Piranhaconda Catch Up
The First Encounter
You were here in Hawaii with the film crew to shoot this horror movie that you didn't really remember the name of, right now you were taking a walk through the surrounding jungle, looking for two members of the crew who had not come back from their own trip into the jungle.
Annnnd also to get away from Kimmy Weston who was being a bit, needy.
"Maybe they decided this wasn't worth it and went home?" you wondered to yourself as you walked along one of the worn jungle paths, looking for clues on where the others had gone to.
You soon stopped close to a river, you let out a sigh, this was so annoying, having to go around looking for people when you could be relaxing by the pool or playing your favourite app game, you had searched around and... ended up lost, stopping close to a waterfall.
"Ugh... great, now I'm lost! I swear if I get eaten by a Tiger or someth... hm?" you thought to yourself as you looked at something that was partially buried in the mud by the water, it looked like an egg of some kind?
You slowly approached and looked at it, knowing better than to take an Egg from where it has been left, both in case it harms the creature inside or the mother may return and attack you to protect it's young.
However, as you were about to back away from the nest you heard a small hiss from the clutch of light-blue eggs, causing you to look down and see one of the eggs was moving slightly, it looks like it was about to hatch!
"I suppose... it wouldn't hurt to watch this, as long as I'm not too close" you said t yourself as your curiosity overtook your caution and you watched the egg with interest, until suddenly the shell was smashed open and, some kind of Snake emerged.
From the green scales and the black pattern you could tell it was some kind of Anaconda but... the head looked strange, instead of the slightly arrow-shaped head most Snakes had, this one's head was round with a small frill on top of it's head?
Then you saw it's mouth, a mouth that was filled with razor sharp teeth, like a Shark or a Piranha, the creature looked up at you with beady black eyes and hissed slightly.
"Huh, that's strange... I've never seen a Snake like you before, I wonder what you are?" you wondered to yourself as you looked at the newborn creature curiously, the small Snake made a hiss as it's little eyes looked up at you.
"Well, sorry little buddy but I have to get going, hope you have a nice life" you said with a smile before you turned and walked away, now you had to figure out how to get back to the Hotel... joy.
Second Encounter/Taking Them Home
It had been a wild ride through the day...
After your encounter with those strange eggs and that odd-looking Snake, you ended up getting abducted along with other members of the crew, and then saw even larger versions of that small Snake from before that tried to eat all of them, literally chomping people so hard they turned into clouds of red mist!
However, you had somehow managed to escape from the adult creatures and ran into the jungle, you'd been running and walking for some time now and so far, it was nothing but trees!
"Just great, I'm lost... okay, if I find a road then I can just follow that to a town and get out of this nut house jungle!" you ranted to yourself as you felt like you were on the verge of a panic attack, until you heard a hiss from close by.
You froze in fear at the sound, thinking that you were about to get eaten by one of those creatures, you slowly turned around... only to see nothing was there?
You kept yourself quiet and looked around in confusion and worry until you saw a small, green shape slither out of the brush, it was one of those things but maybe it was a baby? However, you then noticed the facial markings and you realised, this was the one you saw hatch at the waterfall.
"Oh... it's you again, what are you doing here, hm?" you asked as you slowly crouched down and looked at the Snake curiously, the small creature flicked it's forked tongue at you and slithered closer, a hiss moving past it's small, sharp teeth as it approached you.
You watched the odd Reptile carefully, prepared to move it it snaps at you, soon it was close and for some odd reason you felt the urge to reach out and pet them, you swallowed down some of your saliva and slowly reached out and ran your trembling fingers over the glossy scales of the Serpent's neck.
The infant Snake let out a sound between a hiss and a purr as it's body seemed to relax under your touch, making you smile at how docile the baby was being, with great care you picked the baby Snake up, being careful to support their body and help them feel safe.
You looked down at the creature and smiled at how it seemed to rub itself against your skin, you decided then and there to take this little one home with you, you turned and started to walk along the path, hopefully this time, you'd find a road and be able to get back to civilisation.
