Chapter 8: The day my dreams came true.
(The next day)
(Y/N's POV)
I was walking to my job in a happy mood after yesterday, the Nintendo building tour, playing some good games, and met with the very fun and nice CEO of Nintendo, Angelica Clade. That was a good time indeed but it's time for me to get to reality which is whatever but man, would it be nice to work for Nintendo.
Y/N- That would be great.
I went inside and I see the boss restocking the PS5 games and accessories.
Boss- Hi Y/N, what's up?
Y/N- Oh nothing at all sir, just gonna clock in and ready to go.
Boss- Sure thing, once you do I'm gonna need help restocking at the Xbox and Nintendo areas.
Y/N- You got it, sir.
I clocked in and grabbed the boxes for each section and went straight to work while humming.
Y/N- *Humming the Halo theme.*
I was eating lunch at a mall's food court which had Jimmy John's so I went there to eat, anyway once I exited the court, I made my way back to the GameStop but I heard some noises as I got closer. It almost sounded like a mob of people of sorts gathering around, but to who or why? I soon saw the GameStop and I couldn't believe my eyes, there were lots of people crowding the front door and it sounded like they were in cheer but for what occasions? I tried to make it back inside but the crowd was not making it easy for me but I eventually got in and when I did, I was shocked.
It was Angelica Clade and she was talking to my boss, I don't know what is happening here!!
Y/N's mind- Is this a dream?!
Then, she turned to face me and she went straight for me and gave me a hug while in the process.
Angelica Clade- Ahh Mr.Y/N, it's good to see you again.~
Y/N- I...I...I don't know what to see about this but....damn!!
Clade- *Giggles* Well, surprise!!
She had her arm around me and had me walk around the store with my boss not having a single problem with it at all, I'm convinced he is just as shocked as I am now.
Clade- It wasn't so hard to find out where you were Y/N, I have access to Gamestop's records you know since I have about 20 percent of the company under me.
Y/N- That's rad, but my question is, what are you doing here and why did you seek me out?
Clade- Simple, I have plans for this store once I convinced the manager to sell it to me, and second, I sought you out because you are a fun, charming, and...interesting person.
Y/N- Your gonna buy this store? What does that mean for me as I'm employed here?
Clade- I was just gonna tell you that next, as for this day forward, you are now an employee for Nintendo.
My heart skipped a beat, my steps froze in shock as the words echoed through my head, a...Nintendo employee.
Y/N- This...this is for real right.
Clade- Yes sir.~
I got down on my knees, looked at her with a tear in my eye, and said...
Y/N- This is the day when my dream of working at Nintendo came true.
She handed me a tissue and I blew my nose and took a minute to calm myself down.
Clade- Welcome to my crew Y/N, take this as a token of your employment as it is dangerous to go into your new job alone without it.
My very own Mario Cappy pin, this is like a badge but cooler.
Y/N- I'm so happy right now.
Clade- I'm happy you feel this way, now let's get out of here. Oh, and don't ask me about the crowd outside, I have no idea how they know about my arrival here but I'll protect you from them.
We walked out but my boss looked at us with shock and confusion, Clade turned to him with some kind of smile.
Clade- He is mine now good sir, don't worry though, I will call you soon about a deal I think you wouldn't pass up, till then bye-bye!
We exited the store and she processed to shoo away the crowd and I just covered my face to not let anyone take any pictures of me. We went far away from them and ended up at the front exit of the mall.
Y/N- Wow, your appearance there alone drew in people, like you were a celebrity or something.
Clade- Oh mama mia, that is one of the cons of being CEO of a very well-known company, you get unwanted attention.
Y/N- At least most of them are fans and supporters, although there would be some haters in the crowd who only talks shit and do not do anything.
Clade- You got a point there Y/N, well with that done, do you want a ride to the office or...
Y/N- I drove here so I will drive over there to the building myself but thanks for the offer.
Clade- No problem Y/N, well I'll see you then.~
Y/N- See you there.
I waved bye to her and made my way to the car but I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face and dance along the way, I saw people looking at me with odd looks but I didn't bother to care cause the CEO on Nintendo gave me a job, a job that gamers would kill to have.
Y/N's mind- I win the game of luck, better than a game of Mario Party.
(Clade's POV)
I was driving back to the office building with someone I know who will get the GameStop store at that mall location under my control. The Gamestop company already gave me the green light and that was achieved by paying the CEO and his executives to give it to me and it was worth it in the end. Now, the owner of the mall property and the manager of that franchise will approve of my idea to turn it into a Nintendo Store. And as for Y/N, well he will get the hookup soon enough.
Clade's mind- And once he is trained under my wing, he will take over that store where he will be in my sights forever~
When he said he loves Nintendo, I'm gonna give the Nintendo life to him.~
(No POV)
With this all happening, the CEO of Wholefoods Elizabeth Hilton is in Redmond, Washington now and is two steps closer to Y/N, she just has to find him in the city and she has all the time, money, and connections in the world to do so. After refueling, she goes to a disclosed home outside of the city where she plans to take Y/N too where she will do "training" there for him.
Hilton's mind- I'm here and I'm coming for you Y/N.~
(End...for now)
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