Demogorgon Catchup
(Disclaimer: Okay, so confession, I had only seen Stranger things a little while ago, after this guy was put into DbD, but it looked awesome, and now that I know more about it, I'll be adding it :) .)
The First Encounter
You lived in the small town of Hawkins, in Indiana, you were a loner, didn't like to socialise with everyone, since they were all idiots that only cared about being popular, while you were more interested in just doing what you thought was interesting, like taking photos of the local wildlife or playing games, though you did talk with Nancy Wheeler and her friend Barbara sometimes, though you would also talk with Jonathan Byers, since he was a fellow shutterbug.
Right now you were walking along the river, looking to see if you could find any animals to take pictures of, however, as you walked, you suddenly felt a presence, like you were being watched.
"Hello? Is someone there? Steve I swear if it's you and your asshole pals I'm gonna-" before you could finish you were suddenly grabbed and dragged through the forest, you looked and saw a large, pale thing that looked like a twisted human, but it's head... it looked like a flower with teeth inside!
"Oh fuck! HELP!! HELP ME PLEASE!" you cried out, scrabbling for something to grab onto, but then you saw the creature dragging you to a fleshy thing in a tree, you tried to stop yourself but everything went black...
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), come on, please wake up! PLEASE!!" you heard a voice yell as you felt yourself being shaken roughly, before you gasped for breath and started coughing violently, your body ached all over, and you had some kind of black filth all over your clothes and your body.
"Oh thank God, (Y/N) your okay!" came a familiar voice, it was Jonathan, and Nancy was here with him, they quickly pulled you up and carried you to their car, quickly driving out of those woods, and drove back to Nancy's house, with Nancy looking very freaked out.
A little later on Nancy and Jonathan told you that you had been missing for a day, and how they found you and brought you back to Nancy's house, they were worried you had gone missing like Will Byers, Jonathan's little brother had.
"Are you sure your alright (Y/N)? What happened to you?" Jonathan asked, as he sat with you while Nancy went off to have a shower, you shook slightly as you tried to remember, but only drew a blank on whatever had happened to you after seeing that creature.
"I-I'm not sure... I was out by the river, taking pictures of the wildlife when this... this, thing, grabbed me and dragged me through the woods, after that... it's all a blank" you said before you started coughing, feeling like you had something in your throat,
You were washing yourself in the shower, you started coughing hard, feeling something in your throat, like a was of mucus or something, you coughed a little more, trying to dislodge the offending thing in your throat, before you finally coughed it up.
You saw what looked like a wad of dark green mucus, with some yellow blotches in it, you saw the water from the shower wash it into the drain, you groaned in disgust as you moved your face into the streams of warm water.
"Ugh... I hope I didn't catch something from all of that shit..." you groaned as you scrubbed at your hair to get all of the filth and shit out, really scrubbing into your hair and skin to feel less dirty.
Second Encounter/Taking Them Home
A few days had passed since your close encounter with the monster that everyone called, the Demogorgon, you were brought to meet a group of people and told them about your encounter, you even had to deal with the Scientists from the Hawkin's National Laboratory questioning you and running tests on you, they had also found Will alive and well, and saved him too!
And according to Mike, Lucas and Dustin, their friend, a girl called Eleven, or El, had managed to kill the Creature before she vanished, now you were trying to get back to living a normal, independent life, with your parents living all the way in the big city, you had this place all to yourself, with some of your Mom's friends checking in on you from time-to-time.
Right now you were on your computer, looking up pictures of animals on your computer, your camera got broken when you were attacked by the Demogorgon, you were also having nightmares, repressed memories of your time in the Upside down, you were awake in your living room, playing (F/G), to try and calm your nerves, when you heard something outside.
"What in the hell?" you said to yourself as you looked to the window, you slowly stood up, walked to the window and looked outside to see what the noise was, you didn't see anything, so you went and opened the door and stepped outside.
"Whose there?" you called out, looking around outside to see if you could spot anyone, when the trash can close to your steps started to rattle and shake.
