Chapter 4: An unexpected day with Hilton.
(The Next Morning)
(Hilton's POV)
I woke up around 6 am in the morning to do my daily excuses, I wanted to wake up Y/N to try it with me but I didn't want to be rude like that so I let him sleep away. Besides, I'll have the chance soon enough. Anyway, I went to my indoor gym and began my routine, and while I listened to my music, I went into a fantasy mode about Y/N.
Hilton's mind- Oh, I wonder what he is like as a partner.~
Once I'm done with this, I'll do some reading and when it hits 8 am in the morning, I'll cook some breakfast for the both of us and that will wake him up for sure.
(Y/N's POV)
I was slowly waking up realizing that I was still in my normal clothing and was laying down in an unfamiliar bed, so I knew I wasn't back at the motel. I was thinking about where I was and then I remembered that I fell asleep at Hilton's house and the last thing I knew, we were watching Citizen Kane and I went out like a light.
Y/N- Did Hilton drag me here and I really was tired, like damn.
I got out of the bed and slowly walked my way out of the room and when I walked out, I smelled something very good and it was coming from downstairs. I followed the smell and it lead me to the kitchen where I see Hilton cooking something and she was ready for the day.
Hilton- Oh, good morning Y/N. Did you have a good sleep?~
Y/N- *Yawning* Yeah I did, damn I fell fast asleep didn't I?
Hilton- Yes you did, and I figured that It wouldn't be safe waking you up and having to drive all the back while feeling sleepy. You could be involved in a crash so I decided to take you to one of my guestrooms and let you stay the night.
Y/N- W-well, that was very kind of you. Thank you.
Hilton- Oh, it's no trouble at all Y/N. I'm always happy to help you, always.~
Y/N- what are you cooking? Smells nice.
Hilton- I'm making some fruit fluffy pancakes and also with plates of bacon, eggs, and some top-of-the-line coffee.
Y/N- Sounds like it's gonna be a good morning.
Hilton- And that's not all, but we'll take about it when I'm done.
I went to sit down at the table and waited till it was all ready, then finally it was done.
Hilton- All done Y/N! What do you think?~
Wow!! Hilton knows how to impress!
Y/N- They look very good Hilton, thanks for breakfast.
Hilton- You are very welcome Y/N, take a plate and serve yourself.~
I went to grab a plate and got some pancakes, three slices of bacon, some of the eggs, and took my cup of coffee. I took the first bite of the pancake and the flavor just melted right into my taste buds.
Y/N- Mmm~. It's good.
Hilton- *Giggles~*
I went to the bacon and eggs and it was equally as delicious. Then to wash it all down was some coffee which was strong but it tasted good that way for some odd reason, I wonder what kind of beans or brand she uses.
Y/N- Wow, this is very good.
Hilton- My pleasure Y/N, and speaking of which, I got an idea.
Y/N- Hmm?
Hilton- How about we spend the day together? We can go wherever you want to go, and it's all my treat. What do you say?
I thought about it for a moment and since I go back to work tomorrow, I might as well take up her offer.
Y/N- Sure, sounds like a plan.
Hilton- Great, let's eat our breakfast first then we can go out.
We continued to eat and talk about just random stuff, a surprisingly good morning so far. I wonder what the rest of the day will be like.
(No POV)
After their meal, Hilton and Y/N drove downtown and were thinking about where to go first, Y/N thought that they should go see a movie and Hilton chose the IPIC theater as their destination. Y/N chose the movie Spiderman: No way Home. Hilton agreed to it and bought the tickets and headed over there.
(Y/N's POV)
We arrived at the IPIC theatre and went to the room where it was being played in and went to our seats which were at the top spots. We sat down in our seats and I was surprised to see blankets, a mini-table, and some buttons on the side of the lounge chairs.
Y/N- Whoa, this is nice.
Hilton- I went to this place once and that was when I was about 16 years old with my dad.
Y/N- Oh really? What movie did you see with him?
Hilton- I think it was Avatar, I don't really remember but I knew it was a science-fiction movie.
Y/N- Very cool. Well, I can't wait for the newest movie in the series so this should be fun.
Hilton- I have never seen any of the movies so this should be interesting.
Then an employee walked up to us and asked for our orders, I order a coke and she order simple sparkling water. While that was on its way, I got myself super comfy by wrapping myself in the blanket, adjusting the chair, and taking off my shoes.
Hilton- Oh wow Y/N, you sure know how to make yourself comfortable.
Y/N- Just trying to take advantage of the amenities in this place, you know.
Hilton- *Giggles* It's amusing to see. Go ahead, I'm not gonna stop you.~
Y/N- Yeah.
I took a look at the menu to see what kind of snacks they got here, and teach Hilton a little bit about the Spider-man movies.
(Timeskip to after the movie)
The movie was very good and Hiltons reaction to it was amazing, to say the least, and I may just introduce her to the MCU universe.
