"And it seems you'll have some friends as well, bye bye now" she said before she walked away into the trees, the growling came closer and then your face broke into a smile at what you saw, three of your Lickers had survived the battle and had found you, one of the Lickers approached you and licked your face with it's long tongue, growling softly as the others gathered close to you, holding onto you with their clawed limbs as they nuzzled you with their heads.
"Let's go find a home for ourselves..." you said as you stumbled to your feet and walked onwards, the three B.O.W's following closely.
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