Ch. 6 New teacher
~Y/n pov~
We actually did have ice-cream and ended up spending most of Koro-sensei's money , it was fun until Karma stole some of my ice-cream , then it was sad.
I walked up the mountain , ready for another day of 3-E . It was better than any classes on campus , the people were more approachable and getting to kill a teacher seemed pretty fun , although it could end horribly for me .
When home room finally came round, it wasn't just Koro-sensei who entered, Karasuma and a blonde chick also entered.
The blonde one was clinging onto Koro-sensei, though I could tell it was an act.Were they sending assassins to our school?
"Meet our newest addition to the E class faculty." Karasuma's monotone voice droned.
In an over cheerful voice the blonde said , "Hello my name is Miss Irina Jelavic, nice to meet you all!"
Koro-sensei's face turned pink as he started at her large bust, he seemed oblivious to her bad acting skills. The class however not so much, it was too over the top .
"We brought Miss Jelavic on to teach our English , no offence by the way. She is very qualified ." Karasuma said devoid of emotion.
Koro-sensei replies cheerfully , "No harm in that is there ."
I glanced over at Karma to see him just about as uninterested as I was, he was slouched back in his chair with his hands behind his head, staring into space .
"The more I look at you the more I feel drawn in! Those small, beady eyes , gelatinous joints, I'm simply captivated." She nuzzled her face against him.
After that whole fiasco , classes continued as usual, we had our English class in the afternoon so I guess we wouldn't be seeing her til later.
I simply stared out the window in class, bored by the lessons , Koro-sensei had tried to get me to listen by trying to catch me off guard with a question. However, his plan off course failed. After looking at the board for a few seconds , I told him the answer , it's not like I wasn't listening I was still half listening .
"Y/n." I felt someone shaking my shoulders.
Almost instantaneously, I snapped out of my transe and turned to face the person who shook me.
It was Karma , what a surprise !
"What?" I deadpanned .
He sighed , "It's lunch , c'mon."
Without giving me time to respond, he grabbed my arm dragging me outside .
I quickly snatched my bag up from under my desk and what a relief that was . If I hadn't of grabbed it that would mean no lunch.
Mitsuki normally didn't have time to make me lunch or breakfast in the mornings , she is usually up and baking when I wake up.
So I make breakfast for us both and I pack my own bento. Though I don't mind her not having lots of free time , she's already done so much for me.
Though, I can't help but get a bad feeling , it's only a matter of time .
I was yet again snapped out of my thoughts by Karma plopping down on the floor, looking around I noticed we were in a small clearing , far enough away to not be able to see the school through the trees .
Wordlessly , I sat down next to Karma .
"Hey are you okay? You seem pretty deep in thought ." The redhead nudged my arm slightly .
"Huh? Oh it's nothing really , I'm fine . Wait...what's this the great Karma Akabane worried ?" I teased .
Instead of retorting , he let out a small chuckle.
I pulled my lunch out of my bag, opening the lid revealed an array of rice balls and various types of fish all neatly organised .
Silence surrounded us, I frowned slightly looking up to see Karma just staring at me, I then noticed he didn't have any lunch.
Tilting my head I asked , "Are you not eating?"
He blinked before smirking mischievously, "Oh? If you insist."
Karma leaned over, instinctively making me lean away.
Then , he quickly pulled the fish off my chopsticks with his teeth.
My face flushed at the close proximity before I realised what had happened , "Hey! Not cool."
He leaned back then poured , "But I don't have any lunch , do you want me to starve."
About to retort i realised it was true , and I didn't want Karma to go without lunch.
"Fine I'll share my lunch but just this once ." I glared playfully .
He smiled , "Ok then feed me."
"You heard me ." ,He grinned , "Unless you want me to starve."
I sighed as ate half of my lunch sharing the other half with Karma .
"Fine but only this once !" I huffed, cheeks tinted pink.
I sat in the shade, watching as they played an altered version of Volleyball .
My eyes wandered to Karma , the memory of me feeding him earlier today came back making me blush profusely .
What is this effect he is having on me ?
My heart feels funny, pushing that thought away I decided to try focus on something else.
"Yoohoo!" Irina waved while running down the steps towards the others , "Hope I'm not interrupting anything . Mr Karasuma tells me you can go Mach 20!"
