Welcome to the prologue! Also I managed to update on time so yay!
Also I know that it's short but the I promise that the chapters will be longer!
Onto the prologue!
Once upon a time-
"Uh, this isn't the seventeen hundreds. It's 2020."
Once in 2020, there was a land far away-
"You're litteraly inside ninjago. How can it be far when you're in it?"
First spinjitsu master, Jay! Will you please let me narrate in peace?!
"Hey I was just correcting." Said Jay who had a very unique ability of being able to talk to the narrator and as soon as I wrote that, he pouted and stuck his tongue at me.
Sometimes I wonder how he's a Prince.
"Cause I'm the son of my dad."
Enough of Jay, let's just carry on with the narration.
Once in the two thousands, there was a land not so far away called 'ninjago' (the person who named it really liked ninjas.) The land used to be one giant kingdom, ruled by the first spinjitsu master and the four elemental masters, the masters of fire, lightning, earth and ice.
Wait no, the first spinjitsu master was the one ruling and the four element masters were just helping around.
Yes, now it's correct. Continue with the narration!
There were other elements as well but the four listed above were more important.
For a few years they all lived in peace and harmony until the first spinjitsu master died and told them that from now on they all had to share the kingdom and take care of his two sons.
They say that two heads at better than one but in this scenario, one was better.
They shared the kingdom for a year and a half but were clearly failing, they would be countless arguments on what rules should be implemented and they weren't good babysitters either so life was... very interesting.
There would be several (verbal) fights which would sometimes turn physical but nobody got too injured. They were most likely to end up with a broken leg, a black eye and a missing tooth.
"You just said that nobody got too injured. How is that minimal injury?!"
Listen Jay, just because you can't handle a paper cut doesn't mean that everyone else can't as well. Now please let me narrate in peace!
It got so bad that the other elemental masters decided to step in and some time later, a war started inside the kingdom.
It went on for some time until the elemental masters got tired of fighting and devided ninjago into four kingdoms; Ice-issipi, earth-pia, stormsky and flame-lands.
But what happened to the two sons you ask? Well, during all of this they decided that they hated being royalty and started living in the outskirts of ninjago.
So now, peace was finally in the land and they all lived happily but they all still hated each other and the hate went on for generations.
And that takes us to 2020 where the hate is still going but no one and I mean no one hated each other as much as the princess of flame-lands and the Prince of stormsky did.
No, they didn't hate each other, they loathed each other. Every time they met, they would be shooting daggers at each other. (METAMORPHICAL ONES NOT REAL ONES!)
"You'd be doing that too if you met her." Jay scoffed.
*Sigh* I really don't get paid enough for this.
"We litteraly pay you a thousand how is that-"
And that's the prologue!
Now I did mention that you would be able to give ideas of what to happen in each chapter so comment your ideas here. ---->
I might not do all of them but I'll do Atleast three.
Also please stick to what's happening in the story don't suggest something which isn't related to this at all.
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