Role: Cyborg
Name: Victor Stone
Codename: Cyborg or 'Cy'
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Face claim (Broderick Hunter)
Personality: Victor is a pretty relaxed individual who loves to play video games and eat food with his best friend Beast boy. He's usually a very comedic guy when he's around his friends and is always willing to fix anything for you, but his friendly upbeat personality can completely change if you break his gadgets or hurt his friends. Secretly Victor is also very insecure about his robotic body and also questions his humanity, but he has learned to cope with this by becoming numb to his insecurities and imperfections.
History: Victor Stone was the son of a pair of scientists who decided to use him as a test subject for various intelligence enhancement projects. However, Victor grew to resent this treatment and fell in with a young miscreant named Ron Evers who led him into trouble with the law. This was the beginning of a struggle where Victor strove for his own life engaging in pursuits his parents disapproved of such as athletics. In addition, Victor still kept bad company that led him into incidents such as when he was talked into participating in a street gang fight in which he was wounded. For the most part however, Victor still had a largely normal life under the circumstances where he also refused to follow his best friend's grandiose plans of racially motivated terrorism.
All that changed one day when he visited his parents at work at S.T.A.R. Labs. Coincidentally, an experiment in dimensional travel went horribly awry when a massive gelatinous monster crossed over an experimental portal and killed Victor's mother. The creature then turned on Victor and severely mutilated him before his father managed to force the creature back through the portal. To save his son, Victor's father outfitted him with experimental prostheses of his own design. However, the equipment could not be worn inconspicously, and thus Victor was horrified to see much of his body, including part of his face, replaced with sheer metallic limbs and implants. Although Victor wanted to die at this shock, he adjusted enough through his resulting physical therapy to control his implants with suitable skill.
Upon release from medical care, he found his life was seriously inconvenienced with the fearful reactions of the public at his implants; even his girlfriend rejected him. In addition, he was also disallowed his participation in athletics not only for his implants but for his poor grades which were further exacerbated by his long convalescence. However, when his old friend attempted to use Victor's troubles to manipulate him into attempting a terrorist attack on the United Nations, Victor found a new purpose as he equipped his weapons attachments and stopped his friend in a pitched battle on the UN building.
x Cybernetic Enhancement: Cyborg possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Cyborg can also interface with computers. Built into his body-armor were an infrared eye, computer generator, sound amplifier/white noise cannon, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions.
x Body Resistance: The nature of Cyborg's cybernetic body makes him more durable to damage physical damage, freezing climates, etc.
x Shape-Change: He can reshape parts of his body into various weapons and technological equipment. His arsenal included a finger laser attachment, telescopic eyepiece, sonic disruptor, electric shockers, grappling hooks, winches, metallic tentacles, and thermal optics.
x Nanobionic Regeneration: Stones robotic's give him the ability to physically recover his damaged circuitry in the event of catastrophic structural impairment
x Genius Level Intellect
x Expert with computers and building
x Incredible driver
Weapons: Gadgets, lasers, electric shock gauntlets, etc...
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