Ch.7 Professor Bitch
~Y/n pov~
It was the next day, and we were doing drills in Pe as usual, but then I noticed Irina talking to a Koro-sensei.
They both proceeded to go into the shed
(ヽ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ノ) , loud gunshots were heard, then weird squishy noises .
Okajima blushed , "I really want to know what he's doing to her in there ."
"Let's go!" Maehara started running towards the shed followed by several others.
I shrugged following after Nagisa and standing outside the shed .
Koro-sensei came out of the shed, his entire body bright pink and a perverted smile on his face.
"Did you touch her boobs?" Okajima asked over-enthusiastically.
I wacked him over the head , as he held it in pain.
"If only I had time to be really furrow, but class isn't going to teach itself is it?" Koro-sensei went back to his original colour.
A few seconds later, Irina emerged from the shed, looking dazed and she was wearing a shirt tucked into shorts, her hair was tied up messily.
"Um what exactly went on in there sir?" Nagisa asked .
I chuckled quietly , secretly snapping a picture of Irina , this was probably my only chance .
"Miss Jelavic has been stuffed into a retro gym outfit!" Nagisa exclaimed.
Irina walked like a zombie, "It would take longer to explain the things he did to this body than it did for him to do them, he massaged my back and shoulders , I've never felt looser ! A chance of clothes just because and he still had time to do this thing with his tentacles."
We all sweat dropped at the last part .
I turned to the octopus , raising a questioning eyebrow, the creature in turn , looked away suspiciously.
Nagisa turned to stare at our teacher , "Koro-Sensei what is she talking about?"
"Uhh..." his face turned blank as he looked away, "Adults sometimes need special care."
That being said, I turned and walked away.
We sat in Irina's class bored out of our minds , well everyone else anyways.
I grabbed my sketchbook and started sketching , I let my hand move not thinking about what I was drawing .
Our teacher tapped angrily at her tablet as everyone stared at her , "Oh come on! What's with the WiFi in this place!? Are we on Mars?"
Karma leaned back in his chair with his hand behind his head , "Wow looks like Miss Yell-a-bitch is pissed off , I know my pride would be in shambles if my plan went tits-up."
Irina growled in response .
"Uh Miss?" Isogai started.
"Ugh- what!?" She grumbled .
"If you're not going to teach us anything can you swap out with Koro-sensei, we have entrance exams coming up." Isogai explained .
"Hah? You wanna swap me out for that disgusting creature?" Irina laughed , "Give it a rest, even if the earth wasn't on the brink of destruction, entrance exams are for students with a future ."
Everyone tensed up at the last part, I mean she was right for them wasn't she? Unless they got their grades up, they didn't have a future , but what she was wrong about was, they could still get out of this mess and study hard, then they would have a future .
Everyone glared as she continued to ramble on, then everyone stood up and started throwing things at her , I chuckled at this, before looking down at my drawing.
My face went red with the realisation I subconsciously sketched Karma, I shut it quickly and shoved the sketch pad into my bag.
Amongst all the chaos, I thought this went unnoticed, but little did I know a certain red head looking at my red face with an eyebrow raised and a smirk gracing his lips.
We were walking home, we meaning me and Karma.
I'm not exactly sure how this happens time and time again, maybe it's because we live in the same neighbourhood?
Karma poked my cheek mischievously , breaking me out of my thoughts, "Huh?"
"What was all that about?" He smiled .
"All what about?" I asked innocently .
"You know what I'm talking about," he grinned as his eyes lit up , "Do you perhaps , have a crush on someone ?"
My eyes widened as my face went red , "N-no!"
"Sure you don't ! ~" he chuckled , but luckily didn't question me further on the matter.
Why did I blush when he asked that question? I couldn't have a crush, right? Especially not on Karma.
Or did I? I pondered that thought for a while.
The next day , it was break down so everyone was just chatting , I sat leaned back in my chair as Karma and Nagisa talked .
That's when it hit me, I very obviously had a crush on Karma , that was that weird feeling right?
The door opened , gaining everyone's attention, in walked Irina .
She fidgeted nervously, which was something I'd never seen her do, then walked to the front of the class.
Then she wrote on the board, 'You are incredible in bed.'
It took me a second to realise what she wrote and how sexual it was, my face flushed .
She then turned to us , "What word does incredible modify ? You know this one."
Everyone slowly returned to their original seats , as she started teaching .
"Read it aloud ."
I blushed , before quietly chiming in with the class .
"I once took out an American vip , literally , I had my feminine grace to thank for that , the poor dude fell for me hook, line and sinker , 'You are incredible in bed.' He told me , incredible in this case modifies the word you." Irina explained , "To learn grammar you've got to learn how it works in the real world , communication is key in life . Don't expect me to be like the octopus."
The blonde teacher blushes , fidgeting again, "I can't help you with your entrance exams , all I can do is teach you the art of conversation. Here's the deal, if after a while you think this is stupid then I'll leave , and I'm sorry for being such a bitch."
We all sat in stunned silent for a minute at the complete 180.
Everyone burst into laughter .
The redhead grinned , "Wow talk about a 180. First you wanna kill us , now you're acting like a wuss."
"Guess this means we shouldn't call you Miss Yell-a-bitch anymore ." Okano smiled .
"What about Miss Hell-a-bitch?"
An urk mark appeared on Irina's forehead, "Or we could ditch the whole bitch thing?"
"I wouldn't plan about the whole bitch thing going away anytime soon."
"Professor Bitch sounds classy."
1150 words
A/n sorry for splitting an episode into two parts , I've had so much school work and writing for me takes so long , this took 2 hours and it's only just over 1000 words . I have a week break from school now so hopefully the next update will be a bit sooner .
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