Mako Shark Catch Up
This was requested by hope this is what you hoped it would be :)
The First Encounter
You were one of the researchers brought to the Aquatica research facility, which was in the middle of the ocean, you worked alongside Susan and Janice to find a cure for Alzhiemers with Sharks, being an introvert, normally you would have stayed in your room to run the numbers and finish your work,however Susan and Jan had insisted that you be there to do the research on a proper system, rather than a laptop.
So you had begrudgingly decided to go along with their suggestion, that was when you finally met one of the subjects for the program, when you first laid eyes on the massive Mako Shark you stared in awe at the 45 foot long predator, you were sat at one of the computers monitoring the Shark's vital signs as Susan ran a test on the latest sample of the Shark's brain tissue, to see if the dead neurons from an Alzhiemers patient would work.
You watched the Shark's vital signs carefully, you saw that they were slightly elevated, which means she was stressed out, probably from being in such shallow water and restrained as she was, in a way you sympathised with the Sharks, imagining what it would be like to be taken from your home and experimented on nearly endlessly.
"Poor thing, she must miss swimming in the sea..." you mumbled to yourself as you turned your gaze from the monitor towards the Shark, you knew that sharks were considered monstrous, man eating fish, thus most people would have no sympathy to these creatures, but as a scientist you knew that these creatures were just highly evolved hunters that adapted to their environment, not some blood thirsty monsters that had to be wiped out.
You had a sudden thought as you looked at the Shark as it lazily moved it's tail from side-to-side in the shallow pool, you looked around at your colleagues to see what they were doing, Susan, Jim and Janice were looking over the latest test for the serum, Scoggins was at the large window in front of the tank going over the base's systems and Carter seemed to have left for some reason.
(Well, it's in a shallow pool, and it seems to be sedated, maybe I could go over and try to calm it down?) you thought to yourself as you turned around in your seat to fully face the massive shark, giving another look around the room you saw that everyone was still busy with their research, so you stood up and approached the massive female shark, looking at the size of her body before your eyes went to the creature's head.
You saw the pointed, cone shape of it's snout, which contained the Ampullae of Lorenzi, a large group of jelly-filled canals that allow the shark to sense electrical fields in the water, like the energy given off by a creature's movements, like a struggling fish or seal, you also saw the shark's mouth, full of rows of sharp teeth, making a shiver run down your spine as the sight of them.
"Those look so dangerous, I really hope I don't get bitten by those" you said nervously, as you continued to cautiously walk towards the large Shark, then your gaze went to the single black eye that you could have sworn was looking straight at you, however it was difficult to tell since it was a solid black orb.
"H-Hello there, I-I just came over to see how you were doing" you said as you knelt down close to the edge of the pool, looking the shark right in it's eye, despite the shark having no pupil you could swear you felt as though the Mako was acknowledging your presence beside it, you stayed still as it seemed to examine you, it's tail slowly moving left-to-right as water pumped through it's gills, you took a deep breath to calm yourself down before you started to talk to the huge shark again, unaware of Susan watching you from her station.
"I know you must be scared, and probably very, very pissed about being here, but don't worry okay? I'll make sure your okay, and I'm sure you'll be back in the sea very soon, so just hold on for a little bit and we'll-" you said before you were suddenly yanked back away from the Mako.
"(Y/N)! Get away from her right now!" Carter yelled as he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you away from the large Mako, suddenly the shark lunged her head towards you and Carter, her mouth snapping shut mere inches away from your body as she thrashed around violently, making you scream in shock as you fell backwards, the cold sea water splashing over you as Carter pulled you away from the Shark.
There was a lot of yelling and screaming before the sound of a gun being cocked, you looked to see Carter shoot the shark with a tranquilliser dart, the shark froze in place before it seemed to calm down, it's black eye focusing on you as it fell asleep from the strong drugs in it's system.
"Are you crazy (Y/N)!?" Carter yelled, however you didn't hear him, or Susan, Jim and Janice rushing over to make sure you were okay, your eyes were locked on the massive shark, your breath coming in shaky gasps as your heart beat so fast you were sure it would burst, you were then picked up and taken out of the lab to be checked over for any injuries, your mind filled with images of sharp teeth.
The Second Encounter
You had been told by Susan and the others to take some time off to rest in your room, you knew what it really meant however, they didn't trust you around the sharks anymore, you didn't even know why you went so close to the massive Mako Shark, you just felt as if she wasn't going to hurt you, right up until she almost took a massive bite out of you, you were laying in your bed when suddenly the entire base shook and a very loud boom was heard.
Initially panicking you rushed out of your room to find the others, then you were caught in a sudden flood that swept you down a hallway, banging up your body in the process as you were hit by random debris the water picked up, now you were moving slowly through the flooded hallways, holding your arm which had been hit as you were thrown around by the freezing water.
"I've got to get to the surface, if I stay here the facility will go underwater..." you said as you waded through the chest deep water, shivering from the cold since you were only wearing a tank top and shorts, you reached a stairway going down into a flooded hallway, you knew that there was no other way out of here beside having to swim, so you waded into the freezing water, took a deep breath and went under the water to swim to safety.
As you swam you felt the chill of the water seep into your skin, all the way down to your bones, you started to feel your body grow heavy and panic set in, you knew if you didn't hurry you'd die of hypothermia or worse! So you started to swim faster, your movements becoming more desperate and frantic as your lungs screamed for fresh air, you passed a flooded hallway trying to find a pocket of air for yourself on the roof of the hallway.
