𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙤
"If you ruin this for me I will have a meltdown." EJ spoke through a smile as if he wasn't talking, standing next to Nova as Miss Jenn went down the line deciding who should audition with each character.
"What? Like you did when they didn't have your foot size in the new Nikes?" Nova whispered back in disbelief, "What have I ever ruined for you? You wouldn't have even gotten into theater if it wasn't for me."
"Aside from my freedom and love life? Nothing, I guess." he spoke back, their whispers slowly getting louder as Ashlyn gave a panicked look as Miss Jenn got closer down the line.
"I didn't control your freedom, you imbecile. Maybe if you didn't flirt with girls every chance you got, I would have trusted you more." Nova snapped back quickly, eyeing Miss Jenn who was getting closer to the pair, "And sorry I ruined your love life. They say that happens when you have one ex superior over the rest."
"You've got to be-" EJ began before Miss Jenn stopped infront of him, his look of disbelief turning into a bright smile.
"Give him the Troy stuff. Who are we kidding?" Miss Jenn asked as Carlos agreed, digging in the scripts.
Nova grinned as Miss Jenn scanned her over, "Very charming, beautiful smile, the need to break out of your shell but constantly feel pulled back. Am I close?"
"You've got it in the bag." Nova smiled back at her as Miss Jenn looked back at Carlos, the pair giving a nod.
"The perfect Ryan." the blonde woman gushed. Novas face fell immediately at her words. EJ snorted at the sight of Novas face, getting her pinky dug into his ribs.
"Ryan?" Nova asked as Carlos gave her the script, "I'm all for breaking gender norms but I don't think i'm a Ryan."
"Oh, sweetie, you remind me so much of him." Miss Jenn gushed with a hand on her heart. Nova gave a forced smile back as the pair moved down to Nini, EJ got stabbed in the ribs with Novas pinkie once again.
"And how about we have you read for... Kelsi?" Miss Jenn asked Nini, who stood small and nervous. Nova glanced over when silent took over, raising her eyebrows. She looked past Nova to EJ, having the girl stare forward again and keep her mouth shut.
"Gabriella." Nini corrected Miss Jenn, getting a shocked look from down the line, "I want to audition for Gabriella."
"We've going to preform so well together." Seb gushed as he ran to Novas side. Her back was turned, when he made it to her side he saw her eyes were puffy and she was whipping her face, "Oh no. If you really don't want to audition for Ryan we can-"
"No, Ryan is my favorite character." Nova shook her head and whipped her eyes, keeping her back turned, "I'm sorry, Seb. I'll be ready in just a second."
Seb hugged her tightly as Nova hugged him back, "You know what makes me feel better after a sad day?"
"What?" Nova asked, whipping her face once more and taking deep breaths to control herself.
"Naming a cow." Seb gushed with a bright smile, pulling his phone out and showing Nova the photo of a baby one, "This little guy was born last night. You can name him."
Nova laughed as she took the phone, scanning over the photo, "Alejandro?"
"I love that!" the boy infront of her smiled widely, "I'll get him a name tag when I get home."
Nova laughed with a nod, feeling better as she looked over toward EJ and Nini warming up together, "I didn't want to be the weepy ex girlfriend, I feel pathetic."
"You aren't pathetic. I'd be sad too." Seb shook his head and grabbed her shoulders, "Don't let this throw you. We're going to preform amazing together and show up everyone who's been talking bad about you."
"People are talking bad about me?" Nova asked with a sad look. Sebs face fell as he felt guilty, "What are they saying?"
"Thats you're borderline psychotic and a jealous lunatic." Carlos said as the pair turned, finding he'd been eavesdropping a few feet away. Seb gave him a knowing look as Carlos shrugged, "What? I can't lie."
"No, that's okay." Nova nodded quickly as she clutched her script, "They haven't even seen the smallest of it yet."
"Yes, girl." Seb grinned as the pair began rehearsing their lines once again.
