xxxv. giving thanks
"I'm warning you ahead of time, my family can be pretty hectic," Joe grimaced as he drove. It was Thanksgiving morning, and the two of them planned to arrive early to help Joe's mom with dinner.
Andie let out a nervous laugh, smoothing over her dress for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the last five minutes, "You haven't met my family yet, Deacon family holidays are the definition of hectic."
Joe grabbed Andie's fidgeting hand with his own, "Hey, there's nothing to worry about. My parents are gonna love you."
"You say that, but you're a very good actor, Mazzello," Andie frowned, her insecurities always getting the best of her. She flipped down the passenger side visor to check her makeup. Would they like her more than Joe's last girlfriend? Could they cause the two of them to break up?
Joe put the car in park, turning to his distraught girlfriend, "Andrea, listen to me," he grabbed her hands in his and let out a deep breath, "I'm nervous too, believe me, but I can promise you that you have nothing to worry about. My mom already loves you," Andie raised an eyebrow, trying to hide a smile. Joe sighed, "I might've already told her a lot about you, sometimes it gets boring in a dance studio."
Andie felt herself melt into the seat, Joe really did love her. She let out a deep breath, closing her eyes before looking at Joe, who stared back at her in admiration, "Let's do this."
Joe leaned in for a kiss, but Andrea stopped him, "Lipstick, Joe, what would you're mother think?" She said in mock condescendence.
Joe rolled his eyes and kissed her anyway. Andie giggled as he pulled away, using her thumb to wipe the lipstick smears from his lips, "You're so stubborn," She scrunched her nose, as Joe kissed her thumb.
"Must've got it from you," Joe snickered.
"Watch it, Mazzello," Andie playfully slapped his chest, "Or you'll be spending thanksgiving without me."
"But then we'll lose the tastiest thing from the table," Joe grinned.
Andie's jaw dropped, "Joseph Francis Mazzello the third I swear to god!" She laughed, reaching for the car door, "I've got to go, I've never met this man in my life," Getting out as Joe's laughter filled the car.
"Just trying to calm your nerves," Joe smiled as he met his pouting girlfriend on the sidewalk. He adjusted Andie's coat so it was snug against her, better for braving the cold New York weather, "See," he grabbed her hand, "You aren't shaking anymore."
"I guess it helped," she looked up at him, trying but failing to hide her smile. Joe grinned back at her, swinging his arm around her shoulders and hugging her to his side as they walked up the path to his parents' front door.
Andie's right hand came up to hold the one dangling over her shoulder as her arm snaked around his waist, leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked- but careful not to ruin her hair. She had to make a good impression.
"You ready," Joe asked, pulling away so he could knock, looking at her once more for confirmation. Andrea nodded and Joe gave a series of short knocks to the door.
The two stood in silence as they waited for an answer, Andie's hand slipped into Joe's on instinct as he stood back by her.
"Coming!" Andie could here Joe's mother's voice from inside the house, followed by quick footsteps to the door. Joe's mother gasped when she opened the door, "Oh, you're here already? Come in, come in! Joe, your son and his girlfriend are here!" She called back into the house.
The couple were quickly ushered in by Joe's mother, "Andrea, dear, was your flight okay?" She asked before giving Andie a hug.
"It was alright," She said with a smile, her worries quickly swept under the rug. Joe's father appeared from somewhere in the house, greeting his son with a hug, "Thank you so much for having me, Mr. and Mrs. Mazzello."
"Oh, please dear, call us mom and dad, alright?" His dad smiled giving her a hug as well, "Any family of Joe's is family of ours."
"I figured we'd show up a bit early to help with dinner if that's alright?" Joe asked his mother.
"Oh nonsense," His mom brushed him off, "Your father's got the parade on in the living room, go on and watch it with Andie. I'll cook."
"There's a parade?" Andie asked Joe wide-eyed, "You didn't tell me that."
Joe chuckled, "Maybe it's for the best, Andie and I are notorious for burning food."
As the dog show began- Joe and Andie already deeming each dog a winner, more of the Mazzello family began to arrive, "John!" Andie heard Joe's mother call, "How are the best grandchildren ever?" There was an excited response from a few children and then whispers were heard. Suddenly, two children ran at a full sprint into the living room, jumping onto Joe whilst screaming, "Uncle Joe," at the top of their lungs.
"Well, what do we have here?" Joe said, collapsing onto the floor as the two dog-piled onto him. All the while, Andie was repeating the phrase: I don't want kids right now, in her head. The three rolled around on the ground for a moment, laughing as Joe's brother, John, entered the room.
"You must be Andie," John smiled, reaching out a hand which Andie shook.
"I am, it's lovely to meet you," she giggled as one of John's kids bumped into her feet.
"You talk like Peppa Pig!" John's daughter exclaimed, rushing to Andie's side.
Andie smiled, "I sure do," making a pig noise before laughing along with the little girl.
"So, Joe tells me you run a dance studio," the dinner was in full swing, and Joe's mom did hold back. There wasn't a dish you could imagine that wasn't on that table.
Joe's mom nodded, "Yes we do!"
"That's amazing," Andie smiled, "My brother Cameron loves to dance, I think it's a beautiful art form."
"How many siblings do you have, Andrea?" Joe's sister Mary asked.
Andie grinned, "That was one of the first questions Joe asked me, I have six," She giggled, "Dad really missed mom after tours, I guess."
That comment caused laughter all around the table, except for the children who didn't know what she meant by that.
"And do you want kids?" Joes mom asked, eyeing her son before taking a sip of wine.
"Mom," Joe sighed as Andie tried not to spit out her own drink.
"No, it's alright," Andie put her hand on Joe's, "I would like kids someday, though I don't think I could handle seven."
"Why don't we say what we're thankful for, hm?" Joe brought up, avoiding the subject.
"Great idea, Joe!" His mother exclaimed, "Andie since it's your first Thanksgiving, you can go first."
Andie sat up in her chair, trying to think of what to say, "Well, I'm thankful for today. Meeting you all, thank you for being so welcoming. I'm thankful for Joe, and the course of events that brought us together, no matter how tough they were."
Joe's mom audibly 'aww'd' as Andie turned to smile and her son, "That's very sweet of you, Andie. Welcome to the family."
As everyone was prepping to leave, Andie was helping Joe's parents with some final tidying up. "You want to help me tackle this dishes, Andrea?" Joe's father asked her.
"Oh, no Joe, let me do those." Virgina went to stop him, but Joe's dad shook his head.
"I'm alright, honey, I can do them," he smiled softly.
"Okay," Joe's mom said cautiously, "I'm going to go make sure John's kids have everything."
As she left the room, Joe's dad handed Andie a dry towel, "I'll wash, you dry."
"Sounds like a plan," the two shared a smile then got to work.
They worked together for a few minutes in comfortable silence, until he spoke again, "I'm not doing too good, Andrea."
"I know," Andie frowned, "Joe's told me."
His hands lifted up from the soapy water and rested on the sides of the sink, "I know you love my son, I can see it in your eyes, the way that you look at each other. You remind me of me and Virginia," He smiled as if he was recalling memories from his childhood, "So I need you to promise me something."
"Anything, dad," she smiled sadly.
"You'll take care of my son when I'm gone," he looked at her, "Promise me that."
Andie swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, she could feel the tears coming to her eyes but she tried to keep her composure. It came out as more of a whisper, but she made her message clear,
"I promise."
Sorry I haven't updated in a while! This one's a little longer to make up for it.
I had to be in a good place mentally to write this because it deals with some issues (e.i. Joe's father's sickness) that I've had experience with and writing about it just brings me back to a bad place.
Thank you for reading so far!
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