vi. home sweet home
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Andie told Joe, they were standing in front of her apartment door, waiting for Jefferson to come open it since she hadn't gotten her key yet.
"Do you want me to bring my bass down or-" Joe was cut off by the door opening, and Jefferson meeting Andie with a quick but passionate kiss.
Andie's mouth was open in shock, she let out a single chuckle of embarrassment, "What was that for?" She blushed.
"I just missed you, that's all," Jefferson smiled, leaning against the doorframe as he watched Andie bite back the smile that was forming on her lips. He then looked back to Joe, who was shifting awkwardly on his feet, "You must be Joe," Jefferson held out his hand to the man, "I'm Jeff, Andrea's fiancé."
"Nice to meet the man behind the messages," Joe shook his hand and chuckled awkwardly, trying to make a joke.
Jefferson gave him an odd look, his demeanor shifting in a millisecond, "Well, it's really none of your business, is it?" He didn't find it funny.
Andie looked from Joe to Jefferson, the tone between them shifting completely, "Well," lightly pushed Jefferson back into their apartment giving Joe an apologetic look while doing so, "you don't have to bring the bass tomorrow, we'll watch some concert footage." She told him before closing the door.
Jefferson made his way over to the stove, his back facing her. Andie followed, sitting down at the island countertop in the middle of the smaller sized kitchen. He must have been making the two of them lunch, "I was going to surprise you," he said while turning back slightly, seeing Andie smile at him, "What?" He grinned, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Somebody's jealous," Andie held back a smile while grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, she began to write down tabs for Joe to practice.
"I'm not jealous," Jefferson shook his head, "What is there to be jealous about?" She could see the heat rising to the back off his neck as he tried to busy his hands.
"Aww," she brought the paper up to her lips, smiling to herself as she watched Jefferson go red, "you are jealous."
"It's just that," he sighed, setting an empty plate in front of her, "no, it's stupid..."
"What?" Andie tilted her head, "tell me."
Jefferson sighed once again, turning off the stovetop before facing her, "before I kissed you, he was giving you this look, and I didn't like it."
"Oh," Andie said, before tsking and standing from her seat, "Well, you have nothing to worry about," she wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands naturally wrapped themselves around her waist, "I'm all yours, Jefferson Bennett."
"You always know just what to say," Jefferson smiled, kissing her forehead.
Andie looked down shyly, curious on how he still had this effect on her, "Years of practice."
After a moment of them just standing their, holding each other, Jefferson sighed, "Well, I'd love to stay like this, but our food is getting cold." Andie groaned in protest as he pulled away.
She went back to her seat, watching as Jefferson put some vegetable stir fry on her plate, "There was this farmers market going on down the street, and there's a little store in the area too," he explained.
Andie nodded, taking a bite before sending him an amazed look, "this is amazing."
Jefferson chuckled, "You say that about everything I make."
"Well, it's the truth," Andie laughed, "you cannot make one bad thing, not one!"
Jefferson shook his head, "Now, tell me about your day."
"Well, meeting the cast went great. I think we'll all get along just fine, they all seem pretty nice so far. Laura will freak when I tell her I'm working with Ben Hardy, you know she loves Eastenders." she said, picking at her food as she talked, "I took Joe to get him a bass, and there was this very rude employee! He was extremely sexist."
"What did you do?" Jefferson asked after swallowing his bite.
"I stood up for myself, and I didn't cry this time," Andie smiled proudly, it was the small victories that really added up.
Jefferson smiled, grabbing her hand in his, "I'm so proud of you. If you ever feel an attack coming on while I'm back in London, please call me. I'll talk you though it."
Andie leaned her head on his shoulder, "I will, I promise," she held out her pinky to him and he latched his around it. He kissed the top of her head before the two continued eating in a comfortable silence.
"I don't think Roger likes me," Jefferson said suddenly, making Andie almost choke on her food.
"What makes you say that?" She asked, getting up to get a glass of water. Her question caused Jefferson to give her a knowing look, "okay, I don't know what his deal is." She sighed, "He says there's something off about you."
"Well, maybe he just hasn't gotten to know me," Jefferson shrugged.
An idea popped into Andie's head, making the woman grin, "What if we invite them all over for dinner? That way you guys could get to know each other better!"
"You're so smart," Jefferson grinned cheekily pulling her into his laugh, "What would I do without you, hm?"
"Go crazy?" She suggested, making Jefferson kiss her nose.
"We keep each other sane, don't we?" He asked rhetorically. Andie tried to get up from his lap, but he held her steadily in his arms. He leaned his head against her back, "I missed you today," he mused.
"I missed you too, you big sap." Andie turned herself around in his lap, bringing him into her arms, "I'm going to miss you so much when you go back."
Y'all I can't wait to get to the drama of this story, it's eating me up inside just thinking about it!
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