"OW!" you yelped as the little one suddenly nipped at your finger, and proceeded to nom on your pinky... hopefully this won't be a regular thing.
Getting Them Used to Their New Home/Getting Used to Them Living With You
It took you a bit but you soon managed to get to civilisation and flew back to (Y/H/T) in South America, you checked and it seems that you might have been the only survivor from this incident, you were of course upset for a while, but you kept yourself busy with (PC/N) and making sure they were settled into their new home with you, and also got them something to chew on other than yourself.
You bought a tank at first but after seeing just how big (PC/N)'s parents grew you knew you'd need more space very soon, so you looked for a new home closer to the Pantanal, considered the world's largest stretch of tropical Wetland, and a perfect place for (PC/N) to call home, once he was big enough of course.
When They Want to Sleep With You
You had a very long and stressful shift at work today and you were very eager to have a nap, once you were in your home you stripped off your uniform and dropped it into your laundry basket before making your way up to your bedroom, stumbling up the steps and through the hallway.
As soon as you opened your bedroom door you saw that (PC/N) had managed to get out of his Vivarium, again, he was now ten feet long and still growing, he also had quite a bit of muscle too from his Anaconda side.
"Really? You got out again?" you asked the Hybrid Snake, sounding very tired and unimpressed as the small Piranhaconda raised it's head up and hissed at you, it's forked tongue flicking out between it's sharp teeth.
"Ah... yeah, whatever, I'm gonna take a nap now" you sighed out as you flopped face-first into the bed, choosing to sleep on top of the covers for now since it was fairly warm this time of year.
As you closed your eyes and got yourself comfortable, you suddenly felt scales moving against your body and heard another hiss, you opened an eye and saw (PC/N) slithering over and around you, getting themself comfortable with you on your bed.
You rolled your eye and smiled as you were slowly going back to sleep, it was nice, sharing a bed with someone you could trust, you managed to get a short nap in before...
"Ouch!" you yelped as you were startled awake by the pain in your lower leg, your eyes open wide in panic as you looked down, only to groan as you saw that (PC/N) had just bit you on your calf to wake you up, likely to feed them.
Looks like you'll need to sleep with shin guards... again.
When They Are Hungry/What You Feed Them
You got back from the shop after buying some dead Rabbits from the Pet store, (PC/N) was still a size where he didn't need to eat a lot of meat, so it was still affordable, once he got bigger you would have to start feeding them larger, more meatier prey.
You made your way up to your bedroom and found (PC/N) resting on your bed again, the Serpent raised it's head up when you entered the room and flicked it's tongue in your direction, seeming to smell the Rabbits and quickly slithering off the bed and onto the floor.
"Alright... stay right there, I know what to do this time..." you said seriously as you pointed at the young Hybrid Snake, the little creature opened it's mouth and hissed hungrily, showing off the deadly fangs that its other, Fishy half are famous for.
You reached into the bag and grabbed one of the Rabbit carcasses by it's back legs and pulled it out, holding it up in front of you to get the hungry Hybrid's attention off of you and your fingers, before you tossed the Rabbit toward them.
In a flash of green you saw (PC/N)'s jaws launch at the rabbit and snap it up into it's toothy maw, you heard the small bones in the Rabbit's body crunch before it was thrown back and swallowed down, followed by a gulping sound as the Piranhaconda ate some of it's meal.
You were always very surprised at just how fast they lashed their head forward and ate their food, it was like a ravenous whip with razor sharp teeth, you worked carefully to feed them a few more Rabbits to satisfy their appetite, and then, saw the now-full creature return to their heated vivarium to digest their meal.
"I am very glad (PC/N) doesn't bite me that hard..." you said as you thought about how the little Snake would constantly bite you to get your attention.
When They Want to go Outside
It was a warm, pleasant day in (Y/H/C) and you were sat at home having some time off for the weekend, your plan for today was to take advantage of the sunshine and read in the garden, you dressed in a comfy pair of shirts and a shirt before making sure to apply sun screen to your skin and going outside.