"Oh fuck... okay calm down (Y/N), it's probably nothing, just a Raccoon or a Stray Cat" you said as you started walking towards the trash can, it suddenly rattled again, making you pause, you picked up a stick, just in case anything jumped out at you.
You took a few breaths, before you ripped the lid off of the trash can and looked inside with the stick raised up, inside, on top of a bunch of potato chip packs and other garbage, you saw a strange looking creature, it kind of looked like a Tadpole.
"Okay... that is definitely not a Cat or a Raccoon..." you said as you lowered the stick, the little creature seemed to look up at you, making chirping sounds, as it looked up at you.
"What are you, little fella?" you asked, the only response you got was some chirping and squeaking, you then reached in and picked the little creature up, it was so small that it fit in the palm of your hand, it felt damp and slimy, like picking up a Frog or a Newt from a river.
"Man, your so tiny! Ugh, and slimy! I wonder if your some new kind of Frog or something?" you said as you watched the little creature sit in your palms, looking up at you and making cute little squeaks and sounds, you smiled down at the little creature and gently petted it's head with your finger.
"I'll have to look you up on the computer, in the meantime, let's put you somewhere nice and cosy" you said as you carried the strange little creature back into your house, planning to take care of it, and perhaps see if you had found a new species or something.
It Grows Up (Demogorgon Special)
(Pollywog)- You kept the little creature in an old fish tank you had, from when you had a Goldfish, you learned pretty quickly that it didn't like light, when it started shrieking when it's home was in direct sunlight, you since then kept the tank out of the sun and other light, and you got pretty surprised when it started growing.
"Your an interesting pet, I guess I'll have to try and figure out what to feed you" you said as you smiled down at the little creature, gently petting it as it gurgles and purred.
(Frogogorgon)- The next day, you were just hanging out in your room, when suddenly the little creature started wriggling and shrieking, you got up, thinking it had hurt itself, only to watch in shock as long, hind legs burst from the Pollywog's body and it turned dark green, as well as growing bigger.
"Holy shit! So you are some kind of Frog... where did you come from I wonder?" you said to yourself as you started trying to theorise on where this very strange Frog could have come from.
(Catogorgon)- You came back from the store, only to find your Kitchen had been ransacked! You heard a growling sound from inside and got a little worried, thinking a Raccoon or something might have gotten into the house, you walked into your kitchen and found a puddle of slime on the floor, with some going off into the living room, where you saw a creature the size of a Cat laying on your sofa, it looked up at you and shrieked at you, opening it's petal mouth!
"Holy shit!" you said as she stumbled back, falling on your ass, the creature jumped down and walked to you, before it started rubbing against your leg, you saw the creature's skin and then realised, the "Frog" was from the Upside Down!
(Demodog)- You had to work a little more to keep him inside, then one day you came back from getting him food, only to find your window smashed and another load of slime and a husk, you knew what had happened and started going around searching for your pet, then you came to a junkyard, where you found your pet, or more like, it tackled you to the ground, now the size of a large Dog!
"Holy shit, you grow fast, but... will you become a Demogorgon I wonder?" you said as you reached up and gently petted the Demodog's petal-like head, making the creature let out a sound between a purr and a hiss.
Demogorgon)- Some time had passed since you got your Demodog, you had been doing your best to keep his existence hidden from the others, you knew that if they found out about him they would try to kill him, and in honesty after caring for him since he was a little Pollywog, you'd gotten attached to him.
"Hey (D/N), I got your favourite food right... here... holy shit..." you said as you walked back into your bedroom, only to see a nine foot tall, pale skinned creature standing in your room, you saw that it was indeed the same creature from before! It stomped closer to you, growling as it got near to you, before it crouched down and held onto you, making purring/growling sounds as it held onto you, you just hugged him back, glad this change didn't affect his loyalty to you.
