iii. joseph "godsend" mazzello
Andie followed closely behind Brian and Roger as they entered one of the buildings of the studio. They seemed to know exactly where they were going, heading down the long, winding hall with a sort of pride. So, Andie trailed behind them, trying not to get distracted by all the things going on around her. She was told that the movie would begin filming in July, so they had eight months to prepare the men playing the band. Andrea was told that she was assigned to Joe specifically, but she could also throw some pointers to any of the other boys since she saw how Queen was really like firsthand. She was to stay in Los Angeles for three months, helping Joe learn how to play bass, and teaching him how to be her dad. Then Joe would be on his own for a few months. When filming started she was going to help out on set, shouting out tips as they go along.
They entered a room near the end of the hall. In the room was four long tables, connected to make a square, a few people were already seated in some of the many chairs that surrounded the square.
"Isn't the costume department getting a little ahead of themselves?" An English voice called, referring to Andie.
This caused Andie to bubble up in laughter, to be fair she was wearing her mother's old bellbottoms. Roger and Brian were chuckling as well as she saw the mortified face of an actor she sort of recognized, someone must have told him who she was. "Well, thank you I guess," Andie said, getting her final giggles out, "It just means I look authentic."
"Way to make a first impression, Gwil." A blond, who she realized played a character in one of the shows that her sister obsessed over, chuckled.
Andie smiled, "You were in Eastenders right?" She asked him, "My sister, Laura, is obsessed with her soap operas."
"Yeah," He smiled and stretched out a hand for her to shake, which she took and shook it with a grin, "I'm Ben," He seemed to be a chill guy, someone Andie could see herself going to a pub with and just hanging out, chatting over a pint.
"I'm Andie," She told both the men at once, "And you are?" Andie asked the dark-haired man, who was rubbing the bridge of his nose in embarrassment. She held out her hand to him and he reluctantly took it.
"Hi, I'm Gwilym Lee, and I'm a complete idiot." He joked as the two of them shook hands.
"Well, don't worry, I took no offense to that comment." She giggled, "It's actually a major compliment." She clasped her hands together and put them under her chin, her short, mahogany-brown hair brushing the back of her hands. "Let me guess," she thought, bringing a finger to her lips. "You're playing Roger," she pointed to Ben, "And you're playing Brian." she moved her finger over to Gwilym.
"You got it," Brian chuckled, acting as if it was hard to guess.
"You're here to mentor Joe, right?" Ben asked, taking a sip of a coffee out of a Starbucks cup.
"And to help the rest of you in whatever you need, Queen wise." Andie nodded, wishing she had some caffeine to help liven her up. She would kill for a cup of tea.
Ben smiled suddenly, "Well that's great, now I can get actual advice on how to play Roger. I have a slight feeling that Roger's over exaggerating everything and Brians just taking the piss."
Andie giggled, "Sounds about right. Besides being an obvious womanizer, I mean look at him," she cracked, causing Roger to chuckle, "Roger was a little hot-headed, as well as a bit dramatic." she recalled times where Roger would throw a fit when something didn't go his way.
Brian shook his head, "It was really quite troubling sometimes. I couldn't remember which one was four years old, Andie or Roger."
"I was not dramatic." Roger shook his head, waving away the idea with his hand.
"You locked yourself in a closet-" Brian began, but he was cut off by Roger.
Roger coughed, "Alright, let's not talk about that."
Andie laughed at the banter between the older men, you could truly tell that they had been friends for years. "Well, at least Andie was better on the drums." Brian nudged the bearded man, who looked betrayed.
"Oi, you can tour with her from now on then." Roger began to pout and Andie turned back to Ben and Gwilym.
"You see what I mean?" She raised her eyebrows and the two boys in front of her nodded, trying to hide their laughter at the bickering old men. "I swear they're like a married couple."
As if a higher power heard her plea for tea, a redheaded man walked through the door with two coffee cups in his hands. "Hey, the coffee shop messed up my order and gave me it for free. Does anyone like black tea?" The man asked, studying one of the cups in his hand before looking up at the group of people in front of him.
"My, you are a godsend," Andie groaned before going over to grab the cup. She stopped suddenly, "Does anyone else want it?"
"All yours, sweetheart," Brian said. She looked to Roger who shook his head and then to Gwilym who raised his own cup.
She grabbed the cup and smiled, "Thank you..." She paused, awaiting his name.
"Oh, I'm Joe. Joe Mazzello." He said while grabbing her hand to shake it, nearly spilling his own coffee in the process.
Andie shook his hand, laughing as he fumbled with his coffee, "I'm Andrea Deacon."
Joe's eyes went big, "Oh, well it's nice to meet the person I'm gonna be spending the next few months with."
"Ditto," Andrea raised the cup, before taking a sip and immediately feeling the relief of a hot tea, "As I said, you are a godsend, Mazzello." She took a seat in one of the chairs and soon more people milled into the room. Joe followed behind her, sitting down in between her and Gwilym.
As they were about to start the meeting, Andie felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She glanced at the message, seeing it was Jefferson. The message read: What's going on?
Andie furrowed her brows, typing back a reply. We are about to have a meeting, can't talk. She put her phone back into her back pocket and looked over to Roger, who was chatting to Ben. That was the first text she got from Jefferson that day, and it wouldn't be the last.
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