You placed a chair in a good spot along with a small side table to place a cold drink on, you also placed a plastic kiddie pool down where you could put your feet into it, you made yourself a drink and filled the kiddie pool with some cool water to dip your feet into.
Soon it was filled up enough and you put away the hose pipe, before you went back inside and poured yourself a cold drink from the refrigerator, when you heard a hiss and looked to the doorway connecting the Kitchen to the hallway.
"Oh, hello (PC/N), you planning to go out and enjoy the sun too?" you asked the Snake as they slithered along the tiled floor and toward the warm sunlight and outdoors, you watched as they slithered outside and seemed pleased to be in the real sunlight again.
You then walked back outside and sat down in your chair, getting yourself comfortable before dipping your feet into the cool water and opening up your book to the first page, not too long after you started reading you felt scales against your foot and glanced down to see (PC/N) slip into the water.
(Hm, makes sense, both of it's species are aquatic... gotta stay cool) you thought to yourself with a smile as you went back to reading your book, only to hold in a shout and glare down as you saw the little shit had just bit your foot again.
When it's Time to Give Them a Bath
You had filled up the bath tub with warm water and had some special cleaning product to clean up a Reptile's scales, (PC/N) was still relatively small compared to the ones you saw, but they were still growing, since you had no idea how long they lived for.
Once you were satisfied with the temperature you went back to your room and opened up his Vivarium, seeing the large Snake-Fish Hybrid curled up under the heat lamp.
"Alright buddy, come on, time to give you a bath" you said as you carefully reached in and lifted them up, their body was quite heavy from all the muscle packed into them, so you rested some of their length over your shoulders while supporting their tail and head, only for the little bugger to bite you on the arm.
"Gah! Really? God damn it..." you groaned as you carried the Snake into the bathroom, you slowly and carefully lowered them into the tub of warm water, you watched as they also released the bite, it was another one of their playful bites, the teeth didn't pierce the skin or draw blood, though they did leave some marks.
You just shook your head and got down to help clean them up a little more, it took you some time scrubbing (PC/N)'s scales and working the dirt out from between them, it took you a little while but soon enough the little Reptile was all clean and refreshed.
The Kind of Pet They Are
Affectionate/Chompy, (PC/N) may sometimes nip or bite you but you noticed that they never did it to harm you, they might prick the skin but never did any real damage, other than that the Hybrid would a bit of a snuggler and liked to wrap around you at times.
When They Protect/Save You
You were taking a walk around your neighbourhood, planning to go to the park and let (PC/N) enjoy some sun with you, right now you were walking and had the large Hybrid hidden under your t-shirt, just so you don't have people bothering you about them.
As you walked you felt (PC/N)'s scales rub against you under your shirt and heard a hiss as they adjusted their grip around your body and on your skin, they seemed to be a little impatient.
"I know, don't worry we'll be there soon, so don't you dare bite me in there" you said as you looked down the collar of your shirt at the Snake-Fish Hybrid, before you kept walking, when suddenly a young man stopped in front of you with a knife!
"Give me everything you have, or I'll stab you, I swear on me mum!" the young man said loudly as he pointed the knife at you, you went wide-eyed as fear gripped you, the guy then got close and grabbed a fistful of your shirt collar.
"You stupid or what? I said give me yo-" he said right in your face, before there was a hiss and suddenly, (PC/N) lunged out from your shirt and bit the guy on his arm, making him yell and try to shake them off.
You stood there and watched in shock as (PC/N) ravaged the guy's arm and then snapped it's fanged maw onto the man's neck, tearing it out in a spray of blood, the guy looked shocked and made a gurgling sound before he fell to the ground.
You stood there shaking as you looked at the dead guy on the ground, seeing the blood everywhere, before you felt (PC/N) slither up your leg, letting out a hiss as they worked their way under your shirt and wrapped themself around your body.
