Ch.5 assassination failures
~Y/n pov~
The next day in every lesson Karma did an assassination attempt , none of them succeeded but it was pretty funny.
Let's just say I had a lot of black mail material.
It started at the beginning of the day, the whole class sat there in silence staring at the dead octopus on Koro-sensei's desk.
We all knew who killed it.
The creature walked in all cheerful, " Good morning boys and girls."
He was puzzled when no one responded before he noticed the dead octopus .
"Whoops that's on me." The redhead chuckled , "I honestly thought it was you , innocent mistake. I stabbed it so I suppose I should get rid of it?"
The yellow octopus approached as Karma hid a knife behind his back.
The blob's tentacles turning into drills as he made takoyaki out of the dead octopus, "From your posture I can tell that you haven't eaten breakfast."
He shoved on in Karma's mouth , but he spat it out immediately.
I chuckled slightly as he glared at me.
His next attempt was in maths, our teacher was writing stuff on the board , explaining a sum while I zoned out staring out the window .
Karma pulled out a gun, shooting our teacher , of course it didn't work with his speed.
"Karma it takes an anti-me bb far to long to reach its mark . I had a bit of time on my hands , hope you don't mind if I prettified yours."
Stifling my laughter , I stealthy pulled out my phone and took a picture without Karma noticing .
I noticed Rio mouthing something to me, send me the photo.
A few moments later, her phone buzzed then she turned to me and gave me a thumbs up.
Then he did another attempt in home economics , we were cooking .
Me and Fuwa were working together when Koro-sensei came up to us and asked how we were doing .
"I'm not too sure it tastes a little bitter." Fuwa stated .
"Probably easier if you just start over from scratch." As Karma approached I stepped away slightly knowing he was up to no good .
He pushed over the pot and swung his knife .
The next thing we knew he was wearing a bright pink apron with hearts on.
"We wear a apron in home ec Karma!" The creature lectured .
I snickered , taking yet another picture .
Karma turned to me frowning .
"Lookin' good!" I joked winking .
His face turned as red as his hair as he stormed out annoyed .
It was finally lunch, I walked out of class to be greeted with Karma .
Without giving me any time to talk, he grabbed my wrist dragging me away.
"H-hey? W-what?" I silently cursed myself for stuttering .
We arrived at a secluded area, Karma flopped down pulling me with him.
He then poured catching me off guard , "Laughing at me and taking photos wasn't very nice was it?"
I giggled , "S'okay!"
Patting his red hair, I smiled , was I getting attached ? That can't be good right ??
For the rest of the day Karma continued his assassination attempts .
Of course I sent all the embarrassing photos I managed to snap to Rio , I think we were becoming quite close friends. I may even go as far as to call us best friends .
After the school day was over , Karma dragged me and Nagisa to the cliff area.
"C'mon I told you not to sweat it , we'll do the assassination together as a class." Nagisa said to Karma .
I stood next to Nagisa not doing anything in particular , Karma was sat on the branch leaning over the cliff , biting his nails in frustration.
If I was being honest I was a little worried he would fall.
"He's not like other teachers ." Nagisa continued to explain.
Karma stopped biting his nails, looking thoughtful , "Other teachers huh? You don't understand , I wanna do it on my own . Let me ask you would it tick you off to die in some random place?"
Before any of us had chance to reply, the creature approached .
"Oh Karma! I feel like taking exceptionally good care of you today. Keep trying to kill me if that tickles your fancy. I certainly don't mind."
Karma stood up and faced him , "Just so we're on the same page here , you consider yourself a teacher above all else ?"
"Of course ."
"And you wouldn't think twice of putting your life on the line for your students ."
I did not like where this was going .
"Awesome good to know , so I can kill you!" Karma pointes his gun towards our teacher before leaning back and falling off the cliff.
Without hesitation, I screamed out his name, jumping after him.
"Y/n what are you doing?" Karma panicked , quickly pulling me into an embrace as I collided my eyes ready for death.
This was a dumb decision .
Suddenly we stopped falling , I opened my eyes only to see a yellow web underneath us and Koro-sensei grinning at us .
I sighed slightly in relief , still being on top of Karma I buried my head in his neck as a few stray tears rolled down my cheeks .
"Don't do that again dumbass." I sniffed .
"Well done a good assassination attempt full marks!" Our teacher grinned his face green, "I knew your body couldn't handle being caught at that speed and if I moved any slower you would've shot me ."
Karma ignored him however and replied to me, "Sorry."
Unable to move his arms and legs due to the web , he simply buried his face in my hair as my sobs silenced .
Eventually , we got out of the web and made it back up the cliff .
Karma gave me a look as if to say we'll talk later .
Nagisa seemed pretty unfazed , "I don't get it how can you be so calm all the time ?"
"No big . What really sucks was that was my best bet. Nothing else I come up with even touches it ." Karma sighed .
"Aww running out of ideas already but I have an entire beauty regiment lined up just for you!" The yellow blob teased playfully.
"No worries reach you're still dead meat." Karma stood up, grabbing my wrist to help me up.
"That's the spirit !" Our teacher's face was red with an O on.
Karma tossed a purse up in the air and catches it a few times , "Let's go Y/n. We can grab some food on the way."
I followed after him, I mean , free food right ?
The creature panicked , "Excuse me that's my purse !"
"C'mon teach your gotta stop leaving stuff unattended in the staff room." Karma retorted cheekily .
"Give it back!" The octopus screamed .
Karma tossed it back as requested , "Here ya go."
Koro-sensei opened it only to find nothing , "It's empty !?"
"There wasn't much there to begin with, call it a donation." The redhead smirked before walking off with me in tow.
When we got a good distance away, Karma turned his attention to me.
"You were worried about me ?" He said in a teasing tone .
I felt my cheeks getting warm , "Well're my first friend ."
"Wah really? So cute~" Karma poked my cheek , continuing to tease me.
When we reached the bottom of the hill, I was about to head back to the cafe when Karma spoke up.
"I wasn't joking about the ice cream, it's on Koro-sensei so let's go!"
1287 words
A/n sorry it's a bit short but I still managed to update . I rlly like the song up top btw. Should the next chapter move on to the next episode or do you want me to include the part where they get ice cream too?
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