The Fall From Grace
I was talking to some of the children that I saved from the 'Garden' when it happened. The lights suddenly flashed from white to red and the sound of a siren blared through the speakers.
A robotic voice came from my side. "Headmistress Ashley, you are needed in the command center." I look to my left to see one of my pods floating with its little light glowing red on top of it. A small box with arms that can float and do a lot of things. "Understood. Raise the defence system to level three and wait until I get there for further instructions." The pod made a beeping sound and it floats away.
I turn back to the kids and smiled. "Duty calls for me. You kids get to your rooms and wait there until I tell all of you that its safe." They nodded and scampered off to their rooms while I quickly jog to the elevator. It goes up when I entered and pressed a button.
Moments later, the elevator dings and opens the door to a room with a few pods monitoring the screens on the walls and a black haired girl wearing a black leather hoodie with dark jeans hovering over a screen table. "Celaena, What's the situation?" The girl known as Celaena looked up at me with a concerned expression.
She waved her hand and a hologram appeared showing me a display of something coming into the atmosphere. A blue pod appeared from behind her back and it spoke in her behalf. "We picked up something entering orbit ten minutes ago and the pods calculated its crash course and..." She stated and I waited for her pod to finish. "Its going to land in our forest somewhere around three kilometres from your cabin in three minutes."
I stayed silent for a second to think. "Do we have any pods on the surface that can get us a live feed of the meteor?" I asked and hologram appeared infront of the both of us to watch saying [CONNECTING...] "Pod 159 is patching in a feed now." A grey pod said and the screen flickered before showing a flame ball speeding downwards.
I watched it closely and noticed something wierd about the meteor. "Pod 159, Please zoom in on the target." I ordered and the display zoomed in on the object. Celaena is seeing what I am seeing and she grunted to get my attention which she did get. She pointed the screen, then upwards and then to the door. "Right. Let's get up there. Pod 89 please give us immediate updates if something happens through Pod 357." I ordered and the pod gave me a beep.
I turn to the door, Celaena already out the door and I soon followed after. She walked by my side down the hallway. "That can't be real, right?" She shrugged and sighed. "I mean, it can't be a human body because it should've burn to ashes just by being in that inferno for a minute right?" I asked again. Suddenly, the ground threw us in the air and we slam back down to the floor before the pod beeps. "Incoming report from pod 89. The object has crashed at the estimated location. Proposal, find and investigate crashed object immediately."
"Ugghh...Yep, We noticed. Thanks." I grunted as I stand up holding my dazed head before we hurried to the elevator headed for the surface. Before I got in the elevator, I remembered that the body was burning and it will catch the forest on fire. "Pod, send an order to all units nearby the crash site to make a three hundred meter wide perimeter around it and advance slowly to it. Also, tell them to extinguish any trees that caught on fire immediately." It beeped but I spoke again. "Ah yes, almost forgot. Cut the red lights off and tell the kids downstairs that they can come out now."
With that done, I entered the elevator. We were in an elevator of reinforced glass when we slowly rose and stop as the forest came into view. We stepped out from the glass box onto the soil. "Pod, please lead us to the crash site." I ordered and the pod beeps as we follow it.
>Minutes Later<
"We have arrived at the destination." I gazed down into the medium sized crater that was occupied by two other pods that was extinguishing the remaining fire around the now confirmed male being in the middle. "Pod, check the bo-" I was about to tell the metal box to do an analysis to the body but I was interrupted by another Pod. "Pod 159 reporting. There is no need, this unit has analysed the object and has concluded the examination." The unit said as it came out of the crater. "Would you like to review said report?" I looked at it and nodded. "Yes please." A small blue light came out of it and began flashing. "Transferring data from this unit 159 to unit 357..." We waited for a few moments before the pod retracted the blue light back into it's frame. "...Data transfer received. Displaying now." A screen popped out and Pod 159 return to the greenery to continue it's duty.
Me and Celaena read through the report that shows;
Name : Unknown. Cannot identify and not found in Database.
Age : Unable to estimate due to unknown reasons.
Species: Unknown, not found in database.
Status : Deceased, no pulse or heartbeat detected.
Examination done on the subject concludes that said subject is not of the Homo Sapiens species but has the appearance of a human male and the face is recognized in the database. It's skin cannot be penetrated hence the inability of further research but scanning of the crash site has proven fruitful as a small pool of golden liquid was found under the arm of the subject. After further inspection of the golden liquid, it did not strike any matches on the DNA database of any strain that was discovered since 1910. The skin was proven unharmable due to it withstanding the impact of the crash but is speculated that the skin has unmatched speed of regeneration. An X-ray scan was done and the subject has the bone structure of a human being from the skull, brain, spine, ribs, legs and feet. The bone also has an unknown amount of strength because the scan reveals no broken bones but is also speculated to have drastic healing capabilities.
End Of Report.
Reading the report was a feat on it's own because of the amount of blanks that appeared in my head. "Umm... whaaat? Fuck it. Let me take a look at him myself and then see if I can tell what he is." I hopped down into the crater, as soon as I laid my eyes on him my face went hot and shut my eyes instantly. I turned around and breath in and out while Celaena appeared in front of me smirking while her cheeks is also a little red. I can tell by her look that she is taunting me saying 'What? Can't handle a hot chiseled naked dude on the floor?' I made a face and flipped her off. "Pod cover him up. Quickly please." I ordered at the pod. "Yes mam." I turned around as the pod laid a blanket over him. Then Celaena nudge me while her other hand was fanning her face. "Oh fuck you gurl. He's hot but dead so it don't matte-"
Suddenly, the guy gasped loudly sucking the air. My eyes was wide as was Celaena's when he inhaled and exhaled again. Surprised, my brain stopped working for a few moments until the pod asked for further instructions. "Uh umm... Pick him up and bring him to the cabin. I guess?"
Celaena was grinning and I inhaled and exhaled loudly, trying to compose myself. "Fine, he's hot and now alive. Phew... This is fucking embarrassing. Come on Celaena. Huuuuzah." Celaena slapped my bottom and walked ahead of me. I followed beside her to the cabin where we found the guy laying on the bed.
His eyes are opened. "Oh good you're awake!" I said as I stepped closer to him. He raised his body to a sitting position looking at his pale hands and I saw that he was clothed. 'Good work Pod!' I thought to myself. "Hello... Can you understand me?" I asked him and he looked at me. "Yes, I can. Human." He swung his legs over the side and onto the floor. "Do you have a name?" His locked on to me and I can see the glowing golden orbs met mine.
A few moments passed by until he finally answered. "I do not have a name..." He then stood up and I can see that he is taller than me and Celaena. "Oh right. Well, my name is Ashley and this is Celaena." He looked around and found himself staring at the mirror on the wall. He touched his face as we kept watching him. "It has been so long since I have seen this... face." He said and looked at us.
I just now noticed the clothes that Pod 357 fitted on him. It was the clothes that I found somewhere in the ruins a few months back. He was wearing an undershirt and a pair of jeans. You can clearly see his arms. Celaena poked my arm and held out a notebook and I read it.
<His body is amazing. Not too much muscle and not too skinny. Don't even get me started on his face. Fuckin gorgeous>
I slappdd her notebook away as I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks again. "Tell me ladies. What happened to this world?"
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