She reached Koro-sensei , putting my hands on his chest, "And I just had to see it with my own eyes . I hate to ask this but I would be ever so great full of you could fetch some Vietnamese tea." Irina pushed by boobs up in hopes to seduce Koro-sensei.
Of course , Koro-sensei being the pervert it is, it worked. His face turned pink , "Why of course, it just so happens I know a fabulous cafe in Vietnam."
That being said, Koro-sensei blasted off , signalling the end of Pe.
I sighed , getting up from my spot and standing near the others , Karma having seen me approach leant his arm on my shoulder, using me as an armrest .
"Hey I'm not an armrest." I complained .
Karma smirked , "You are now, you're just the right height, any shorter and I'd have to lean down . If you were Nagisa for example , he's so short I'd be leaning down , however , you are only 2 inches shorter than me so I don't really need to lean down."
Pouting I said , "Just because you're taller doesn't mean I'm an armrest!"
I pushed his arm off my shoulder , only for him to sling his arm round my shoulders pulling me to his side .
"Oh please , you love me."
Not that i would admit it, but being this close to Karma , I didn't hate it, it almost felt right .
I decided to just leave him be and pretend to ignore him.
The bell sounded , signalling the end of Pe.
"It's about that time Irina , I mean that's the bell, shouldn't we head back to class ?" Isogai smiled .
Koro-sensei being gone, Irina dropped the cheerful act, "Yeah sure whatever, knock yourselves out. A teacher needs peace and quiet though so make it a study hall."
Most people seemed took back at her attitude .
She lit a cigarette, "And another thing, let's agree not to call me Miss Irina when the octopus isn't around , we're definitely not on a first name basis so drop it . When he is around call me Miss Jelavic."
Everyone stood in silence for a while and of course , the sadist was the one to break it .
"Huh so what's your name Miss Yell-a-Bitch." He smirked .
She scowled , pointing at him , "No nicknames!"
The redhead in response ignored her , "We got a real pro here , just a word of warning . You're not gonna kill the octopus without help."
"Oh please sweetheart , you're a bunch of sad saplings . Adult have their own way of dealing with things." She smiled cockily .
For some reason, when she called Karma sweetheart my stomach flipped, what's this feeling ?
She turned to the blunette , "Speaking of which you're Nagisa Shiota right ?"
Irina walked towards him before bringing him into a French kiss, Nagisa started struggling and Kayano shrieked in shock.
I scrunched up my nose in disgust , turning away , I was startled to see Karma staring at me, "Hi?"
"You know you're cute when you scrunch your nose." He smiled genuinely .
"What?!" My face turned so red I swear I created a new shade.
Karma only chuckled at my red face , bopping my nose.
I shuffled away from him , squatting his hand away.
Everyone was so distracted with the kiss , so luckily no one noticed Karma teasing me .
We all sat in class in silent, I had pulled out my sketch pad deciding to doodle since it was obvious we wouldn't be doing any work anytime soon.
Irina just sat on her iPad , while everyone stared at her bored , some people had homework and such out.
I looked out the window trying to decide what to sketch, before deciding to draw the view out the window.
The sky was a pale blue with a few clouds dotted in it, the sun wasn't particularly bright today, but still lit up the sky. Grass was a luscious green and the trees swayed gently in the breeze .
Pulling my pencil away from my paper , I observed the final sketch outline satisfied .
Then I felt a presence close, I turned to see Karma and he was closer than I first thought .
"What are you doing?" I whispered so only he could hear not wanting to attract attention.
"You're pretty good at drawing, might come in useful." He nodded to himself before leaning back into his seat.
I raised an eyebrow not sure if I wanted to know what he meant by that.
"Miss Yell-a-bitch, are you going to teach us anything?" Maehara asked .
Irina frowned at the nickname , "STOP WITH ALL THE BITCHING! My name is Jelavic okay? Yell-a-bitch is what I'll be if you don't get the difference through your thick skull. Let's review , my name is Jelavic , with a v. Bite your lip and hum."
Everyone complied , humming a v.
"Excellent now practice that quietly for the next half hour." She smiled coyly.
The class groaned , annoyed .
1711 words
A/n sorry for not updating , next update will hopefully be sometime next week ?
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