However as you swam you felt as though you were being watched, you turned your head back and felt terror grip your heart, in the water mere feet away from you was the female shark! She must have somehow escaped her enclosure and got into the facility, she was floating in the water, her tail moving from side-to-side lazily as she observed you, suddenly black spots started to dance in your vision and you found it very hard to stay awake, the last thing you saw before you lost consciousness was the shark rushing towards you with her mouth open...
Suddenly you woke up to the bright blue sky, taking a deep breath of air into your lungs before falling into a violent coughing fit as you tried to regulate your breathing, you tried to push yourself up and see where you were, as you sat up you found yourself on the surface, surrounded by the ruins of the Aquatica facility.
"Wh-What? H-H-How did I g-get here?" you said in a shaky voice as you pulled yourself further up onto the piece of rock you were laying on, then it came back to you, how you were drowning in that flooded tunnel, then saw that huge female shark swim towards you with her mouth wide open, and now you were here on the surface...
As you thought about what could have happened a large, dorsal fin rose up from the water right in front of the piece of rock which you lay on, you saw the fin and backed up fearfully until you suddenly fell into the water, you thrashed around trying to figure out which way was the surface when you saw the Shark right in front of you, the shark's sharp teeth gnashed as it moved it's head before it stopped and tilted it's head towards you, it's jet black eyes gazing upon you with curiosity.
You were gripped by panic as the massive Mako Shark floated before you, you didn't understand how she could sit still in the water, or why she hadn't tried to bite you yet like back in the lab, the Shark suddenly turned and swam away, leaving you on the piece of concrete in the middle of the water, you were too afraid to jump into the water and get away in case the shark decided to make a meal out of you, so you sat there huddled up against a piece of broken wall.
You were broken out of your thoughts by loud yelling, you then heard a loud crash and looked towards where the sound came from, you saw the fence shake violently as the shark smashed her head into the fence, you heard Carter and Susan yelling from nearby, you saw Carter getting ready to shoot the Shark with a make shift spear-gun, when Susan jumped into the water with a bleeding hand.
"Oh my God, she's crazy..." you said as you stood up from your spot on the wreckage, you knew she wouldn't stand a chance if the Shark decided she wanted to go after her, you saw the fence stopped shaking and saw the Shark swim straight towards Susan! Knowing you couldn't let your friend die, you took a sharp piece of metal and stabbed yourself in the leg, you screamed in pain as blood gushed from the wound, you then jumped into the water and started to swim towards Susan to try and protect her, the Shark suddenly turned and quickly swam towards you, now ignoring Susan who along with Carter were screaming your name in fear, you panicked and tried to swim back away from her but she was right in front of you in an instant, you closed your eyes terrified of being bitten in half and eaten, when you suddenly felt a nudge on your arms.
You opened your eyes only to see the Mako looking at you as though she were waiting for something, you kept your arms up afraid to move as she came closer, finally her snout bumped against your stomach and you felt yourself being pushed through the water.
The Mako then pushed you through the water, you were confused as she didn't seem to be trying to bite you, and you then realised she must have been the one who saved you from drowning!
You looked down at the Mako, your eyes locking with one of her jet black orbs, holding onto her snout as she moved you towards a floating piece of wreckage, she moved you onto the concrete before suddenly turning and swimming off towards the fencing that kept her from her home, the deep blue sea, you stared after her as she swam away ignoring Carter who was trying to rescue Susan.
"(Y/N)! Quickly, shoot it! Shoot it!!" Carter yelled as he pointed to the ledge up above you, you turned and climbed up the ladder to find the spear gun Carter was holding, you picked it up and took aim towards where the Mako was, you thought back to when she saved your life in the flooded hallways, and she helped you a minute ago, you couldn't kill her.
You shot the gun, intentionally missing the Shark, who with a final smash broke through the fence and escaped into the sea...
It has been a week since the Aquatica incident, Carter was furious that the shark had escaped and blamed you because you missed the shot, he and Susan were engaged now and Susan wanted you at her wedding, Preach had gone back home and sworn off ever going to the sea again, and you had gone back to your home by the sea, you sat on the beach looking at the sea with a vacant look on your face, thinking about the Mako Shark who you had let escape back into the sea.
"I wonder where she's gone and if she's okay?" you asked yourself, you were brought out of your thoughts when you saw a familiar dorsal fin slice through the salty sea water, you saw a large shape beneath the water moving towards an isolated lagoon, a smile came to your face as you watched the shark slowly move through the water, amazed that she had managed to find you.
You quickly stood up and raced towards the lagoon, running over the soft sand and climbing over the rocks until you reached a ledge above the lagoon, the water was a deep blue meaning it was deep enough for something large to hide in, suddenly the water at the entrance to the lagoon thrashed and boiled as a large dark shape rushed through the channel, the unmistakable head of the Female Mako appeared as her mouth opened showing her sharp teeth, she thrashed her body around before she finally slipped into the lagoon and started to circle in the water.
You carefully climbed down until you were at the edge of the water, suddenly you slipped on a pile of wet kelp that was laying on the rock, sending you into the water, after reorienting yourself in the water you turned and saw the large Shark floating in front of you, it's head tilted so that it's jet black eye could see you properly, after a minute of just watching each other your lungs ached for fresh air so you swam to the surface and took a deep breath, you stayed there treading water as the Shark came closer and nudged you with it's snout, feeling all the nerves fade away you placed your hands on the shark's cone-shaped snout and ran your hands along the shark's rough skin.
"This'll be tough to keep from the Coast Guard..." you mumbled as you petted the Shark's snout, suddenly she bumped you so that you went over her head and held onto her large dorsal fin as she swam around the lagoon, startling the shoals of fish and other sea creatures as she passed with you laughing and having the time of your life.
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