Chapter 1
Leia POV
"Hey did you hear?!" Emma came almost running to me at lunch as I looked at her confused.
"Hear what?" I asked raising a brow at her.
"Apparently there's a new guy in school! And a hot one from what I've heard." She said taking a seat with a smile on her face.
"I wonder if I'll have him as my own." She said thinking out loud again and I just rolled my eyes.
Emma and I have been friends since high school started and we're graduating this year. She's pretty with her natural blond hair and baby blue eyes. She's always been popular with the guys just like me though she tends to be with more guys than I do.
I don't like moving from one guy to the other like she does, she actually enjoys all the attention while I just feel kinda uncomfortable.
"Hey Leia." I hear from behind me and when I turn around I see Chris with a smile on his face.
"Oh hey Chris. So you're the new guy?" I asked and he nodded.
"Guilty. Can I seat with you?" He asked and I nodded.
"Sure." I said and I felt Emma eye raping him.
"So you just moved here yesterday and you're already in school?" I asked him. I wasn't one to eat at lunch so I could always have a conversation.
"Yeah, I kinda got a bit held up back home with everything that happened so I had to start today to get back on track." He said scratching the back of his head.. he looked cute in a way.. wait, did I just thought that?!
"Wait you two know each other?!" Asked or more like yelled Emma.
"Yeah." I said.
"How?!" I sighed she was always like this every time a guy came to talk to me.
"We met yesterday he moved in the house in front of mine." I answered her question.
"Oh.." And there she goes again.
There's one thing you should know about me. Me and her have been friends for more than 3 years and yet I don't like her.
Why are we friends you may ask? Well have you ever heard the saying 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer'? Well that's me with her. I can read her like an open book yet she can never read me.
I pay attention to people and get to know them, I only need little conversation to know if I like the person or not. I know if their hiding something, I know if they feel hatred or jealousy towards me. I know what they feel at what time and most of the time know how to react on it.
"You're not eating?" Chris asked looking at me and I blinked looking at him.
"Oh sorry, no I'm not. I don't like eating in school." I said with a small smile.
"Hmm. Oh I was gonna ask you since we live next to each other and all would you mind tutoring me? As I said before I'm a little behind." He said taking a bite of his food.
"Um sure if that's what you want." I said and he gave me a smile.. or well it looks like one but I sense something behind it.. mischief? Danger? What is he planing?
"Would your parents mind if I go to your house?" He asked... why would he ask that? He's up to something but I can't help but want to know what.
"Her parents are over seas. So her parents are almost never home. Poor thing's always home alone." Said Emma as I look at her.
I know what she's doing, she's making me seem lonely and as if I needed someone.. but why? Wouldn't she want him to herself? Wait she does.. she did that for him to give me sympathy like everyone in this school.. she's doing this to make me mad and push him away from me.
"Oh sorry to hear that." He said to me but still gave me a smile. I like him. He didn't give me sympathetic eyes like everyone else in this school does.
"Nah I'm good. As long as I'm good in school my parents don't care about what I do. I have the freedom I want after all." I said looking at him. Why do I feel so care free around him? Like I could trust him..?
"Well that's good. Anyway let me drive you home today." He said looking directly in my eyes.. there's something in his eyes.. his eyes seem darker in a way and it's just pulling me closer.. what is this guy doing to me?!
"Sure." I said still looking in his eyes searching them. I can read anyone in this school, but him? I just can't read him. The bell rings breaking or little stare down.
"Well see you after school." He said getting up with a small smirk and walking away.
"So you already knew the new guy.. figures." Said Emma with a bitter smile as I got up.
"Hmm good luck next time Emma." I said smiling at her getting up and walking to class.
I knew this got her mad. She didn't like me, in fact I knew from the beginning that she was faking or friendship. That she only wanted to be friends with me to destroy me.. why? Simple. I'm a Stone.
My brother was a big player and she like every other girl fell for him and he used her just like he did the rest.. just like.. never mind.
Anyways my parents own a big company over seas which her parents have a competition with.. suppose to.
What she doesn't know is that her parents company was at the brick of bankruptcy and my parents company bought that company in order to save it.
Obviously my parents wouldn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. The company had certain things that could benefit my parents company and so, all that happened. How do I know all this? Every time my parents are home the only thing they talk about is work.
I listen to people, always have and am very good at it. I listen and think of what every word means and how they are saying it, I look at their body language sometimes but most importantly I look in their eyes.
This has been my life. My parents getting home and talking about work or yelling over the phone or speaking to me as if I was just another business worker.
I had to deal with other people coming home every once in a while to talk business with my parents and I could always tell what they wanted.
And still I've talked two times already with Chris and I have failed to read him. And that just makes me more determine on figuring him out.
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