"Th-Thanks (PC/N)... we better get out of here now" you said as you hurriedly walked away from the dead guy, not wanting anything to do with this situation, or having to explain to the Police about what happened and risk having (PC/N) taken away from you.
When You Protect/Save Them
It was sunset at this time and now you were out in the surrounding wilderness searching for (PC/N), you'd checked their vivarium and saw that they had escaped again and... a nearby window was open, you were very worried that they had escaped out into the Wetlands nearby.
You had also taken a gun with you just in case you ran into anything dangerous while you searched, keeping your ears sharp for that familiar sound of hissing and teeth gnashing.
(PC/N)? Come on, come out!" you called out as you searched for any signs of your unique pet, you could hear the sound of Rainforest wildlife, like Birds and Insects, you gripped the Rifle tightly as you felt tense, the sun was going down and soon it would be too dark to be out here without a light.
This Wetland was rather dangerous, home to some deadly creatures like Caimen, Anaconda's and Jaguars, which were even more dangerous at night, in the dark, you were then brought out of your thoughts when you heard a roar and also a hiss, followed by splashing sounds!
"Oh shit! (PC/N)!" you said as you rushed to the place where you heard the splashing, hissing and roar, you got to the place and saw (PC/N), who was the size of an adult Reticulated Python at this point, who was being attacked by a Jaguar!
(PC/N) was hissing and thrashing around in the water, but the Jaguar seemed to have hold of the back of their neck and was swiping at them with it's large claws, you suddenly felt a protective rage!
"Hey! Get off of him you oversized cat!" you shouted as you pointed the gun up to the sky and pulled the trigger, a loud bang echoed through the clearing, startling several Birds and Bats out of the trees, the sound also scared the jaguar which let go of it's bite on (PC/N)'s neck and took off into the trees.
"(PC/N)! (PC/N), hold on, it's okay... I've got you" you said as you rushed over to the wounded Hybrid, you carefully picked them up and rested some of their body across your shoulders, the weight was easy to bear since you had some practise with picking them up multiple times a day.
Once you had their scaly body secure you started to make your way back home, keeping a firm grip on the gun just in case, choosing to save the likely one-sided lecture for another time, once those bite wounds had been tended too.
When They Get Sick/Need to Visit the Vet
You were currently in the waiting room of the local vet with (PC/N) in a box, luckily you knew this Vet really well and had introduced them to (PC/N) when you brought them home, you trusted them with helping (PC/N) if they were ever hurt or sick.
"Alright, what exactly is the problem with them, (Y/N)?" (V/N) asked you as you helped your poor pet out of the box and laid them on the examination table, they let out a hiss that sounded very sad and hurt.
"I'm not too sure (V/N), they've been listless and haven't been eating like they usually do" you said to them with worry, (PC/N) hadn't even been biting you like they usually would which worried you more.
"I see... they do seem rather lethargic-" the Vet began when suddenly (PC/N) hissed and snapped at their fingers, before seeming to whimper and fall flat on the table with a thud.
"My word... I believe sedation may be in order to examine him properly!" (V/N) exclaimed in surprise as they held their hand close to their chest, very relieved that they hadn't lost a finger from that sudden snap.
You then waited outside with concern as (PC/N) was being examined by your friend, time passed by and you were more and more concerned about how your pet Hybrid was, and started to worry about what might have happened while you weren't watching him, until you saw your friend come out of the Examination room.
"I've finished the examination and discovered the problem" (V/N) said as they then showed you a specimen jar, where you saw that it was one of (PC/N)'s many teeth, but this one seemed to have been cracked and turned black from decay.
"Oh, that must have been so painful" you said with a sympathetic wince of pain, you had to have a broken tooth removed before and remembered how painful it was when you tried eating with that tooth in your mouth, luckily it was a baby tooth that got broken, so you had a new one grow in soon enough.
Your friend gave you some pain killers for Reptiles, as well as some advice for additional care for them until their new tooth grew in to replace the lost one, hopefully this might mean he'll playfully bite you less than usual.
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