"This can be the start of something new. It feels so right to be here with you.. Oh, and now looking in your eyes, I feel in my heart the start of something new." EJ sung for his audition as Seb and Nova sat at the piano. She clapped loudly for him, Seb giving her a worried look. Once Nova realized what she'd been doing, she sat back down with a humiliated look.
"Well, excuse me. Armie Hammer called, he wants his jawline back." Miss Jenn giggled, earning a odd look from EJ before he was nearly ran over with the piano, "Oh, okay, carful."
"Oh man, sorry about that, EJ." Nova said with fake sympathy, looking over the piano as Seb sat up, "Guess I didn't see you there."
"Didn't see me? I'm six feet tall." he said in disbelief, putting his ball under his arm better.
"Six feet tall and can't walk to save your life." Nova agreed with a nod of her head, "You are correct on that one. Could you get off the stage? I have a performance to put on."
EJ rolled his eyes at her, moving to join the rest on the floor.
"Who's that?" Miss Jenn whispered to Carlos with a intrigued look, "I like that fire."
"EJ's crazy ex." Carlos nodded his head, "A complete sweetheart once's you get to know her. Aries sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn rising, so pretty scary. Her mom is really strict on her so every now and then she gets cranky. She played Belle in the play a few years back and the understudy to Heather Chandler last year before a light fell from the ceiling and hit the original heather, Nova taking the lead."
"Ouch." Miss Jenn commented.
"Her favorite film is the third one. Her and EJ sung Can I Have This Dance at the sophomore talent show and were a power couple ever since." Carlos nodded his head, giving Seb a thumbs up as the piano began playing.
"Then what was all that angry tension I just saw? I got major Play Ball, Chad and Ryan, vibes." Miss Jenn whispered back with a eyebrow raise.
"She has trust issues for some reason and didn't want him going to a summer camp because she thought he was going to get with other girls while he was away. He broke up with her when she accused him of it and then she threw a pretty hot pizza in his face." Carlos nodded as Miss Jenn looked his way with wide eyes, "What? She was right. He got with another girl not even a month after their break up. They were together for two years."
"It's hard to believe that I couldn't see-" Nova began to sing as she sat down next to Seb.
"You were always there beside me." the pair sung in sync together, "Thought I was alone, with no one to hold. But you were always right beside me."
"This feelings like no other." Seb sung on his own with a grin, Nova taking over the end of the piano now
"I want you to know, i've never had someone that knows me like you do. The way you dooo!" The duo harmonized nicely. Novas voice was scratchy and a bit deeper then most, while Sebs was relaxing and soft, "I've never had someone that knows me like you do. The way you doooo."
The students and Miss Jenn clapped for the pair when their lyrics came to a end, the pair standing on sync with bright smiles. Miss Jenn grinned, "Sharpay and Ryan, wow!"
"We also have the same dimples, see." Nova pointed out as her and Seb smiled, showing off their similar dimiple in the left cheek.
"You do!" Miss Jenn cheered as the pair laughed.
"God, shes so good." Nini said as she looked back at Kourtney, "I'm totally dead. She hates me and will completely murder me in my sleep."
"Oh, shes just a typical ex girlfriend. You'll be fine." Kourtney waved her off as Nini sighed in relief, "Unless the rumor that she dropped the light on Heather Chandlers head last year are true."
Nini panicked before Miss Jenn began talking again, "Moving on to the Gabriellas!"
"Show off." EJ said as Nova took her spot behind him, Seb pushing the piano out of the way.
"Says the guy who cane in a Wildcats jersey with a basketball." Nova argued back, leaning over and flicking him in the back of his head, "You still have Kale and Celery behind your ear, loser."
EJ looked back at her with a glare.
kylie speaks
so soft, so sweet.
love nova, love seb.
love them all.
can not wait to get into
more one on one
relationships with
nova soon!!
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