Hilton- That was a very good movie Y/N, especially the ending, which was happily sad.
Y/N- I know right, and I say you should watch some of the other movies when you have the chance.
Hilton- I might do so, a very good movie choice.
Y/N- I had a gut feeling that you would like it, and it paid out in the end.
Hilton- Seems so, well what do you want to do next?
Y/N- Well, I am hungry, not gonna lie.
Hilton- What? You know that IPIC had meals you can order.
Y/N- Yeah I know, but I didn't want you to spend that much for me you know, it would seem kinda wrong. At least that's how I feel.
Hilton- Oh Y/N, you don't have to worry about that. I want to spend money on you, you are a humble, nice and interesting person and I'm glad I get to do this at all. So, no worry at all.
Y/N- Then, how about you choose where to eat. I'm done for anything then.
Hilton- I know where to go. Come on, let's go.
We exited the theater and back to the car, thinking about where she was gonna take me to for lunch.
We were close to where the GPS's directions were telling us and I looked around the area and it looked high-class, the roads, the budlings, some of the shops, and even the cars were all high-class looking.
*We have made it to your destination.*
I looked ahead and the place looked...
Hilton- We're here Y/N, come on.
We got out of the car and headed to the entrance, once we went inside, the place had a calm yet very elegant environment which made much sense but I had never been to places like this so this is all new to me.
Hilton- Table for two, please?
Employee- Right this way.
The person lead us to our table and everyone looked like wealthy aristocrats and I'm the lucky countryman that made a powerful ally. We made it to our booth and the place got even fancier. And it was a booth too.
Employee- Here you go. Enjoy your stay and your server will be attending to you in a moment.
Hilton- Thank you very much.
We sat down and got ourselves comfy.
Hilton- So, what do you think Y/N? Like it here?~
Y/N- It's something I have never been to so this should be... a change.
Hilton- Good, get ready to taste a lap of luxury.~
Y/N's mind's- I swear I'm shaking from the coziness of wealth that is here.
After some time to get used to the environment, I was in, I began to feel at home and the menu was very interesting to see and I got to order a very fancy steak dinner with some surprise sides with it but I wanted to sparkling water instead of wine, despite Hilton drinking her second glass already.
Hilton- Having fun yet Y/N?
Y/N- Yes, once I got over the fact I was in a high-class place in an area where someone with my salary could only dream of living.
Hilton- I'm glad you're honest about it, someone in your wage could never survive a day here while me on the other hand...*Hiccup* could.
Y/N- Your good?
Hilton- Yeah, I'm fine. Just the wine is good here you know.
Y/N- *Chuckle* I'll bet.
We counted to chat away till we got our food and Hilton was enjoying her wine like it was grape juice.
(No POV)
The day went on and while the two were enjoying themselves, Hilton was getting a little drunk from her fourth glass of wine. And Y/N was enjoying his plate very much as he thinks he could never have this kind of food again.
Hilton- *Hiccup* Say...has anyone told you that you are...*Hiccup* handsome?~
Hilton- Well...*Hiccup* You are.~ *Giggles*
Y/N blushed at that comment but he assumed that it was just the wine talking and not her actual thoughts, so Y/N listened to every word and somewhat agreed to it all.
Hilton- It's...*Hiccup* getting late, I say you drive me home, is that alright?
Y/N- My pleasure Hilton.
Then the waiter went to check on them and Y/N said to bring out the check. After having to listen to some of Hiltons talk, the check came through and Hilton got out her credit card which had a shiny black color to it. After the bill was paid, Y/N held on to Hilton so she couldn't fall or trip over anything while she is in this state.
Hilton- *Hiccup* My my Y/N, what a gentleman you are.~ *Hiccup*
They made it to the car and Y/N drove her back to her house.
Sometime later...
Y/N arrived safely back to her home and parked her car inside the garage, once inside, he turned off the car and slowly got Hilton out, and escorted her to her bedroom.
Hilton- That was the best...*Hiccup* day ever!
Y/N- It sure was, thank you by the way.
Hilton- Your welcome!~
Y/N found her room and made sure she laid there properly then he was leaving the place till...
Hilton- Wait!
Y/N- Yeah?
Hilton- Let me...reward you for your help.~
Y/N- Uhh... you don't have to do that. It's fine.
Hilton signaled him to come closer to her and when he did, he was confused about what she meant.
Y/N- So...what do you mean reward?
Hilton then leaped close to him aiming her lips with his lips, she kissed him and Y/N didn't know what to do but stood there in shock. Hilton went for the kiss before she stopped and smiled at him with a seductive look.
Hilton- Night night Y/N.~
Y/N didn't say anything else and only walked out of her house and went to his car after grabbing his car keys. Y/N drove back to the motel in silence and only had one thought in his mind.
Y/N's mind- What. Was. That?
(End...for now)
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