Chapter 5
Leia POV
"Why didn't you told your parents about this?" He asked me and I just looked away.
"I did.. I told them just once as a last resort for them not to leave me alone with him.. they didn't believe me. They told me to stop making up lies and as soon as they left my brother almost killed me because he had overheard what I said.." I told him tears falling from my eyes. He stayed quiet for a bit.
"Why.." He whispered before looking at me.
"If you know that there's even the slightest chance of that happening again with me why.." He said and I gave him a small smile while looking away.
"Because that second personality is still part of me.. no matter how hard we try we can never go back to who we were before this started. I want to help you and I think you can help me." I said now fully looking at him as I moved to be straddling him.
"You said you liked a challenge.. you asked me why I didn't let myself be loved." I caress his cheek.
"Then show me what love really is.. show me what your love is." I whispered and kissed him. I felt his hands on my hips as he kissed back and I roam his chest.
"This won't be easy.. and we'll be far from normal." He mumbled as he put our foreheads together.
"That's alright.. I'm very curious to see how this turns out." I said and looked at his lips again.
"And I don't know why but.." I kissed his lips softly barely touching them before looking in his eyes.
"Your kisses are starting to become something like a drug to me." I whispered with a blush and he laughed a bit kissing me on the forehead.
"Well that's good.. because you became my drug two years ago." He whispered making me blush more and I'm sure that if I was standing right now I swear my knees would have given up.
"It's getting kinda late." I said looking away from him yet he made me look at him.
"Want me to stay over?" He asked as I felt my eyes lid up as I nodded and looked at him for a bit.
"Wait a second.. I've seen that hair cut before.." I said thinking and I could tell he got on high alert.
"No way! There is no way you could know about it unless you were.." He said and looked away as my smile got bigger.
"You know I never took you as one to see anime.. far less one like that.. wait never mind I do totally see you watching that anime in a way." I said teasing him and I saw his cheeks turn kinda red.
"Leave me alone Chivalry of a failed knight is a great anime! And I never took you as one to see anime ether." He told me looking away and I could tell he was flushed.
"Awe. But still you made a good choice going for Ikki's hair style, it looks good on you." I told him now playing with his hair.
"Though I do have a question.. how do you make it stay like that?!" I said trying to move his hair but it just fell right back to where it was making him laugh.
"When your hair is like this for so long it kinda just falls into place." He said with a laugh making me roll my eyes.
"I swear your hair is acting like Kakashi's! Nothing can move that hair out of place!" I said getting off of him making him laugh more.
"One second we're talking about Chivalry of a failed knight and the next about Naruto." He said now looking at me.
"Whatever... go to your house and look for cloth take a shower and change and then come back here." I said going through my cloth for something comfortable.
"Alright see you in a bit love." He said kissing my nose before leaving the room.
"Come on we need to go to school!" I yelled shaking him to try and wake him up.
"5 more minutes." He mumbled to the pillow.
"Can you be more cliche?! Come on wake up Chris we're gonna be late." I said dealing with my hair.
"I hadn't noticed how long your hair was." He said opening his eyes slowly.
"Finally! Come on get ready." I said putting my shoes on before walking out of my room and starting with breakfast.
"I'm ready!" I heard him already behind me not 5 minutes later.
"How can you get ready so quickly?" I said kinda annoyed making him smile and kiss me softly.
"Good morning to you too." He said making me hit him playfully. After we ate we went out the door.
"So do you want me to drive us to school or do you want to walk again?" He asked me and I looked at the time.
"It would be better if you drive us.. it's getting late for us to walk." I answered and he nodded.
"Today you stay over at my place." He said and I smiled.
"Ok." I said getting in his car.
"This actually seems normal. It feels normal to be like this with you. It's like we're actually in a normal relationship." He said and I smiled taking his hand.
"Stop worrying. The more you think about it the worst is gonna be. Just go with the flow of things." I said as he started to drive.
"Can you not?" I asked Tyler as he had stopped me after lunch.
"Can we talk?" He asked me making me sigh.
"I need to go to class." I said trying to pull my hand from his but he didn't budge.
"You're such a whore! You ended things with me a week ago and now you're with the new guy?! I can't believe I was with a slut like you!" He said and I blinked.
"Did you really just say that? You're calling me a whore and a slut when I was the one that caught you almost having sex with Rebecca the biggest slut in this school? Don't make me laugh." I said almost laughing at him.
"You want to know why I did it?" He said with a smirk.
"Oh please humor me." I said doing a gesture with my hand.
"I did it because I got tired of you. I was tired of having sex with you so I started having sex with others. Specially with Emma. To say the truth she's a beast in bed and was just begging for it.. yet you never noticed a single thing." He said and I nodded at him. Stupid basted thinks he actually got me. I already knew about them but had no way to prove it.
"So then if you got tired of me why the hell do you keep looking for me? If you have so many then go bother one of them and not me. Better yet go find Emma, I'm sure she'll be more than happyto open her legs to you after you and I finished... oh wait you tried and let me guess she told you that she was only sleeping with you because you were my boyfriend and only wanted to tell me in a moment when we were arguing or for me to feel bad and betrayed." I said and his eyes widen in surprise.
"How did you?" I smirk
"You poor thing. You didn't go looking around for my ex boyfriends to find out anything did you? This is not the first time this has happened and to tell the truth I am unamused and untroubled by it I actually expect it. To tell you the truth I only went out with you because you didn't leave me alone and I couldn't stand being around you so much. As your girlfriend I could just give you a kiss and leave but when you were asking me out 24/7 well it was difficult to avoid you." I said now yawning and stretching a bit.
"You're such a bitch!"
"What did you just say?" That wasn't me I looked to my right to see Chris standing there looking at Tyler.
"I hope for your sake that I didn't hear you right." Chris continued walking closer to the guy taking him by the shirt slamming him against the wall and off the air.
"So tell me what did you say?" Chris continued and his eyes were dark and you could even feel his madness.. yet like last time I'm not scared but turned on.
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