*Ruby's POV*
The three of us walk into the cemetery. Tobias looks nervous. I pull my fingers into his. He holds on to my hand. We stand in front of a stone.
Elena Alexander Woods
A loving wife and mother
12/5/2013 Rip.
This is written across the stone. There is a pile of roses resting in front of it. Elite places the sunflower we got beside the roses. We all just stand in silent. I am holding on Tobias's hand. I am glad he let me come. I am glad I met his mother already. "Hello, Miss Woods. We all miss you." Elite says as she squats down to touch the stone. Her hand is resting against the stone. I squat down next to her, my hand never leaving Tobias's. "Hi, Miss Woods. I am Ruby." I say as if she's sitting right in front of me. I press my other hand to the cold stone. Tobias squats down at last. "Hey, mom." He whispers slowly. Elite stands up. "I will let you introduce your girlfriend." She says as she walks away. I look at Tobias's face. He's staring at the stone. I can see his eyes flooding with tears. "Your son is a great boyfriend, Miss Woods." I say trying to make him smile. It works as he smiles looking at me. I place my arms around his neck. I pull him closer. He rests his face into my neck. I can feel his warm breath across my neck. I can hear him weep a little. Just like a little child. I hold him tightly. "It is okay." I say as I plant a kiss on his forehead. He looks at me. His hand touches my cheek. "You're everything I have now. Please don't leave me." He says in a whisper. "I won't." I say in the same whisper tone.
We are sitting in a booth in a café. I am sitting next to Tobias. Elite is sitting in front of us. "Tobias, you have to listen to me." Elite says. "What is she talking about, Tobias?" I ask. I don't really understand what is she talking about. "Elite, Let's talk about this later." He says as stands up. "Fine." She says as she stands up. "I will see you later." She says. "It was nice meeting you, Ruby." She says as she shakes hands with me. "Thank you." I say as she lets go off my hand. She walks away. "What was that?" I ask him. He is looking at table with the empty cups of coffee. "Talk to me, Tobias." I say as I place my hand on his shoulder. "It is nothing. Let's get you home." He says, still not looking at me. I sight. He doesn't wanna talk. I just walk outside. I sit into the car. He gets in. I cross my arms in front of my chest as I look at the window.
He stops the car as we arrive at my house. I just open the door. I feel his hand on mine. "I am sorry, okay? I am just so off right now." He says. "Well, call me when you're not off." I say as I leave the car. I don't like that he's not talking. I want him to talk to me. To tell me what's bothering him. Why is he so nervous around Elite? What does she want from him that he doesn't wanna do? It is just so confusing. I enter the house. Dad must be still at work. Mom must be with Peter at his soccer practice. Louisa isn't here either. I am all alone. I hear the door knock not long after I entered. I walk back to the door. I open and his sad face appears. He looks at me. His eyes are all filled up with tears. I open my arms for him. He just walks within my arms. I let my fingers through his hair. I can hear him cry into my neck. His hot tears touch my skin.
"I don't wanna leave you." He says as his head is resting on my thighs. We are in my room on my bed. "I think you should listen to Elite. You should leave." I say. He just told me about Elite telling him that he should leave and help the police catch his father. "And you also should help the police. You're father is a bad man, Tobias." I say as I place my fingers through his hair, brushing it to the back. "I can't." He says as he sits down straight. "Why not?" I ask. "Cause they will hurt you. They know how much you mean to me. They will hurt you." He says as he holds my arms. "The police will protect me." I say. My parents will protect me as well. "No, no. No one will be able to protect you. Not even me." He says with his eyes focused on the ground. "What would they do, Tobias? Kill me?" I say in a sarcastic way. "Yes. Yes, they will, Ruby. I can afford to lose you." He says as his hands leave my arms. I stay still. They will? The can kill me? I start to breath heavily. I am scared. I mean Tobias is on of them right? Would he kill me? Have he ever killed anyone before? I stand up and start to walk to the back slowly. I grab hold of my phone in my pocket. "What is wrong with you, Ruby?" He asks as he looks at me in confusion. I hit the wall. My heart starts to race. My hand rest on a bat, standing beside me. I grab hold of it. He stands up. My hold on the bat tightens. "Ruby? Are you okay?" He asks as he starts to walk to my direction. I hold the bat up, ready to attack him. "Whoa, hey, easy." He says as he holds out his hands. "Stay away from me. Please, I don't wanna hurt you." I say as my vision starts to blur due to the flood of tears into my eyes. "Hey, hey. I won't hurt you." He says as he walks slowly to me. "You said it yourself. You can kill me!" I say. I can feel the hot tears streaming down my cheeks. "I can't. I won't." He says as he grabs hold of the bat slowly. His hand touches mine to loosen my grip a little. "I love you and I can never hurt you." He whispers to me softly. "Trust me, please." He says as he takes the bat away from my hands. He places his arms around me softly. "I promise." He whispers as we stay still between each other's arms. Since that day I realized that I can feel save with Tobias. Forever.
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