Chapter 3: A dinner with Hilton.
(Y/N's POV)
It was a nice Saturday morning with the best part being that today and tomorrow I don't work so I have some time to kill and with these saved up tips I get from Hilton, I can maybe treat myself a little bit I mean I deserve a little bit, do I?
Y/N- I sure do.
I made myself some breakfast, laid down on the bed, and turned on the TV to catch up on the news lately. But then not long after, I got a text message on my phone and I went to check who was it. I opened my messages and saw it was Hilton who texted me.
"Hilton- Good morning Y/N, did you have a good sleep?"
I texted back to her saying that I slept fine and asked what she was doing.
"Hilton- Just doing some work, as usual, being a CEO is hard work you know."
I just commented yeah I bet to her and that did get me thinking that being a CEO of a multi-million dollar brand is a lot of work.
"Hilton- So anyway, what are you doing at the moment?"
I just said to her that I was laying down, watching some TV and whatnot.
"Hilton- I see, well I have an idea to spice up your day.~"
I questioned what's that.
"Hilton- I get off of work early today so maybe...I can personally invite you to my home to repay you back for the excellent service you gave me these past few days. Would you be up for that?"
An invitation to a CEO's home? That's gotta be anyone's dream to dine with the rich, but I earned it this time. So, I gotta take this deal. I texted her I would be glad to go and I added some smiling emojis with it.
"Hilton- That's great, how about you come around 8 pm tonight? Or maybe earlier or later if you want?"
I texted 8 pm is fine and I'll come in with a growling stomach too.
"Hilton- Haha, well I'll see you then Y/N. Till then, see you soon.~"
I said bye to her and now I had some shopping to do, partially for something very nice to wear.
Y/N- I got about $500 in saved tips so maybe I can go to a place where I never thought I would go to and that's Men's warehouse.
Then I look upon my phone the cheapest suits I can get and a medium-sized custom made suit is about $280 plus taxes. I saved the image and went to my car to drive over there.
After a couple of hours of going shopping to look nice, I went back to my room with the suit, some cologne, and some hairspray. I took a very good shower and then, I made sure to use the cologne and hairspray wisely. Then, I dried myself and put on the suit carefully to avoid any wrinkles on it. I looked at myself and the mirror and thought I looked slick.
Y/N- Oh yeah, looking good over there boy.
Some cool poses later and I saw a text message of Hilton sending me the address to her place, I was just about to text her about it, who knew. Anyway, I texted her saying that I'm on my way now then grabbed everything else important and drove over there feeling nervous.
Y/N's mind- Keep it cool Y/N, just be yourself and everything will be fine.
I was almost there at her house and the directions said to turn right and keep straight and I will reach my destination. I got closer and I knew I was in the right way cause this...
Definitely belongs to a CEO. I arrived at the gate and pressed it to call Hilton.
Y/N- Hi Hilton, it's me Y/N.
"Oh, Y/Nm so glad you came here! Hold on, I'll open the gate ok?"
Y/N- Ok.
Not long after, the gate opened and I parked near the garages. I took one last time to ease myself and hyped myself for tonight. Then, I locked the car and went to the front door, and rang the door.
*Ding Dong!*
I heard her voice getting closer to the door, I was shaking a little bit but it's fine.
Y/N's mind- Here we go Y/N, don't screw this up, you can do this. You can do this.
*Deep breath*
The door opened and there was Hilton.
Hilton- Welcome Y/N! And look at you, looking classy.~
Y/N- Uh, yeah thank you, you look good yourself.
Hilton- *Giggle* thank you very much. Well, come in! Make yourself at home.~
I nodded and went inside not helping myself from admiring the house.
Hilton- A nice place I got huh?
Y/N- Yeah, I've never set foot in houses like this before.
Hilton- Then let this be your very first, in my home.~
I walked around more and I went to the living room where the biggest fanciest TV I ever saw was here, along with the bookshelf filled with good books. The couches, lamps, and everything else smell money, but that's the power of being the boss, you can get good shit like this.