Getting Them Used to Their New Home/Getting Used to Them Living With You
When you first picked up the little Pollywog from your trash, you had no idea that it would grow up into something so... interesting, in the span of a week the little Tadpole had somehow changed into a creature similar to the very one that had taken you before! It took you a while to get used to it and not be scared of it, but, soon you were inseparable.
(DG/N) would sometimes roughhouse, but that was just how his kind were you guessed, though it was a pain for you when he brought his food home, finding dead deer and other animals in your back yard was certainly not a pleasant experience, though he would help to clean up, by dragging the body into the woods, you were fully ready for Sheriff Hopper to investigate, or Mike and his Party, or Nancy, Jonathan and Steve.
When They Want To Sleep With You
You had a long day today, you had to deal with the little shit Tommy and his girl Carol making your life miserable, Jonathan and you hung out together, and you had to work your job, so needless to say you were very bushed when you came home, like, barely even standing bushed.
"Jeez, I swear the day's are getting more and more tedious... I just want to lay down and sleep..." you groaned as you walked sluggishly to your sofa and collapsed onto it, falling face first into the comfy fabric, you wanted to go to your bed, but you were so tired you didn't really care, then you heard a sound from the basement, before the familiar growls greeted you.
"Sorry (DG/N), I'm feeling a bit tired... maybe we can play tomorrow?" you said as you tried to get yourself comfy on the sofa, you heard a light growl from your 9 foot tall pet, opening your eyes to see his head in front of yours, tilted slightly as he studied you, before he tried to climb onto the sofa with you, only for his larger body to push you off.
"Ouch... damn it (DG/N), I'm too tired for rough housing!" you complained in annoyance, the large creature growled and pulled you up, before pushing you towards your bedroom, you just shuffled up the steps and into your bedroom, followed closely by (DG/N), you soon shrugged off the uncomfortable clothes you had on and flopped onto your bed, sighing happily at the softness of your bed.
You then felt your bed dip as a weight got onto it, then you felt warm body climb into bed with you, and a deep growl as large, clawed limbs held onto you, you looked back and saw your pet Demogorgon had climbed into bed with you and was sleeping with you, or at least... you think he was sleeping, since he didn't have eyes it was hard to tell.
"I swear, if you bite me in my sleep, I'm kicking you out of the bed..." you grumbled as you closed your eyes, too tired to be bothered trying to get him out of your room, besides, it was kind of endearing for this big Monster from the Upside Down to want to cuddle.
When They Are Hungry/What You Feed Them
You quickly caught on that (DG/N) was a carnivore, you just let him get his own food, either from the forest, or from his home in the Upside Down, though you did get annoyed when he would bring his meals back to your home, and you would have to clean up the mess, before someone thought you decided to go Hannibal Lecter on somebody.
Today you were sat in your garden, looking through your digital camera at the photo's you had taken today, you smiled as you went through them all, though you also had a few where you could clearly see (DG/N) following you around, making you sigh in annoyance.
"I swear one of these days he's going to get us caught..." you said in annoyance, you were always worried that his following you around, and opening portals would be caught by those people from the Hawkin's laboratory, and he might be taken away and experimented on, or that Hopper and the others would try killing him out of fear.
Suddenly there was a loud thump and something warm splashed onto your pants and face, you shut your eyes quickly and groaned, you opened your eyes, only too see that a Deer had been thrown into your garden, it was covered in ragged claw marks and distinctive teeth marks, and it was bleeding everywhere, then (DG/N) jumped into it and started feeding, his large petal-like mouth clamping onto the body and feeding on the flesh.
"Oh for the love of... (DG/N)! Take that thing home and eat it, not here!" you scolded him, funnily enough he shrank back, and started sulking, before he dragged the deer back and you heard the sound of him pulling the carcass into the Upside Down, you sighed and got up to go back into the house, to wash this blood off of your body and clothes.
When They Want to go Outside
He goes outside a lot, to hunt for food, or to go back to the Upside Down, you didn't worry too much about him, since he was a durable monster, and as far as you knew from what Mike had said, the only one who could hurt (DG/N) was Eleven, and she was gone now, so really, it was more that you were worried about him killing people, or being caught by those people from the Hawkin's lab.
