Getting Them Used to Their New Home/Getting Used to Them Living With You
It was not easy getting a 40 foot long Anaconda, who was used to having miles and miles of land to slither around used to living in a single room, you had to dip into your savings a little but it was worth it in the end, you stood in the newly built vivarium admiring the plants and environment which closely resembled the jungle you had first met her in, you also had to research how to care for an Anaconda very diligently, the correct temperatures, what to do when it's shedding, as well as a course on it's behavioural traits, and what to feed it, however you had a feeling you'd have to get something a bit bigger than rabbits...
You also had to get used to her presence in your home, the Anaconda is okay staying in her enclosure but she definitely preferred being with you, it wasn't too difficult getting used to her presence, it was more how she would grab hold of you and wrap herself around you that you had to get used to, sometimes she'd just hold you in her coils which while hot and confining was also surprisingly comfortable, you just had to get used to living with a very affectionate, very clingy reptile.
It wasn't too much trouble for your pet to get used to her home, since the Crocodile already lived in Black Lake it already had a place to swim, hunt for food, and rest, although, that didn't stop it from crawling up onto the shore by the house to see you, or for it to come right to your front door, which was kind of surprising since you'd figure it wouldn't be used to humans.
The first few times you would always get startled with having a dinosaur sized Crocodile appear just outside your house, or floating in the water beside your home, but you quickly got used to having it around,although since you don't really want it to come into your house and smash up your furniture you'd usually spend time with it outside.
You were glad that you had saved the three Piranha's from the river, a few days after you had driven away from the bloodbath you heard that the government had the entire system poisoned, so not only had they killed off the remaining Piranha's but they had also made the area uninhabitable for everyone.
That had made you very angry that they had pretty much ruined an entire river, and made it so that the entire area was too poisoned to live in, but you were also really glad that you had managed to save those last three Piranha's, which were very happy in their new home, of course you'd have to visit them often to make sure no one else found them, or that they had enough food, but it was worth it to you.
It was a little annoying having to get the Giant Spider used to living with you, the Spider had no sense of personal space, constantly being by your side, and you had to discipline it whenever you ran into a web it had spun in the doorways in the house, it was especially annoying when you got a face full of web when you woke up and left your bedroom, but you had managed to teach him to spin his webs closer to the ceiling where you wouldn't get caught.
The worst thing that had happened was when you had just had a shower and got trapped in one of his webs that he had strung up across the bathroom door, you had tried to free yourself and the towel had fallen off leaving you hanging naked on the webs, you got even angrier when he came back and decided to cocoon you up to your head in his silk, take you down from the web and back to your bed, and lay you down as he held onto you with his eight long, hairy legs, you had to spend all day in bed trapped in the silk naked and sticky as he held onto you.
Cleric Beast:
It was... interesting, getting used to having a massive, bloodthirsty beast with you, since you lived alone in house in the the Cathedral Ward you couldn't really keep the Beast in your house, since it was also large enough to demolish an entire house, instead the Beast made it's home in Round Plaza, killing the Church Giants and Hunters that came into the area to slay it.
It was also a bit difficult for you, since the townspeople and Church Hunters saw you as possible bait to slay the Cleric Beast, whenever you were chased by the Church Hunters you would rush to the Round Plaza where your friend would be waiting, and immediately attack any that was chasing you, all in all you felt safer around your large, furry, blood soaked pet.
It was interesting to have the Shrieker living with you now, it had grown much bigger now and the scar from where it had the sharp piece of metal had become a bit of a nasty scar, but it was pretty endearing having him follow you around the house, softly growling like a puppy when you petted him on the head and neck, careful to avoid the heat sensing organ atop his armoured head, you also had to teach the creature to not go after the Oven or the Microwave when you were cooking, you had also called up Earl and Burt to try and find out about more about the creature.
You also had to have ear plugs handy, because the only way for the little guy to get your attention, other than nudging you with it's beak, was to suddenly scream very, very loudly, but you were training it to not scream as much or so loudly since you didn't want too many noise complaints, or for people to come round and find the Shrieker in your house.
Scourge Beast:
It was actually kind of easy keeping a Scourge Beast with you, since you were still homeless you could say that the streets were your home, and it was very easy having the Wolf-like Beast used to it's home, all it needed was food to eat and a place to sleep, all you really needed to do was not piss yourself when you woke up to find it curled around or next to you, or finding it's face right in front of your own.
But it was actually nice to have someone you knew you could rely on in a sticky situation, like if you were cornered by some of the crazed citizens of Yharnam, or other bloodthirsty beasts, you knew he would rush in to help you out, or he could distract or kill enemies, allowing you to take whatever you could.
You didn't really have a home anymore since you had taken the Control Plagas and pretty much become a human B.O.W, you were constantly worried about being discovered by the B.S.A.A, and for them to come and either kill or capture you and your Lickers, so you mostly stayed on the move along with the three Lickers which followed after you, getting food and such to survive.
Finally after a few months of wondering you were approached by the same woman who you met before you left your home, she didn't seem afraid of your Lickers, even when they growled and snapped at her, she had offered you a place to call home as well as a place for your Lickers to make a home in, you were picked up by a helicopter and flown to a large, seemingly newly build mansion in the middle of a forest, finally a new home for yourself and your companions...
Labyrinth Mole:
It was pretty easy getting the Labyrinth Mole adjusted to your home, you had to keep the crazy people that walked through the streets away from your precious little baby, however your Mole had proven he could look after himself just as much after making a meal out of several crazed Yharnamites and their Dogs.
As for you, you had to get used to him being in unexpected places, or having to step over him if he was laying down in a hallway or a room waiting for you, you had a blast observing him as he explored the house and a few mishaps where he tried to eat something he shouldn't, but all in all he was a very interesting companion, and a potentially wonderful pet!
Mako Shark:
It wasn't easy keeping a very large, very smart Mako Shark a secret from the Police or the Coast Guard, but since she too had enhanced intelligence she could tell when to be careful, you would normally wait and meet her at either dawn or dusk when most people are asleep or just not at the beach, it took you some time to get used to this schedule of waking up early or coming down to the beach as the sun began to set, sometimes staying down at the hidden cove until it was pretty dark out, but it was worth it to spend time with such a unique creature.
The shark would mostly spend her time out in the Deep Blue Sea, swimming in the salty waters hunting for her food and interacting with other sharks and creatures, however her enhanced intelligence made it difficult to interact with her own kind, since their brain capacity made them more along the lines of instinctual hunters, the only interaction that gave her any real joy was when she was with you, so even though she couldn't really show it, she cherished her times with you
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