Hilton- Dinner will be done in 10 minutes so you can lay back on the couches and watch some TV if you want. I also have streaming apps like Netflix, Hulu, and even HBO max.
Y/N- Sounds good, thank you.
Hilton- No problem Y/N.
I sat down and turned on the TV and went to HBO max see what kind of shows or movies is there.
Y/N- Let's see what goodies I'll find here.
*10 minutes later...*
I was watching some good ol' Citizens Kane when I heard a chime bell ringing from the back.
Hilton- Y/N, dinner's ready!
I paused the movie and went to the dining room and saw what was on the table and it looked very good.
Hilton- Here you go Y/N, dinner is served.~
Y/N- Wow! That looks very good, you must be some kind of skilled cook.
Hilton- Oh, well I guess I can say now that three years in cooking school wasn't a waste after all. Enough about that, come and sit down.
I sat in my seat and she handed me my plate and it felt very warm and kind of heavy, probably from the amount of fine food on this plate alone.
Hilton- Well Y/N, dig in and tell me what do you think of it.
I took my fork and cut a piece of the steak with some of the mashed potatoes and took a bite. The steak was very juicy, soft, and had some spices to it that only enhanced the steak. And the mashed potatoes were soft, buttery, and had a pinch of pepper.
Y/N- I..don't know what to say about this but really good!
Hilton- Oh thank god, I wanted to make it very special for you and made sure everything was the best it is and I'm glad that my hard work paid off in the end.
Y/N- You have some talent and skill Hilton, maybe you would've been an amazing chef and who knows, impress Gordon Ramsey himself.
Hilton- O-oh Y/N, your...too kind but I really appreciate it.
I continued to eat my food along with Hilton eating hers as well, everything was fine and dandy here.
Hilton- I forgot the drinks, here excuse me for a second.
She to her pantry where she pulled out some bottles of some of the finely aged wine.
Hilton- Ok, here are some glasses and some of my best for this special night.~
She popped the top off and poured both glasses with the stuff. Then she sat back down and held her glass in the air.
Hilton- To us.~
Y/N- Mm-hm, to us.
We clinked our glasses and drank, the taste was very strong but it had a slow sweet taste to it that comes at the very end of the sip.
Y/N- Ahh~
Hilton- I'm glad you handled it well, you seem to handle your alcohol good.
Y/N- I rarely drink at all, so maybe some beginner's luck. I don't know but this wine is very interesting in its taste.
Hilton- Yup, saving that for any special occasions and this time is a very special one indeed.
Y/N- Yup.
We drank some more glasses and talked well into the night.
Y/N's mind- Best night ever!
(Hilton's POV)
Y/N and I were watching the movie Citizen Kane he chose but I noticed that Y/N was getting sleepier and couldn't open his eyes long.
Hilton- Are you ok Y/N?~
Y/N- I...*Hiccup* am fine...maybe?
This could be my chance.~
Hilton- You must be tired with that drinking, you can stay here for the night, I really won't mind at all...not in the slightest.~
Y/N- No...*Hiccup* I don't want to be a...*Hiccup* bother.
Hilton- Shhh~ It's ok Y/N just relax next to me and your perfectly fine by me, you're not bothering me at all. Shhh.
I patted his head and his body moved slower and slower till I heard my cue.
Thats when I turned off the TV and carried him to my bedroom and laid him down gently. I got some ultra-comfy blankets and laid each layer onto him. Soon, he was just right and I kissed him on the lips, that's one thing I always wanted to do off the list.~
Hilton- Sweet dreams Y/N.~
I slowly made my way out of the room and closed the door behind me, then headed my way to the kitchen to clean up and I will go to sleep for the night. Tonight was the best night of my life.
Hilton's mind- I will always be with you now Y/N, your not leaving out of my life ever.~
(End...for now)
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