When it's Time to Give Them a Bath
You were currently getting yourself ready to have a shower, you'd been out taking photos at the river again, but slipped and fell into a big puddle of mud, getting yourself very dirty, you had to walk back to your house with the mud and dirty water clinging to your clothes, you managed to get home and out of your very dirty clothes, before you warmed up the water and got your stuff together.
"This'll help make my day better, so annoying that I slipped like that, at least no one saw me" you muttered to yourself as you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror, seeing clumps of drying mud in your hair and stuck to your face, you'd wiped away the mud closest to your eyes thankfully.
"Alright, water's nice and warm... now to-" you said, before you were startled from a growl behind you, you looked back and watched as the wall to your bathroom bulged and distorted, until finally out came (DG/N), emerging from the Upside Down through your wall, he crawled out of this portal and then stood up in front of you.
"Jesus (DG/N), you scared me to death!" you said as the 9 foot tall Demogorgon stood over you, it's closed head looking down at you, before it looks to the shower, seeing the steam coming from the shower, he growled and walked to the shower, looking at the water curiously.
"What is it, you've not seen water before?" you asked, as you scooped up a handful of the warm water and held it to him, carefully putting some of the water onto it's clawed hand, making him purr slightly from the warmth, before he climbed into the shower and put his head under the stream.
"Oh boy... well I guess we may as well wash us both" you said as you stepped in too, picking up a sponge and using some soap before you placed the sponge on his back, (DG/N) suddenly tensed at the feeling, before he let out a purr/growl from you starting to wash his back and yourself, it was a little awkward with such a tall creature in there with you, but... it wasn't too bad.
The Kind of Pet They Are
Mysterious/Protective, It was very hard to read (DG/N) sometimes, he was very prone to growling and such, he liked to follow you around, sometimes using Portals through the Upside Down to "appear" in places and keep watch over you, making you worry about him being seen, or the portals being found.
When They Protect/Save You
"Well, well, well, if it's isn't that freak Jonathan's friend" came a familiar voice that honestly at this point pissed you off, it was Tommy and his bitchy girlfriend Carol, these two bullied you a lot, it got especially bad after the disappearance of Jonathan's little brother Will, him saying how Jonathan must have killed him, you of course stood up for your friend, which got you targeted too.
"What do you two want?" you asked in annoyance, not wanting to waste your time with these two, when Tommy suddenly ripped your camera from your hands and threw it to the ground, before he stamped on it, smashing it to pieces as Carol laughed at your face of shock and anguish.
"Hey! That's my camera-!" you said as you looked down at the smashed camera, before you were punched in the face, Tommy then started wailing on you, busting your lip and your nose, you then spat blood as he shouted threats at you as his girlfriend taunted you about your smashed camera, at least, until there was a loud, enraged shriek from behind you.
"Wh-What the fuck is that?!" Carol said in fear as they stared at (DG/N), who lunged towards Tommy and tackled him to the ground, Tommy screamed as (DG/N) started to slash and maul him with his claws, while Carol screamed in terror, (DG/N) then tackled Carol, knocking her to the ground and stabbing her with his claws, soon the most popular girl in Hawkin's High was dead, the (DG/N) turned back to Tommy and jumped on him, stabbing him in the ribs with his claws, before his mouth opened and clamped down on Tommy's head!
Tommy's muffled screams came from inside (DG/N)'s mouth as he started to violently shake his head, the fangs inside of his mouth acting like an iron maiden around his head, as his violent shaking broke his neck, blood leaked from (DG/N)'s mouth before he spat Tommy's head out, now bloody and covered in puncture marks, (DG/N) then roared loudly at Tommy's corpse, before he crawled to you.
"Oh shit... this won't be good, thanks boy..." you said, your voice slightly distorted from your bleeding lip and nose, you got up, and picked up your smashed camera, before you left the scene, with (DG/N) dragging both Tommy and Carol's bodies into the Upside Down.
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