Chapter 9: Nintendo expert in training.
(The next day)
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up around 8 AM in the morning to get ready for my first day at my Nintendo job as...well whatever Ms.Clade wants me to do. Regardless, I got dressed, making sure I was looking alright, and went straight to the office even though I forgot to eat. I made it with 10 minutes to spare and parked near the first row in the lot, I got out and walked towards the front door and was filled with excitement mixed with nervousness.
Y/N- *Deep Breath* Here we go Y/N, time to shine like a Mario star.
I walked inside the building and saw a group of people standing there with smiles and a banner that said: "Welcome to Nintendo, Y/N!"
Group- Welcome Y/N L/N!
They began to shake my hand, pat my back, and saying to me welcome. I feel good about this already, but I still wonder what I'm gonna do here exactly.
"Alright everyone, let him have some leg room.
I saw Ms.Clade coming down the front stairs holding a large white box.
Y/N- Good morning Ms.Clade.
Clade- And a good morning to you too Y/N.~
Y/N- What's inside the box?
Clade- This? This is for you, to celebrate your first morning here in the company. Hope you liked them, I custom ordered them with the theme of the company in mind, take as many as you want.~
She opened the box and saw a bunch of delicious-looking donuts that were Mario-themed.
Y/N- Wow, these are awesome, thanks Ms.Clade.
Clade- You are very welcome, and when you are ready we can begin your first-day orientation.
Y/N- Wonderful.
I chatted with the staff for a while longer eating some donuts with Claude beside me telling me funny stories that happened here and whatnot. Once I was done with my breakfast, I told everyone it was a pleasure to meet them and be there. Everyone went back to their workstations and it was just Ms.Clade and me.
Clade- So, how were our first impressions of us Y/N?
Y/N- You guys were all so nice to me on my first day so I want to thank all of you for that and for making me feel good about being here.
Clade- Oh Y/N, that made my day about what you just said, I strive to create a fun and healthy work environment here and under my leadership, I want people to continue to fondly remember Nintendo for many generations to come just like the ones who played NES a few decades before.
Y/N- I really hope to help you continue that vision and I too feel the same way with you.
Clade- Then we have a goal we want to achieve together, let's work on it together then.
We both shook our hands in agreement, and once I help with that goal, I will leave here and move on to the next job. But I won't be telling her that now, in the future I will have to.
Clade- Well Y/N, follow me to the end of this building here and we will enter another part of the place where our beta testers, game reviewers, and game testers work.
Y/N- You mean...
Clade- Yep, your gonna be my game beat tester for new games, and review for any third and indie games that come on the switch.
Y/N- That's like always been on my bucket list for a long time, but to think it's a job for me now. Insane.
Clade- *Giggles* Then, I'm gonna personally train you to become the best member of the team yet.~
Y/N- Thank you so much!
She went to show me around the place and showed me where my station will be at.
Y/N's mind- This is gonna be exciting, much more than Uber eats if I'm being honest.
(No POV)
For the first half of the day, Clade showed him the ropes of the position, how to write good reviews and notes for games, and to submit them for review. Y/N was at first having some first-day troubles but rather fast throughout the day, he got the hang of it and it was thanks to the CEO herself doing the training. After lunch, she thought that Y/N deserved a break and went to the game room where they played some rounds of Mario Kart Wii with some chips and soda. Clade was glad to see that fulling his happiness was working well and since she didn't see any other person trying to get close to him already means that her plans to make him love her is working but she also wants to later seduce him for...a night of fun.~
Clade's Mind- I know it will work soon, just me and him for the rest of our days, can't wait for that day.~
It was around 7 PM in the evening and Y/N's first day was a success, Clade gave him a pre-review and it looked very very promising for his future in the company. Even if some of it was written by pure bias. but regardless Y/N only made things better for him than he thought. He was going to go back to the hotel before he was stopped by Clade who was giving him a paper schedule for the next three weeks and some welcome papers. They actually exchanged numbers before saying their goodbyes for the day and went their ways. Y/N got back into his car but then he received a call from his old boss at GameStop, he answered the phone and the boss informed him that he should collect his last paycheck from the job. Y/N told him that he will stop by and do just that and is on his way, he hung up the phone call and drove to the place. But at the same time, another person was heading there too and had another goal in mind. To see Y/N L/N again and try to convince him to come back at once, no matter what.
"I'm coming for you Y/N and we will meet again even if it takes me all night to do so.~"
(End...for now)
This needed another chapter sooner or later and it's here now so better super late than never right? Anyway, hope you folks enjoyed it.
Oh, and since today is labor day, should I write a short one-shot in my book for the day? Well, till then see ya'll folks later!! :) :)
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